I hope you're wrong, but if things do go to hell under trump, and I just have this feeling that they will, especially since his whole cabinet will be asleep rather than awake, Vance'll have to take his lumps as VP just like Harris did.
And I can't remember who said it in here (paraphrasing of course), but if the economy goes south, they won't want another 4 years of trump 3.0.
And the economy WILL go south for two reasons.
One will be that deporting all those folks (who, if you're honest, keep our vegetables and meats relatively cheap) will help raise the price of those farm items, and two, adding all those tariffs on top of that, it's obvious what'll happen... unless you're damn stupid.
The maga weirdoes may try to blame it on Harris, but as part of my resistance, I will attack them as the hypocritical, lying idiots that they are.
For example: "Wait a minute, in the last election, you blamed everything wrong (high inflation etc.) on the VP, so why shouldn't the same thing be true this time around?"
With more colorful language of course.
Of course, I may be wrong, but we'll know for sure four years from now. So, in other words...
Vive la résistance!!!