Wednesday - It's actually fairly easy to pronounce, as long as you don't pronounce it the way it's spelled. At some point, it's fairly obvious that the entire English speaking world couldn't figure out how to pronounce Woden's Day, or spell it, but we kind of settled on how to spell it, and pretty much how to say it.
Although, when saying it, is there one d or two? I usually use one.
And then of course there is "nuclear". An awful lot of people apparently have a hard time with that one.
My wife, upon seeing somebody who didn't comb their hair or get their clothes on straight will declare that the person looks "disleveled". I'm pretty sure she would spell it out as "disheveled", but that's not how she says it.
ETA: gives [wenz-dey, -dee] as the pronunciation. I sometimes say [wendz-day].