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So what form does the resistance take?

But was it just the protest or was it also the large number of US soldiers being killed daily? I remember seeing that number being flashed on the screen every night during every news broadcast.

Uh, the body bags coming home was a main reason for the protests going mainstream......
Honestly, I think Vance will be able to walk away from whatever happens, saying "my boss got some things wrong, but I've got it worked out", meanwhile taking credit for anything that was popular. Watch him like a hawk. I'm guessing that the grooming began before his debate with Walz
Problem for Vance is he has no real following within the GOP. Many see him as a rank opportunist and distrust him.
I hope you're wrong, but if things do go to hell under trump, and I just have this feeling that they will, especially since his whole cabinet will be asleep rather than awake, Vance'll have to take his lumps as VP just like Harris did.

And I can't remember who said it in here (paraphrasing of course), but if the economy goes south, they won't want another 4 years of trump 3.0.

And the economy WILL go south for two reasons.

One will be that deporting all those folks (who, if you're honest, keep our vegetables and meats relatively cheap) will help raise the price of those farm items, and two, adding all those tariffs on top of that, it's obvious what'll happen... unless you're damn stupid.

The maga weirdoes may try to blame it on Harris, but as part of my resistance, I will attack them as the hypocritical, lying idiots that they are.

For example: "Wait a minute, in the last election, you blamed everything wrong (high inflation etc.) on the VP, so why shouldn't the same thing be true this time around?"

With more colorful language of course.

Of course, I may be wrong, but we'll know for sure four years from now. So, in other words...

Vive la résistance!!!

I'm not at all convinced the economy will go south, in fact that is my greatest fear, as I mentioned in several other posts.
Authoritarian regimes always find a way to artificially boost the economy, often by declaring war to use wartime production and employment to keep things going. In Trump's case I doubt he will declare war (although he probably will make war more likely) but he has already announced his strategy on inflation, and it could work. He will drill, drill, drill every drop of fossil fuel out of the land, including massive drilling on federally protected wilderness areas and even national parks. The sudden influx of fuel will result in lower transport costs and will drive the price of commodities down. Nevermind that it will destroy the environment and accelerate climate change. Meanwhile, OPEC & co will keep prices low cause they don't want to drive their customers towards a greener future. I hope I'm wrong and his complete ineptitude negates the deviousness of this plan.
Problem for Vance is he has no real following within the GOP. Many see him as a rank opportunist and distrust him.
Trump had little following either at first. Vance learned from Trump how to win over the masses--he describes it perfectly in this article from 8 years ago:
I'm not at all convinced the economy will go south, in fact that is my greatest fear, as I mentioned in several other posts.
Authoritarian regimes always find a way to artificially boost the economy, often by declaring war to use wartime production and employment to keep things going. In Trump's case I doubt he will declare war (although he probably will make war more likely) but he has already announced his strategy on inflation, and it could work. He will drill, drill, drill every drop of fossil fuel out of the land, including massive drilling on federally protected wilderness areas and even national parks. The sudden influx of fuel will result in lower transport costs and will drive the price of commodities down. Nevermind that it will destroy the environment and accelerate climate change. Meanwhile, OPEC & co will keep prices low cause they don't want to drive their customers towards a greener future. I hope I'm wrong and his complete ineptitude negates the deviousness of this plan.

True, I can't guarantee that the economy will go south, but I'm not going to idly sit by and wait, and besides, whether it does or doesn't...

Vive la résistance!!!

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Its over guys. Most of the LEO's, military, and people with guns are for the autocracy.
I'm not at all convinced the economy will go south, in fact that is my greatest fear, as I mentioned in several other posts.
Authoritarian regimes always find a way to artificially boost the economy, often by declaring war to use wartime production and employment to keep things going. In Trump's case I doubt he will declare war (although he probably will make war more likely) but he has already announced his strategy on inflation, and it could work. He will drill, drill, drill every drop of fossil fuel out of the land, including massive drilling on federally protected wilderness areas and even national parks. The sudden influx of fuel will result in lower transport costs and will drive the price of commodities down. Nevermind that it will destroy the environment and accelerate climate change. Meanwhile, OPEC & co will keep prices low cause they don't want to drive their customers towards a greener future. I hope I'm wrong and his complete ineptitude negates the deviousness of this plan.
How is he going to get the oil co's to drill themselves into bankruptcy (his words)? What work force are they going to find to do all this drilling? Where is all the steel going to come from for new refineries, which have very long lead times.

