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Pentagon event 911/CON

Can't we put the guests in a steel cage, naked except for skimpy underpants, armed with rusty knives, and have them fight it out the old-fashioned way?

  • Thierry Meyssan
  • Barbara Honegger
  • Craig McKee & Adam Ruff
  • David Chandler & Wayne Coste

I'd even donate $10 for this (for 6 cheap knives)!
No Aldo and Craig?

It isn't really a proper con without them.
Clearly he didn't bring any web designers across with him.

And it didn't look as though it was a runaway success.
Richard Gage Pentagon virtual meetup is in session.
10:30 AM PDT to 10 PM PDT

You still can't see the sun? Fooled by idiots, liars and nuts, your sun remains obscured... sadly for more than 20 years.

20 years of woo from you and 9/11 truth, unable to bring it to light... In your case when is ultimately prevail coming?

Illusions die hard, as lies remain "truth" to you. Funny/Sad to see theories which don't match from 9/11 truth nuts, and their special skill to ignore reality.
You still can't see the sun? Fooled by idiots, liars and nuts, your sun remains obscured... sadly for more than 20 years.

20 years of woo from you and 9/11 truth, unable to bring it to light... In your case when is ultimately prevail coming?

Illusions die hard, as lies remain "truth" to you. Funny/Sad to see theories which don't match from 9/11 truth nuts, and their special skill to ignore reality.

beachnut, with all due respect, you're wasting your breath. This is yet another seagull post. fonebone, like so many other 'fearless truthseekers', is far too much of a chicken (to rather mix my avian metaphors) to stick around and defend, or even explain, his point of view. It's more about symbolic posturing to impress other truthers.
It's rather like the Native American practice of counting coup, minus the honour and the bravery.
Interesting that Theory D is listed as "A plane with the dimensions of a Boeing 757 impacted the Pentagon"

But if you read the notes, Chandler and Coste are clearly arguing that AA77 itself hit the Pentagon.

I imagine that Gage judged that even a whiff of the idea that any part of the "official narrative" was true would have truthers staying away in droves.
It's rather like the Native American practice of counting coup, minus the honour and the bravery.
Your appelation counting coups assigned to my actions is fully accepted.

This is yet another seagull post.
Fonebone is not "hip "to the lingo". What is a Seagull post?
fonebone, like so many other 'fearless truth-seekers', is far too much of a chicken (to rather mix my avian metaphors)
to stick around and defend, or even explain, his point of view.
I disagree.
Randi's skeptic tank is filled to the brim with the defense, explanations, and
viewpoints of said Truth-seekers.

beachnut, with all due respect, you're wasting your breath.
It's more about symbolic posturing to impress other truthers.
Guilty !
Fonebone's symbolic posturing...to impress fellow truth-seekers.

Simpler question: Did Fonebone watch the 12 hour Twoof-a-thon?
And here we still are, full to the brim with fonebone's defences, explanations and viewpoints.
Stop, fonebone, please! Too much information! Too much detail! We can't take it all in!

The only aspect that I have been able to learn is that he is a "no planer" truther. That was only one post IIRC.
Fonebone < The "nose-out" videos are genuine and a valuable clue as to the identity of the flying object
disguised as a jumbo jet that struck the WTC 2 south tower.
Correctly identify the flying object will instantly indentify the
as yet unknown conspiritors in this murderous plot against America
and her inalienable liberties
The flying object was real but was NOT a Boeing 767 Jumbo jet or a CGI illusion concocted by
Hollywoodesque miscreants.
The screaming jet engine powered flying object that penetrated the WTC 2
south wall was a 21 st. century " flying pig " cleverly concealed inside of
the gut of a hollowed out miniature scale model of a Boeing 767 jumbo jet
utilized to cloak the missile.
The flying pig's nose passed completely through the steel box column exterior
and exited the WTC 2tower at the North-East bevel before the flying pig's payload of advanced blast incindiary munitions was ignited.
The mimiature turbo-fan jet engine that propelled the flying pig cloaked as a
miniature "jumbojet" was found at the corner of Broadway and Murray st.
Compare this miniature turbo-fan jet engine to the WTC 1 flying pig sun bathing
in front of grown men at the Staten Island lanffill. Folding chair holding barricate tape
scales the engine size.

