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Project 2025

I would imagine the initial thrust of the militarised mass deportations would be in blue states/cities. Then in red states after consulations with the Governors and corporate interests there.
Won't happen. The US military, whatever their faults, are still far too honorable to obey illegal orders and defy the constitution they swore an oath to. So each state will have to rely on their own forces, such as National Guard, to enforce round-ups and deportations. Anyone remember Kent State? Also, each state will have to pay for them. And that will put a massive crimp on a lot of ideas in poorer red states.
Won't happen. The US military, whatever their faults, are still far too honorable to obey illegal orders and defy the constitution they swore an oath to. So each state will have to rely on their own forces, such as National Guard, to enforce round-ups and deportations. Anyone remember Kent State? Also, each state will have to pay for them. And that will put a massive crimp on a lot of ideas in poorer red states.
I'd like to believe that, but every poll I've ever seen indicates that the military, both active and retired, support Trump by a wide margin. I've previously asked Dudalb for evidence that the military would balk at orders from the Trump administration to participate in such a thing, and I'm still waiting. It would likely be a logistical nightmare, but that wouldn't stop Trump in the least. Remember, this is the scenario that the apricot anus wishes to implement on Day 1. He is telling you what he wants to do and if we've learned anything the last ten years, it is that we should believe him.
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No military coups in some time...
That's kinda weak. Trump has already sold the idea of a Biden Migrant Invasion; I'm confident that this roundup will be seen by his cultists, both in the military and not, as legitimate response to a existential threat to the U.S. And they will sell it to the non-cultist Trump voters. We will see in very short order, and I sincerely hope that I am wrong and you are correct.
Trump's favorites have suggested cutting the VA for "efficiency". Perhaps there will be more pragmatic reasons for the military to defy the overreaches of the king.
You know, these cuts have been suggested before, and that didn't seem to budge the needle much. I disagree with Kay; a person isn't smart, but they sure get dumber in groups.
Here's today's Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/nov/18/trump-military-mass-deportation
Trump has previously suggested he would rely on wartime powers, military troops and sympathetic state and local leaders. Such a sprawling campaign – and the use of military personnel to carry it out – is almost certain to draw legal challenges and pushback from Democratic leaders, some of whom have already said they would refuse to cooperate with Trump’s deportation agenda.
According to an estimate by the American Immigration Council, deporting 1 million people a year would cost more than $960bn over a decade.
Interestingly, this could have amusing ramifications:
Questions remain about how the raids would be conducted and where people would be detained. Civil liberties advocates have already raised concerns about people with lawful status or even US citizens being swept up in a sprawling dragnet.
So would you like to emigrate to another, better country completely at the US taxpayers' expense? Simple! Just get a friend to tell the New Gestapo that you are an illegal from <insert country of your choice here>, present yourself for deportation, don't fight it in court, and then be sent free of charge to your new home country! Try to lose your passport on the way. Then they can't send you back to Amerikkka.
That's kinda weak. Trump has already sold the idea of a Biden Migrant Invasion; I'm confident that this roundup will be seen by his cultists, both in the military and not, as legitimate response to a existential threat to the U.S. And they will sell it to the non-cultist Trump voters. We will see in very short order, and I sincerely hope that I am wrong and you are correct.
See above. Being deported might actually be a better outcome for reasonable US citizens. Leave the cesspit; go to a better home; make the world better.
What makes you think civilized countries would want them? :P
The ones that the MAGAnuts would want to deport are probably going to be the best of the USA. Because they are the most threatening to the MAGAnuts.

And it's not a matter of civilized countries "wanting" them. It's a matter of being out of the USA until after the MAGAnuts wreck it and the place needs fixing again. Or if it is irreparably damaged, being far, FAR away in the first place. So make the best of a rotten situation. Think of it as an extended holiday, a sabbatical, a remote job assignment, at the taxpayers' expense. Or, worst case, changing countries for the better, and making MAGA pay to send you there.

