Good. The Death Penalty is an abomination.
Peterson is crying that he had an "unfair" verdict, still claiming innocence.
If he is so obviously guilty, why does he still claim innocence? The possibilities are:-
1. He is a psychopath who cynically thinks he can get off by deceiving us.
2. He truly believes he is innocent, even though he did it.
3. He really is innocent, and the cops framed him.
From cases like Steven Avery we know that 3 is the most likely, but the other possibilities are worth exploring. What evidence do we have that he is a liar or deluded?
When a convicted person is actually guilty they generally accept the verdict, but occasionally they continue to profess their innocence despite the weight of evidence against them. This indicates a psychological problem that could be studied to better understand the criminal mind, perhaps even eventually allowing us to identify and treat 'at risk' people
before they commit a heinous crime.
The Death Penalty is an abomination because it wastes a valuable resource which we could use to reduce crime and improve justice. If you think Scott Peterson deserves to die then you should be OK with him being subjected to experiments that would normally be deemed unethical.
Imagine having a simple, painless way to determine with absolute certainty whether a suspect is lying or telling the truth! It could make trials and errors a thing of the past and greatly improve confidence in the justice system. But to do that we need to
study criminals like Scott Peterson, rather than just leaving them in jail to rot.