You should read what I said more closely. Let me help:
Good, never claimed otherwise but I've definitely learned something new here. So your lack of knowledge has also increased my knowledge!
I like how you took the response to one point (recording in a bathroom), and paired it with an earlier and unrelated point. Readers can see that blatant dishonesty, dude.
Your own link goes on to describe how NO states allow recording in the bathroom, by the way. That's what the reply you quote specifically referred to.
Wow, so no nanny cams, eh? That's weird. According to this it says that you can use nanny cams in NJ, but oddly some audio is more restricted. Here's a
link. I know this might be a shock but perhaps your interpretation is wrong? I don't know, but we have conflicting information here and I refuse to believe that there are no nanny cams in NJ but I don't really care all that much either.
It's called scope of intent, plague. You can't record whatever you want whenever you want. From your own link that it is painfully clear that you didn't understand:
"nanny cams and the laws surrounding the use of nanny cams are intended to protect the use of cameras utilized for the purpose of safety and security.
This means that the purpose of the camera plays an important role in whether or not an individual can record others in their home."
{ETA: hilite added because you really seem to be struggling on this point while you say "there's no privacy. I can record whatever I want". }
That means you can use nanny cams as a security measure, like any security system. You can't record, as you blatantly claimed, " its my\your home, and I can record whatever I want". Your claim is wrong at every level. You cannot record "whatever you want".
Your painfully stupid blanket claim was that you were absolutely positive that no states restrict recording of others in your own home. That you now hopefully realize there are restrictions in literally every ******* state is the point.
You can't in every state, but every state isn't ******* New Jersey. You really, really seem to have a hard time with that in almost every conversation. According to my source there are more states that you can record audio than you can't, and ironically Jersey isn't mentioned anywhere.
I specifically said in my post that I was referring to my state and its single party requirement. You might note that in other states, you can't even use a nanny cam without informing and receiving consent from the person being recorded, who is at a place of work anyway, even if in a residence.
Your claim that you can record "whatever you want in your own home" is flatly disproven, by your own link. And probably known in advance to everyone reading except you.