No, an honest determination that each of the layers people keep putting into the JFK Assassination, increases the complexity exponentially and decreases the odds of such a plan being undetected for any length of time.
Multiple shooters - how to explain bullet tracks from multiple angles as coming from a single shooter;
how to time the shots;
why put people in really bad angles for shooting (the grassy knoll is not a good vantage point for the shot); and
why have shooter who are exposed?
Wounds altered - photos end up being taken throughout the process, so how do you modify the wounds in such a way so as not to cause suspicion at the time and later?
Why bother at all
Selection of a "patsy" - how do you prevent the patsy from having an airtight alibi (the conspirators would have looked awfully silly if LHO had been in the hospital that day for instance);
Ease of countering - this whole matter could have been stopped by three things:
1. The weather - rain would have caused them to use either a hard-top or to put the top on the convertible at a minimum - LHO or any other shooter would not have been able to get a shot;
2. Choice of vehicle - the choice of the convertible was JFK's idea, the secret Service wanted him in a hard-top, and JFK overruled them. Or was JFK in on it as well;
3. Different routes - any route other than through Dealy Plaza and LHO isn't going to be useful
A bullet would necessarily have to be retrieved before it could be examined. I think what you are trying to say is how could he be sure any second bullets wouldn't be found? The answer is that the total scene was under covert control. If you had more credible knowledge you would realize the plotters panicked and replaced a pointed hunting round found at Parkland with a magic bullet. The plotters panicked and assumed an errant bullet was found so the desperately swapped it. Ironic because most likely it was a totally unrelated bullet found on another stretcher. If you watch Bob Harris' Magic Bullet You-Tube video you'll see another errant bullet was lost from Connally's stretcher. Finally, Buddy Walthers and some intel agents ditched a bullet they picked-up on the south lawn. There's plenty of evidence showing how they did it for people who are actually looking for it instead of entering useless ruminating diversions.
Not sure where you keep getting this "pointed hunting round" nonsense from. The bullet in the photos and reports is a full metal jacket round. Hunters do NOT use FMJ rounds for hunting, they prefer to use ones that will deform and remain in the body doing maximum tissue damage.
The bullet recovered matches the type found in LHO's rifle.
Why would they need to? That was just coincidence.
Not having the shooters shooting at the same time ends up being pretty conclusive evidence of multiple shooters.
Frazier might be going along under intimidation. Do you know he was hunted as a suspect at first and interrogated? Dougherty said he saw Oswald arrive that morning without any such package. But Oswald was a covert agent, so he could have been ordered to do that and was just following orders.
You have a skewed view of how people in military or para-military organizations work. In my experience, very few people are so committed to an organization that they will allow themselves to be implicated in obviously criminal activity. If I were to tell one of my soldiers to do something that would get them arrested I would be encouraged to perform an unnatural act with my hat (might be worded more crudely though).
By ordering him into the lunch room where he was during the shooting. And by having a CIA double just in case they needed to put his face somewhere.
There's a whole new level of complexity - now in addition to making sure that LHO doesn't spill the beans, etc. you also need to ensure that the double doesn't, and the surgical team that did the plastic surgery.
By only taking one shot and pulling the gun back behind the fence. The pros know all attention will be focused on the visiting president. Do you think CIA is so dumb as to not have a plan B where they frame Cuban shooters as being in league with Oswald in case they got caught? Remember, they confiscated Zapruder's film and sent it to the CIA's NPIC lab saturday night.
What about the other people behind the fence? the people on the egress route?
Had the shot from there not been fired at the exact time as the one from the TBD, then people would have known the shot came from behind the fence, and then the shooter's escape gets that much more difficult.
The Zapruder film was developed first by Kodak, then turned over 2 of the three first gen copies (Zapruder kept one) to the Secret Service who then sent a copy to the FBI Lab. If this is going to be faked, it had to have been faked before Zapruder got it to Eastman Kodak lab on the day of the shooting for development, as all copies of the film do not show any signs of tampering
All they had to do was the covert pre-autopsy Lifton and Horne discovered at Bethesda. After they were done with this criminal wound altering observers at the second autopsy commented that there was obvious surgery done to the head.
Ask yourself the question, why would a "secret" pre-autopsy need to be done, and if so, where and when was it done?
What kind of question is that? They just altered the wounds as needed. Go to You-Tube and watch the doctors say that the gaping 2-3 inch neck wound was much rougher and wider than when it left Parkland.
Again, where and when would this have been done? JFK's body was under observation the whole time - when did this happen, and why would it need to be done?
By means of the total control of government that occurred. Deniers are in denial that the US government could be so deeply corrupted. JFK's assassination was a successful 7 Days In May.
If the government was so corrupt that this happened, why have they permitted the evidence to come out, and why have they not silenced the people who leaked it?
By having a kill zone triangulation at the very end of the motorcade route where the crowd eased. VietNam vets commented that they were often ambushed nearer to camp where they relaxed and thought they were home free. This shows military planning. Did you know they confiscated all films of the event? One photo showed someone other than Oswald in the Depository window. It was sent to a Canadian newspaper and disappeared.
You've never been in on the planning for an ambush, have you?
First, this wasn't like a ambush where the target was hit right before they got to a safe point and were relaxed. JFK was shot right after his vehicle had to slow for a turn, and if you look at they angles, the only spot with a decent line of fire was LHO in the TBD. Someone on the grassy knoll would have had about two seconds to acquire and shoot (while not impossible, it isn't likely).
Which newspaper? The first Canadian reporter on the ground was Peter Worthington - who didn't arrive until the evening of the 23rd. None of the other reporters there (all Americans) would be sending any of their photos out of the country.
The real evidence shows that Oswald did not murder Tippit.
Again, witneses put him at the scene, and ballistics say it was the weapon that LHO had that did it - you want to try again?