No we're either A) going to start raising interest rates til everything crashes. or B) congress will give Trump the power to set rates, in which case we will see double digit inflation.
So....what exactly are we going to do as a resistance, anyway? Mostly post clever barbs on twixxer or Blueski or whatever, or are we gonna burn some ◊◊◊◊ down or what? Passive resistance is for weenies.
True, I can't guarantee that the economy will go south, but I'm not going to idly sit by and wait, and besides, whether it does or doesn't...

Vive la résistance!!!

This was the rallying cry of people who had touched grass and were willing to put their lives on the line to make a real difference. By killing if necessary. By dying, if necessary.
What resistance are you willing to kill for? To die for?

Vive la empty platitudes.
This was the rallying cry of people who had touched grass and were willing to put their lives on the line to make a real difference. By killing if necessary. By dying, if necessary.
What resistance are you willing to kill for? To die for?

Vive la empty platitudes.
Not...totally empty, man. We've got rhetoric and memes and witty rejoinder and stuff.
This was the rallying cry of people who had touched grass and were willing to put their lives on the line to make a real difference. By killing if necessary. By dying, if necessary.
What resistance are you willing to kill for? To die for?

Vive la empty platitudes.

Maybe YOU think it's all about dying or killing, but that would make me no better than the stupid maga idiots.

What I'm talking about is the résistance clothed by words and a persuasive arguement that no matter how bad you lose in an election you WILL NEVER GIVE IN to the maga weirdoes who have nothing but lies and hate and delusion to hold them together, so...

Vive la résistance!!!

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So....what exactly are we going to do as a resistance, anyway? Mostly post clever barbs on twixxer or Blueski or whatever, or are we gonna burn some ◊◊◊◊ down or what? Passive resistance is for weenies.

Passive résistance is doing nothing at all and just bending over and getting kicked in the butt again. If that's what you and everyone here wants to do, then to hell with this thread.

Passive résistance is doing nothing at all and just bending over and getting kicked in the butt again. If that's what you and everyone here wants to do, then to hell with this thread.

Hey, I started this thread, so I don't want it to go to hell, not even limbo really.
I think the resistance must happen and it should be non violent, studies have shown that non violent movements are generally more successful than violent ones.
But contrary to Prestige's dismissal of it all, I think it is a cause worth fighting for, forcefully if that is what it comes down to.
The complete destruction of the planet by people willing to send us all to extinction by ignoring our many contributions to ecologic collapse, the
exponential widening of the gulf between the uber rich and everyone else, the capitalist and/or autocratic subjugation of everyone else, the attack on women, minorities, anyone other than straight white men (my own class!), the burial of scientific progress and return to the dark ages...these are all threats worth fighting against IMHO, with more than just witty memes.
Hey, I started this thread, so I don't want it to go to hell, not even limbo really.
I think the resistance must happen and it should be non violent, studies have shown that non violent movements are generally more successful than violent ones.
But contrary to Prestige's dismissal of it all, I think it is a cause worth fighting for, forcefully if that is what it comes down to.
The complete destruction of the planet by people willing to send us all to extinction by ignoring our many contributions to ecologic collapse, the
exponential widening of the gulf between the uber rich and everyone else, the capitalist and/or autocratic subjugation of everyone else, the attack on women, minorities, anyone other than straight white men (my own class!), the burial of scientific progress and return to the dark ages...these are all threats worth fighting against IMHO, with more than just witty memes.

Sorry stanfr, I'm sick and tired of folks talking about doing stuff but only complaining and hating and doing nothing else.

I've been called a nazi just because I'm a reasonable republican and don't want to lie and say I'm a dem, but I've also been out on the firing lines in MSN and fox forums fighting for the dems, protesting the war in Iraq, and so on and so on, and all I get is hate from the stupid ENs.

Nothing against you. You've been decent, but I don't need this crap.

