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Richard Gage no longer President and CEO of AE911Truth

I notice that only last month Gage appeared on an online broadcast with Kevin Barrett, a long time proponent of anti-Semitic theories.

New CEO Roland Angle has also appeared with Barrett from time to time.
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I have not taken much of an interest in how AE911T nor Gage have been doing since they parted ways. It dawned on me the other day that Gage's previous best horses, Kelly David ("Chief Operational Officer" I think was her title) and Ted Walter (also some title, and author of several brochures) are no longer on the Who We Are of the AE website.

Also noticed that Craig McKee, formerly the most productive writer of articles for the AE website, hasn't written anything lately there.

Oh did they get out the claws and the teeth!

On or before July 9th this year (that's the date of the first of two comments), Gage reposted: 2011 CIT Letter From Richard Gage, AIA: “Complete Withdrawal of Support for the “National Security Alert” from the Citizens Investigation Team - the elderly among you may remember! :p (And Sheila Casey comments: "Richard, I am appalled and disgusted that you have resurrected this deceptive hit piece. Whatever can you be thinking?"
Richard Gage said:
In early 2009, I watched the “National Security Alert” video by the Citizen Investigation Team (CIT) [...] Based on these few [eye-witness] accounts CIT presented its case that the plane flew over the Pentagon since the damage trail was not consistent with the north path.

[...] I was initially impressed by CIT’s presentation and, more than a year and a half ago, provided a short statement of support for their efforts.
I was also surprised to learn that 12 of the witnesses that CIT interviewed [...] were in a position to see the Pentagon and all 12 stated that they saw the plane hit the Pentagon. It was clear from this that CIT used improper investigative methods. CIT used and presented only those portions of their witness reports which fit their conclusion.
I am hereby now on the record clearly as NOT supporting the CIT investigation at all. In addition, I insist that CIT delete my name from its web site in any and every context in which it might give the impression of support or endorsement of their efforts from me.

On June 29th, so apparently a few days earlier, Gage had published an article on his Substack endorsing a "new" organization (consisting of old fellas including Kevin Ryan, Elizabeth Woodworth, David Chandler, Ted Walter, and Tony Szamboti).

There are explosive comments to this article - allow me to quote at length:

Craig McKee said:
Richard, I don’t think you have yet figured out the harm you are doing by propping up people like David Chandler as they seek to gain total control of the movement. But the harm is considerable. It seems that no matter how dishonest and how outrageous the behavior of Chandler and his cabal, “leaders” like you will protect them. You help these people to maintain a veneer of “respectability,” which they use to do more and more damage.

You are now adding to the damage you did in 2011 when you put your name to a statement (written by someone else) that was labeled “Complete Withdrawal of Support for CIT.” If you want to be a truly unifying figure, you’ll withdraw that piece of propaganda that you were pressured into endorsing. It remains a significant blemish on your record.
... the now dormant 9/11 Consensus Panel. This effort has joined the other two in marginalizing, if not outright suppressing, the essential evidence that the U.S. government faked a plane crash at the Pentagon. Panel co-founder Elizabeth Woodworth (joining Chandler and Ryan as board members of the new group) admits that no points that address what caused the damage to the Pentagon were ever considered by the panel. Even if they had been, Chandler and fellow cabal members Jon Cole, Fran Shure, and Dwain Deets would have had the votes to defeat such points. (Only four votes were needed to block any point.)

Most concerning about your gushing and uncritical support for this “organization” is that it seems to coincide with your new meeting of the minds with one of your former harsh critics, Ted Walter. You have something very significant in common, you both feel you were wronged by AE911Truth, and the transfer of influence from AE to your efforts and to the IC911J seems awfully self-serving. But while it may be great for you and Ted, it is doing real damage to the organization that still represents more than 3,500 architects and engineers.

To which Andy Steele, who is still with AE911T and does their weekly (?) podcast "Freefall 9/11" and much of their other communications, chimes in with a full rant of dirty laundry washed and dried - I recommend you read it all:

Andy Steele said:
Well said, Craig.

I saw this article on my FB timeline and was disappointed to see you, Richard, promoting this when I know you know what Ted did and what this is really all about.

Speaking of the “leaders” of the truth movement (or rather the people desperately trying to prop themselves up as that) they have turned this movement into something just as sleazy and opportunistic as Washington DC politics.

