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Sex and Race: Handling the Ideological Hot Potatoes | Jerry Coyne at CSICon 2024

Or this one

Science Proves There are More than Two Human Sexes

Direct quote from the transcript from 1:39
In fact, it’s estimated that nearly 2% of live births are born with congenital conditions of atypical sex development. That basically means that something in their chromosomes, hormones, gonads, or genitals is different from what many people expect of a “boy” or a “girl.” This used to be known as being intersex, but these days, it’s better described as having differences of sexual development, or DSDs.
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Forget the details.
I don't much like this approach, since it lends itself to strawmanning, whether by accident or on purpose.

Take my summary with an ample helping of salt, but please do listen for yourself sometime.

What are the broad strokes of his argument, in your own words?
Basically sex exists as an evolutionary adaptation and there are only two sexes which may make use of that process to pass on their genes. Intersex individuals exist, but they do not constitute a third sex.

(Usual caveats apply, e.g. anisogamy.)
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I don't much like this approach, since it lends itself to strawmanning, whether by accident or on purpose.

Take my summary with an ample helping of salt, but please do listen for yourself sometime.

Basically sex exists as an evolutionary adaptation and there are only two sexes which may make use of that process to pass on their genes. Intersex individuals exist, but they do not constitute a third sex.

(Usual caveats apply, e.g. anisogamy.)
So what you are saying is that your two sexes, male, female, and none of the above?
So what you are saying is that your two sexes, male, female, and none of the above?
You have exactly two kinds of mammalian ancestors; none of them were none of the above.

As I said, there are two sexes which make use of sexual reproduction to pass on their genes.

For more details and clarifying background, I would encourage you to take the time to watch the video.
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You have exactly two kinds of mammalian ancestors; none of them were none of the above.

As I said, there are two sexes which make use of sexual reproduction to pass on their genes.

For more details and clarifying background, I would encourage you to take the time to watch the video.
Just watched it. He is not talking about who your ancestors were. He is talking about the population. He is also wrong about people never talk about what types of non-binary sex people are. My video is all about that.

In the link below it also mentions that some cats have XXY chromosomes. So he is wrong to say this sort of thing only happens in humans.

Or see this for another reference about cats https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0378432020302256
In the link below it also mentions that some cats have XXY chromosomes. So he is wrong to say this sort of thing only happens in humans.
That is a gross misrepresentation of what he said. You claim to have watched the video, but its clear that if you did so, you were not paying attention. It was absolutely clear in his video that what he was talking about is self-identification of a gender other than your sex. This ONLY happens in humans.... there are no stallions who identify as mares, no male dogs that identify as bitches, no tom-cats who identify at she-cats

At no point did he ever say that species other than humans do not have DSD.
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That is a gross misrepresentation of what he said. You claim to have watched the video, but its clear that if you did so, you were not paying attention. It was absolutely clear in his video that what he was talking about is self-identification of a gender other than your sex. This ONLY happens in humans.... there are no stallions who identify as mares, no male dogs that identify as bitches, no tom-cats who identify at she-cats

At no point did he ever say that species other than humans do not have DSD.
that is a very silly argument, and it is wrong: depending on the upbringing, pets can very clearly identify as a different species than their own, adopting characteristics of the other pets in the household.
Human-centric chauvinism is very rarely anything other than lack of observation.
Folk if you want to discuss whether there are just two human sexes or that there are more or that it's a spectrum and so on please take it to the remarkably active thread on that topic that can be found here: https://internationalskeptics.com/f...biological-definitions-of-male-female.361531/ we don't need to rehash that discussion in another thread.
Replying to this modbox in thread will be off topic  Posted By: Darat
that is a very silly argument, and it is wrong: depending on the upbringing, pets can very clearly identify as a different species than their own, adopting characteristics of the other pets in the household.
Human-centric chauvinism is very rarely anything other than lack of observation.
This is complete BS. When a cat behaves like a dog in a home environment, that is learned behaviour, usually, and often inadvertently, encouraged by the owner. It is not a behaviour brought about by the cat having a predisposition to behave like a dog.
When people claim that their cat is vegan (and some do) do you think that dietary choice is being made by the cat or the owner?
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He is not talking about who your ancestors were. He is talking about the population.
The population came from somewhere; Coyne says how at around 16 minutes into the lecture when making the claim that "there are no exceptions" to the gametic binary in animals.
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