Just a clarification, Varouche. Are you trying to argue that solar wasn't about 100% causative for overall planetary warming since 1750, or are you making an argument regarding the last 30 years?
The former hot frying pan Dancing David nimbly cavorts in, if I understand his take on the matter properly.
No you don't because you seem to be engaged in a pissing contest and name calling, which is fairly typical for a lot of posters. I called the extrapolated graph of biocab's reference into question. We can be fairly certain that there has been an increase in solar radiation since that last minimum, but I don't recall and data other than sunspot numbers to support biocab's graph.
So I would say that until we have some isotope curves or other ways of converging on the radiation data we don't know the progression from the minimum.
It could be that it all occurred in a very brief period, it could be it occurred in a number of brief periods.
The data that biocab presented extrapolated a conjecture into a continuous plot and I questioned that it was based upon two things solely.
The apparent rise in solar radiance since 1750 and the sunspot data. (And only having read about five papers I am not sure of the basis for the assumed increase in solar radiation, it seems to be likely)
Now if biocab or you would care to show me another source of data other than the graph extrapolated from Lean's reconstruction, I will very happily read it. Especially if it has some other method of determining the radiance level, a rather tricky bugger that is.
I am not an alarmist, but I do feel that currently we seem to be in an upswing in temperature and it might be correlated to CO
2 and other industrial pollutants.
It might also have to do with low levels of volcanism, and other factors.
But there are many factors to consider and I happen to feel that CO
2 is a good one, along with other pollutants. I agree that the hockey stick may be problematic but then I feel we should reduce the emissions for other reasons as well.
So I was mainly taking the graph in the paper biocab presented to task. If you would like to clarify the evidence that support the graph that is fine, but until I see other data, I will just assume that the radiance did not occur in a fashion not supported by other evidence. The increase in radiance seems likely but I haven’t seen much to say how and when and in what increases it occurred.