There's also this:

Cruise line offers ‘escape’ from Trump presidency with multi-year packages​

As Donald Trump prepares to begin his second four-year term, one cruise company is giving Americans the choice to opt out and escape.

The residential cruise line Villa Vie Residences announced earlier in November that it was launching a program that will allow travelers to join its ship, the Odyssey, at any port as it traverses around the world for the next several years. The trip is expected to travel to 425 ports across 140 countries, and the program will cost less than $40,000 a year, according to a company statement.
See above. Being deported might actually be a better outcome for reasonable US citizens. Leave the cesspit; go to a better home; make the world better.
I suspect that a passport-less emigré landing in a foreign country might not be welcomed as readily as one might like, though it might depend some on how portable your assets are too. We have no guarantee anyone would want us. And if you're a naturalized refugee, you might not have a choice, and be sent back to the country you fled. Not a cozy prospect at all for some at least.

I suppose it depends a little on just how dire the change becomes, and how much danger you face, but also on how old you are. I'm old and settled, and if I die on any hill it's this one.
Here's today's Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/nov/18/trump-military-mass-deportation


Interestingly, this could have amusing ramifications:

So would you like to emigrate to another, better country completely at the US taxpayers' expense? Simple! Just get a friend to tell the New Gestapo that you are an illegal from <insert country of your choice here>, present yourself for deportation, don't fight it in court, and then be sent free of charge to your new home country! Try to lose your passport on the way. Then they can't send you back to Amerikkka.

All joking aside, it would be surprising if the dragnet didn't end up detaining thousands of US citizens from ethnic minorities who will be asked to prove that they're citizens which may or may not be that easy and will definitely be frightening and very disruptive for anyone caught up in the process. People could find themselves detained for weeks or months, lose their jobs and their houses, have their family life destroyed and will end up with nothing more than a "Well you shouldn't have looked like an illegal...." by way of compensation.

I presume that "anchor babies" of whatever age will be deported alongside their parents which has the potential to end up with a situation similar to the Windrush scandal here in the UK where people in their late middle age were deported to a country they've never been to, which may or may not recognise their citizenship and where they have no roots.
Wanna bet that Miller will go to some lengths to make sure that deported family members end up in different countries?
I suspect that a passport-less emigré landing in a foreign country might not be welcomed as readily as one might like, though it might depend some on how portable your assets are too. We have no guarantee anyone would want us. And if you're a naturalized refugee, you might not have a choice, and be sent back to the country you fled. Not a cozy prospect at all for some at least.

I suppose it depends a little on just how dire the change becomes, and how much danger you face, but also on how old you are. I'm old and settled, and if I die on any hill it's this one.
It's not actually voluntarily "fleeing" that I'm talking about. The USA is forcibly deporting you. So you will be persona non grata in the USA anyway once the New Gestapo send you wherever it is you are sent. So if you do plan to sit out the next four years (or more) but think you can't afford to make the move, why not get the US government to give you a hand by making them pay for your transport plus a high assurance of staying where you are sent. It's your tax money too.

Given the education levels and wide skills base of the type of people MAGA hate, i.e. anybody smarter and better educated than they are which is to say most of the USA, such people (US emigres) would very likely receive a reasonably warm welcome elsewhere. And it's not like the rest of the world is blind to what is happening in the USA currently, nor the rancid personalities involved. Everyone can see it. So it would be like offering a friend a couch to crash on while their bitter divorce goes through.
Won't happen. The US military, whatever their faults, are still far too honorable to obey illegal orders and defy the constitution they swore an oath to. So each state will have to rely on their own forces, such as National Guard, to enforce round-ups and deportations. Anyone remember Kent State? Also, each state will have to pay for them. And that will put a massive crimp on a lot of ideas in poorer red states.
And next we will hear how they are too honorable to torture detainees despite all the evidence to the contrary. Got any real evidence for this claim?
There are things that happened under Trump that "would never happen" before. I can only hope the vast majority of the military doesn't comply with the illegal orders Trump will send, but I also believe that it is just a hope.
The main problem with the whole idea is that Trump and his minions think the deported people will be accepted by another country. Those countries are under no obligation to take them.
I hope not, but with today's political climate, it is very hard to know. The guard rails of democracy have weakened and I'm not sure they can withstand the onslaught of fascism supported by The Party.
Conflict? How about orders to defy the constitution they gave an oath to support?
And of course there is nothing about proper treatment of detainees that they are under obligation to do, so torture away.