So....what exactly are we going to do as a resistance, anyway? Mostly post clever barbs on twixxer or Blueski or whatever, or are we gonna burn some ◊◊◊◊ down or what? Passive resistance is for weenies.
The term is Poltroon: someone who brags before a battle about what great deeds he will do but then chickens out.
*Kent State students raise a finger*
Like it or not, it was the "Average American" turning against the war the caused it to end.
I've been giving it some thought...and I think the best way to unite the opposition is with a slogan. That's part of why MAGA was so successful.
So how about "ISAT": I Stand Against Trumpism?
Dems need something clever and big as their program, and fast, whether they get it done or not. the important thing is to change the conversation.

Like for example a significant Estate Tax ... unless you give the money to your Grandkids instead of children.
What proportion of estates even attract an estate tax ?

Here in the UK with a much, much lower threshold it's around 5%. Why do the Democrats have to work so hard to protect the interests of the very richest in society at the expense of the vast majority? It's even more iniquitous when you consider that inherited wealth actually worsens income and wealth inequality.
What proportion of estates even attract an estate tax ?
Here in the UK with a much, much lower threshold it's around 5%. Why do the Democrats have to work so hard to protect the interests of the very richest in society at the expense of the vast majority? It's even more iniquitous when you consider that inherited wealth actually worsens income and wealth inequality.
(1)completely irrelevant - it's about establishing a principle that there is such a thing as Too Much Wealth, and that money should go to those who have the least.
It's like the Pre/Earlier Reagan income tax rate of 95%: basically no one was paying that because no company would give anyone a salary that high, because there would have been no point.

(2)Basic reason IMO is laziness and desire to belong to a higher peer group: in the US, fundraising for your next election is a constant effort that takes a lot of time - much much easier and quicker to just find a sugar daddy, you might even tell yourself that this way you have more time to deal with the needs of your constituents (after the needs of the sugar daddy are taken care of).
And, as Clarence Thomas so aptly demonstrated, there is the second-hand glow you get when the billionaires let you hang out with them and treat you like you are hot ◊◊◊◊. Much more agreeable than going to workers' meetings and get told that you have not yet done nearly enough.

And then there is a Major US industry of "Think" Tanks, i.e. institutions who launder a hyper-capitalist ideology through some scientific-sounding mumbo-jumbo to create a paper trail of populations that a politician can rely on to back them up when they want to pretend that eliminating Medicare would actually be a good thing.
Passive résistance is doing nothing at all and just bending over and getting kicked in the butt again. If that's what you and everyone here wants to do, then to hell with this thread.

Depends on the form of passive resistance. One thing the COVID lockdowns taught us is the Capital Class in the US is frighteningly vulnerable to a General Strike. Imagine if 50 million people just did not go to work for a week...
Since the GOP destroyed unions' power in the USA, a general strike will never happen.
Since the GOP destroyed unions' power in the USA, a general strike will never happen.
The future is not written. After the 2004 election, Bush was easily re-elected, and the GOP increased their majorities in the House and Senate.

Four years later, Americans were ready to vote for a black Democrat whose middle name was Hussein and whose father was a Muslim.
Depends on the form of passive resistance. One thing the COVID lockdowns taught us is the Capital Class in the US is frighteningly vulnerable to a General Strike. Imagine if 50 million people just did not go to work for a week...
Or a women's strike, like the ones in Iceland. Although I doubt you'll be able to get over 90% of American women to sign up.
Or a women's strike, like the ones in Iceland. Although I doubt you'll be able to get over 90% of American women to sign up.
Won't happen in the USA, until unions become more powerful. In European countries, they can do this because so many people are unionized that a general strike can be organized. The GOP has ensured that such power by working people is diminished.
At the state level, resistance by ballot initiative has worked a bit. But lawmakers try to stall and pass laws limiting the ballot measure that just passed. Abortion in Missouri.
Yesterday, I drove to the Missouri Capitol to testify against something that has already been resolved. Abortion.

I thought I would share my testimony to the committee. This was my one thing yesterday. This was my act of defiance and resistance.

Here is my testimony:

Hello. My name is Jess Piper and I am here to testify against HJR 54. This resolution is an attempt to overturn the will of Missouri voters.

The Republicans who are behind this fake resolution claim to represent rural people. They don’t and I am here to set that record straight.