The fact of the flying pigs "bunker-buster " nose surviving both entrance and exit through the structural
steel exteriors of the WTC tower betrays the plot.
Technologically speaking the flying pig of the early 19 th. century was the great grandaddy
of modern flying pigs --21 st century CRUISE MISSILES.

The only aspect that I have been able to learn is that he is a "no planer" truther. That was only one post IIRC.

Fonebone's thoughts on the "no planes" issue are outlined in the post included above yours. Click on the little black arrow to the right of my handle to examine in the "nose out " thread from 2009 for context.
Fonebone's thoughts on the "no planes" issue are outlined in the post included above yours. Click on the little black arrow to the right of my handle to examine in the "nose out " thread from 2009 for context.

I trust your "thoughts" will be met with as much hilarity now, as they were when you first posted them.
For old time's sake:


Oh, and:

I trust your "thoughts" will be met with as much hilarity now, as they were when you first posted them.
For old time's sake:


Oh, and:


I fully concur Yak. In fact, add ridicule, name calling, denigrating slurs, phoney "eye witnesses"
and Truther poseurs to your laughing dogs and animated emojies sums-up
the entire debunker offense mounted against the 9/11 truth-seekers over the last twenty years.
Yet, here we are !
I fully concur Yak. In fact, add ridicule, name calling, denigrating slurs, phoney "eye witnesses"
and Truther poseurs to your laughing dogs and animated emojies sums-up
the entire debunker offense mounted against the 9/11 truth-seekers over the last twenty years.
Yet, here we are !

And where are you, exactly?
A tiny, irrelevant fringe, shrinking in numbers, bereft of influence, deficient in credibility among the relevant experts and ignored by the general population, that, in all this time, has achieved precisely nothing. In fact, you should be thankful that people like me are still laughing at people like you, because, without that, the truther "movement" would be getting no attention at all.
Fonebone's thoughts on the "no planes" issue are outlined in the post included above yours. Click on the little black arrow to the right of my handle to examine in the "nose out " thread from 2009 for context.

The issue with your beliefs is betrayed by physics. Firstly the building was constructed with steel I beams in a box like structure but they were NOT a wall but a matrix. It was very easy to go through the voids and come out the other end, but in mangled condition. I have seen the images of the wreckage including the engine and everything that I see is very similar to the pieces you describe.
But you fail further by not considering the human remains found at both sites tied with genetics to passengers/crew. There belongings identified with passengers on the flights. So no, the objects that crashed into the two towers were real not a disguised "pig". You are helplessly lost after 20+ years.
And where are you, exactly?
My inanimate companion and I are half way up the muddy path to the summit of Mount Sisyphus.

A tiny, irrelevant fringe, shrinking in numbers, bereft of influence, deficient in credibility among the relevant experts and ignored by the general population, that, in all this time, has achieved precisely nothing.
Truth-seekers will never awaken the terminally stupid nor will they ever impart courage to the pusillanimous.
The valiant truth-seekers will persevere.

In fact, you should be thankful that people like me are still laughing at people like you, because, without that, the truther "movement" would be getting no attention at all

All fools have still an itching to deride,
And fain would be upon the laughing side. __Pope

Well, I'm very glad to hear that.
So, what reason would you give for anyone to pay attention to the Richard Gage Pentagon meetup, and what will be the effect of this event?

Simpler question: Did Fonebone watch the 12 hour Twoof-a-thon?

And here we still are, full to the brim with fonebone's defences, explanations and viewpoints.
Stop, fonebone, please! Too much information! Too much detail! We can't take it all in!