It really is not that hard people obey orders. Look at the documentary Ordinary Men about how it took very little pressure and no real consequences for refusing to turn a group of ordinary men into Einsatzgruppen. IF it is that easy to get the government to turn people recently drafted to be police of occupied territory into mass murderers why should we expect our military to be different?
Exactly. Also, congressmen, the POTUS and all upper level fed officials swear an oath to protect the constitution and you see how well that's working.
That's kinda weak. Trump has already sold the idea of a Biden Migrant Invasion; I'm confident that this roundup will be seen by his cultists, both in the military and not, as legitimate response to a existential threat to the U.S. And they will sell it to the non-cultist Trump voters. We will see in very short order, and I sincerely hope that I am wrong and you are correct.
So you have totally lost faith in the American People. I think the graphics of the roundups will be horrible, and change many people'sminds.
Yop know, suspect your real anger with the American people is they are not as far to the left as ypu would like..and that goes a long way before Trump.
i didn't say democracy is a failure. i voted for it. enough of the american people chose the other option that we're dealing with that instead. so i'll ask again, what's so special about them?
So you have totally lost faith in the American People.
No, I don't trust the plurality of cultist voters, nor the idiot they elected, nor the supplicating sycophants that idiot will doubtlessly surround himself with.
I think the graphics of the roundups will be horrible, and change many people'sminds.
I think you're wrong.
Yop know, suspect your real anger with the American people is they are not as far to the left as ypu would like..and that goes a long way before Trump.
Nope. In the real world, I'm center right. I am an independent that has crossed both party lines, and a number of times have written myself in for POTUS and governorship of my state when I thought all the candidates were ◊◊◊◊. I voted against Trump the last three elections not so much in allignment with the Dems, but horrified at the idea of that idiot anywhere near the resolute desk.
No, I don't trust the plurality of cultist voters, nor the idiot they elected, nor the supplicating sycophants that idiot will doubtlessly surround himself with.

I think you're wrong.

Nope. In the real world, I'm center right. I am an independent that has crossed both party lines, and a number of times have written myself in for POTUS and governorship of my state when I thought all the candidates were ◊◊◊◊. I voted against Trump the last three elections not so much in allignment with the Dems, but horrified at the idea of that idiot anywhere near the resolute desk.
Ypu think everybody who voted for Trump is a cultest. Everything I have read indicated otherwise.
You have no idea how bad the chaos is going to be.When it hits therie pocketbooks, andit will, people will pay attention.
Ypu think everybody who voted for Trump is a cultest. Everything I have read indicated otherwise.
You have no idea how bad the chaos is going to be. When it hits their pocketbooks, and it will, people will pay attention.
And then what will they do? They won't blame Trumpy because they voted for him. So they will blame who they are told was the cause - the Democrats who tried to warn and help them. Because they are all good little drones, unlike their ancestors 250 years ago who stood up to their leaders.
So you have totally lost faith in the American People. I think the graphics of the roundups will be horrible, and change many people'sminds.
Yop know, suspect your real anger with the American people is they are not as far to the left as ypu would like..and that goes a long way before Trump.
If he said a civil war would break out among Americans would that be better and less cynical for you?
Wanna bet that Miller will go to some lengths to make sure that deported family members end up in different countries?
Well, the UK government declared Rwanda to be a safe country to deport all their “illegals” to, so nothing the Trump administration could be a surprise to anyone.
Ypu think everybody who voted for Trump is a cultest. Everything I have read indicated otherwise.
You have no idea how bad the chaos is going to be.When it hits therie pocketbooks, andit will, people will pay attention.
They were either cultists or ignorant that they were voting a cult to become the most powerful force in government.
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