The only point Craig and I differ on is that I think Ted is the bigger problem in that bunch. Him and Bill Brinnier. And I’m not as focused on the Pentagon as much as I am the overall character of these people. I should be speaking out more but those two have proved themselves to be so vindictive that they’ll probably retaliate by taking their defamation campaign against Kelly (and apparently me now) to the internet and dragging her through the mud further, even while she’s barely involved anymore and is moving on in the world.

This is the only reason this new group exists-- they offered Kelly, and she accepted the position of Executive Director at AE911Truth. Ted had been trying to take control of AE911Truth for YEARS, even embarrassingly proclaiming that he wanted to become the new CEO while they were still deliberating firing Richard. “Make me the CEO! I’m ready for it!” Most of the staff appreciated the work Ted did but shuddered at the thought of him being in charge because of his control-freak nature, ego and micromanagement. Kelly was the real leader and power behind AE911Truth and had been for years, and everyone liked and respected her, so making her the ED was the logical choice.

Ted had yet another fight with the guy who does our graphics over a minor disagreement involving him boosting the contrast of a Free Fall promo pic (because Ted himself was on the show he was trying to micromanage every detail…again, ego.)

After Ted proclaimed he wouldn’t work with the guy anymore, and Kelly told Ted that he couldn’t refuse to work with him and that she wouldn’t fire the guy, it triggered Ted and his buddy Bill on the board to launch a defamation campaign against Kelly to other board members in order to make Ted the ED. Ted dug through nine years of texts between Kelly and him when they were friends, exaggerated and outright lied about her professional and personal life, and persuaded two new naïve board members who didn’t even really know her to go along with this. They even managed to declare a rule that anyone on the board who knew Kelly and might vote not to demand her resignation weren’t allowed to vote.

It was a kangaroo court, like when the CIA stages coups in foreign countries. Ted didn’t just want to be ED and take control of the whole organization…he demanded she be fired.

We were kept in the dark about what was happening, but we all pretty much knew. Right before the board vote I emailed them all, told all of them off (including Ted), and resigned in protest because it was just downright wrong. (That’s why I was a gone for a month and half…paperwork signed and everything.) And it wasn’t just me who was against what they were doing to Kelly…the entire staff was outraged.

Kelly could have fought it and kept her job, but she resigned without a fight and decided to let the baby have his bottle because after this experience, and after enduring harassment by lunatics for years (including death threats,) she decided she was done.

So, she was gone, but at her final board meeting, partly due to my unexpected and sudden departure and partly because of some things Kelly said in her own defense, one of the two new board members suddenly changed his mind and Ted didn’t get the votes he needed to become ED.

During that time, even though she was gone, Ted’s defamation campaign against her went on to every member of the truth movement he could find.

Apparently, they even had another vote sometime later to make him the ED, and Ted still didn’t get the votes he needed.

A month and a half later AE contacted me, saying they were about to fire Ted, and asking if I would come back. I said I would, at first on a limited basis only because of the state he had left the org in due to the civil war he triggered…but only after that creep was officially gone. (I was ready to move on to new creative endeavors, but it felt like a shame to let AE fall after putting so much work into it. Kelly encouraged me to come back when I talked to her about it.)

When Ted was out and he found out that I was back to replace him, his defamation campaign turned to me. I know this because I’ve been forwarded the emails.

So, this new group is basically a continuation of Ted’s personal ambition/revenge campaign after he went all Anakin Skywalker on us. He couldn’t get enough people at AE to hold their noses and give him the title he sold his soul for, so he found a way to give it to himself. I don’t really think it’s a threat to AE, but (9/11 family members excluded, who just don’t know any of this…as well as Tony Szamboti who is not involved in this) it is a haven for some very bad characters, and people I’ll never suffer the company of again. The bottom line is that you shouldn’t have liars trying to lead a “truth” movement, and people who carry out injustices claim to fight for justice.

It’s just so phony.

The same thing will happen to anyone who gets in the way of Ted’s personal ambition. He worked with Kelly side by side for nearly a decade and never had a problem with her until she was offered the title he wanted so desperately for years. Richard, he wanted to take your place years ago. Kelly’s the only reason it didn’t happen.

The reader may not care about what they did to Kelly because, unlike others, she’s not a shameless self-promoter. She never sought the limelight and therefore doesn’t have an army of groupies to spend years crying about it on her behalf, nor can she do anything to boost anyone’s personal prestige within the movement anymore….so there’s no personal benefit in rallying behind her and sucking up to her.