I am a rural mom to five and grandmother to four. I live in Northwest Missouri and I am angry about the overreach of the Missouri GOP. I am here to testify on the disrespect – the absolute disdain – shown to every Missouri voter by some of the folks in this room.

Amendment 3 passed in Missouri. There is no reason why I had to drive eight hours round trip to testify against an abortion restriction. Why can’t you just accept the will of your constituents?

I collected signatures for Amendment 3 in some of the most rural areas of this state. Brookfield is a town of 4,000 and when I pulled up to set up my table and gather signatures, there were folks in the parking lot waiting. A woman signed her name and then texted her Bible group to remind them to come sign the amendment.
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Ineffectual hair pulling and acting like everything he says or does is as though he had just invaded and ethnically cleansed Gaza.
Ineffectual hair pulling and acting like everything he says or does is as though he had just invaded and ethnically cleansed Gaza.
In 2016, my partner and I went to a geekdom/fandom convention. We had a great time. Attended some interesting panels, saw some really fun and exciting performances, and met a lot of really great people.

One of the events we attended was essentially a venting/comforting panel about the upcoming election. It looked like Trump might beat Clinton, and a lot of the attendees were understandably stressed about this possibility. Some of the convention speakers took turns giving their messages of hope and encouragement, and attendees were given a chance to voice their fears and receive support from the rest of the audience. It was very moving.

I came to the conclusion that probably the best reason for Trump not to win the election was that if he did, a lot of really nice people were probably going to experience a severe emotional breakdown of some kind, and perhaps not recover. I'd almost rather Hillary win, then see these people suffer any more than they already had.

Nothing I've seen in the years since suggests to me that I was wrong in my assessment.
I'm not at all convinced the economy will go south, in fact that is my greatest fear, as I mentioned in several other posts.
Authoritarian regimes always find a way to artificially boost the economy, often by declaring war to use wartime production and employment to keep things going. In Trump's case I doubt he will declare war (although he probably will make war more likely) but he has already announced his strategy on inflation, and it could work.
Ummm... Trump has said he is going to impose Tariffs and deport migrant workers. Both of those have the potential of increasing inflation. Any attempts by Trump to control inflation will be overwhelmed.

He will drill, drill, drill every drop of fossil fuel out of the land, including massive drilling on federally protected wilderness areas and even national parks. The sudden influx of fuel will result in lower transport costs and will drive the price of commodities down.
Ummm... no it won't.

Even if Trump permits drilling for oil on every square inch of US soil:
- Energy is one factor in a product pricing, but it is not the only factor. Labor, other raw materials, corporate profits, etc. all contribute to pricing
- It takes YEARS to explore, locate, drill for oil, build the infrastructure to get it to refineries, etc. Even if the added oil supply somehow drops energy prices, it won't have an effect probably until after Trump has left office
- Fossil fuels are sometimes, but not always, cheaper. But Trump is hostile to renewables, which are dropping in price on a regular basis and could in some cases be cheaper.

And of course that is all assuming the oil companies WANT to expand their drilling. Ultimately they want to maximize profits. Drilling a bunch of oil wells and seeing the price of oil drop might be considered bad business.
Ummm... Trump has said he is going to impose Tariffs and deport migrant workers. Both of those have the potential of increasing inflation. Any attempts by Trump to control inflation will be overwhelmed.

Ummm... no it won't.

Even if Trump permits drilling for oil on every square inch of US soil:
- Energy is one factor in a product pricing, but it is not the only factor. Labor, other raw materials, corporate profits, etc. all contribute to pricing
- It takes YEARS to explore, locate, drill for oil, build the infrastructure to get it to refineries, etc. Even if the added oil supply somehow drops energy prices, it won't have an effect probably until after Trump has left office
- Fossil fuels are sometimes, but not always, cheaper. But Trump is hostile to renewables, which are dropping in price on a regular basis and could in some cases be cheaper.

And of course that is all assuming the oil companies WANT to expand their drilling. Ultimately they want to maximize profits. Drilling a bunch of oil wells and seeing the price of oil drop might be considered bad business.
well I posted that a while ago and as I said I was concerned but not making any predictions. So far it is seeming less likely but it's early in the game...I hope I was wrong!
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