But I and others care, because it was wrong, and I’ve seen who these people really are for myself. (Bill Brinnier outright lied during Kelly’s last meeting about events that I personally witnessed.) It’s troubling, and people should at least have a chance to hear the truth about the kind of characters they’re now throwing flowers at the feet of…even if, in the end, humans continue to be what they are and they ultimately don’t care.

To wrap this up, Ted and Bill…if you’re reading this (and I’m sure you are) …given what I’ve seen of you already, I’m sure you’ll feel the need to retaliate because I’m simply reporting what you did. Just leave Kelly out of it. She’s no longer involved and doesn’t deserve to have you creeps following her throughout the rest of her life. If you feel so inclined to retaliate, then do so against me. I’m the one writing this, not her. Lie about me, defame me…I don’t really care. Frankly, I would feel worse if I left Craig alone in the wilderness as the only person with the balls to speak out about what’s really going on here.

Boy-o-boy! I almost feel respect for the dude! :eek:

(Steele is by the way of the "No plane at the Pentagon, but I better pretend to have no opinion on that lest it divides my own followers" faction)
From Oystein's post
CIT used and presented only those portions of their witness reports which fit their conclusion.

It takes a less than rocket scientist to figure this out and rubygray doesn't get it yet. But at least some in the CT community has the foresight to tell the truth.
Come on, I can't be the only one who sees how ironic that podcast's title has become.

I hadn't until you pointed it out :D

On that note, its comical how much effort they put into the 'WTC7 freefall' event, so much so Gage promotes a "new peer-reviewed!" (by themselves?) paper focused purely on it.. as if.. the existence of free-fall somehow simultaneously disproves NIST and proves 'something else'.

I wonder, with someone like Chandler in their new group, what their stance on the Pentagon attack will be.. Chandler has been trying for the last decade or more to convince mainstream conspiracy groups to drop the 'Pentagon no-plane' theory as being nothing more than a distraction, discrediting and dividing the truth community.. which, not surprisingly, didn't work. If the 9/11 truth movement based its conclusions on evidence and common sense, it wouldn't have ever existed.
I wonder, with someone like Chandler in their new group, what their stance on the Pentagon attack will be.. Chandler has been trying for the last decade or more to convince mainstream conspiracy groups to drop the 'Pentagon no-plane' theory as being nothing more than a distraction, discrediting and dividing the truth community.. which, not surprisingly, didn't work. If the 9/11 truth movement based its conclusions on evidence and common sense, it wouldn't have ever existed.

They'll continue to fight about it. 9/11 Truth doesn't work with OR without the 'Pentagon no-plane' theory. :D
Come on, I can't be the only one who sees how ironic that podcast's title has become.

Oh I see unintentionally ironic titles all the time. Like:
AE911T once made a brochure "Beyond Misinformation" - which was exactly that!
There is a Facebook group "The 9/11 Fraud" - which is exactly that!

I wonder, with someone like Chandler in their new group, what their stance on the Pentagon attack will be.. Chandler has been trying for the last decade or more to convince mainstream conspiracy groups to drop the 'Pentagon no-plane' theory as being nothing more than a distraction, discrediting and dividing the truth community.. which, not surprisingly, didn't work. If the 9/11 truth movement based its conclusions on evidence and common sense, it wouldn't have ever existed.
There is no Truther who hasn't been called a shill, disinfo agent, controlled opposition by some other Truther. The "Movement" does not and cannot converge on any narrative. Since, by the best definition, the only that captures them all, a Truther is a person who persists in being wrong about 9/11, and there's a limitless number of different ways of being wrong, it cannot be but divergent.

They'll continue to fight about it. 9/11 Truth doesn't work with OR without the 'Pentagon no-plane' theory. :D
Truthers have managed to even be split on which way there was no plane: No plane at all? No plane hit the building but it flew over? No commercial airliner? Missile instead of plane?

Is it just me, or have Truthers stopped working on an alternative narrative and just don't voice any opinion anymore on how 9/11 was done instead?
Is it just me, or have Truthers stopped working on an alternative narrative and just don't voice any opinion anymore on how 9/11 was done instead?

I don't see any 9/11 Truth at all, or haven't for years, and before then, apart from 'missile at the Pentagon', thermite/explosives/holograms at the WTC, which were all laughable, they never really proposed a theory.
911T never got any traction... was treading water and is slowly sinking. The reason being is there is no there, there.
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