All fools have still an itching to deride,
And fain would be upon the laughing side. __Pope

Well, as you've not answered any of the questions relevant to this particular topic, and presented a ludicrous and unevidenced fantasy about the 9/11 attacks, then laughing at your posts is pretty much all that's left.
That doesn't make me a fool, fonebone. Actually, quite the opposite: laughing at ridiculous things is evidence of an ability to think critically.

So, what was the point of this Con-a-thon, why recommend it, and did you watch it yourself?
People who claim that 9/11 was a false flag never seem to want to have a straightforward discussion about the matter with someone who does not agree with them.

I would love to have a serious, respectful discussion with somebody, especially a technical person, who believes that the WTC buildings were brought down by controlled demolition, or that there were some misdoings at the Pentagon on 9/11.

But whenever I have tried to engage someone online who believes this (I haven't yet met someone of this opinion in person) they become hostile or simply cease the conversation when I start to talk about specifics.

I got onto a discussion with David Chandler on Facebook once and it lasted about three rounds before he stopped responding. I wasn't disrespectful of him, but I was asking about the specifics of the maths (it was in a maths related page)
Fonebone's thoughts on the "no planes" issue are outlined in the post included above yours. Click on the little black arrow to the right of my handle to examine in the "nose out " thread from 2009 for context.

This might make it easier to discuss.

Here's Fonebone's thoughts without the quote tags he used to post them:

Fonebone < The "nose-out" videos are genuine and a valuable clue as to the identity of the flying object
disguised as a jumbo jet that struck the WTC 2 south tower.
Correctly identify the flying object will instantly indentify the
as yet unknown conspiritors in this murderous plot against America
and her inalienable liberties
The flying object was real but was NOT a Boeing 767 Jumbo jet or a CGI illusion concocted by
Hollywoodesque miscreants.
The screaming jet engine powered flying object that penetrated the WTC 2
south wall was a 21 st. century " flying pig " cleverly concealed inside of
the gut of a hollowed out miniature scale model of a Boeing 767 jumbo jet
utilized to cloak the missile.
The flying pig's nose passed completely through the steel box column exterior
and exited the WTC 2tower at the North-East bevel before the flying pig's payload of advanced blast incindiary munitions was ignited.
The mimiature turbo-fan jet engine that propelled the flying pig cloaked as a
miniature "jumbojet" was found at the corner of Broadway and Murray st.
Compare this miniature turbo-fan jet engine to the WTC 1 flying pig sun bathing
in front of grown men at the Staten Island lanffill. Folding chair holding barricate tape
scales the engine size.

The fact of the flying pigs "bunker-buster " nose surviving both entrance and exit through the structural
steel exteriors of the WTC tower betrays the plot.
Technologically speaking the flying pig of the early 19 th. century was the great grandaddy
of modern flying pigs --21 st century CRUISE MISSILES.

This might make it easier to discuss.

Here's Fonebone's thoughts without the quote tags he used to post them:

Fonebone < The "nose-out" videos are genuine and a valuable clue as to the identity of the flying object
disguised as a jumbo jet that struck the WTC 2 south tower.
Correctly identify the flying object will instantly indentify the
as yet unknown conspiritors in this murderous plot against America
and her inalienable liberties
The flying object was real but was NOT a Boeing 767 Jumbo jet or a CGI illusion concocted by
Hollywoodesque miscreants.
The screaming jet engine powered flying object that penetrated the WTC 2
south wall was a 21 st. century " flying pig " cleverly concealed inside of
the gut of a hollowed out miniature scale model of a Boeing 767 jumbo jet
utilized to cloak the missile.
The flying pig's nose passed completely through the steel box column exterior
and exited the WTC 2tower at the North-East bevel before the flying pig's payload of advanced blast incindiary munitions was ignited.
The mimiature turbo-fan jet engine that propelled the flying pig cloaked as a
miniature "jumbojet" was found at the corner of Broadway and Murray st.
Compare this miniature turbo-fan jet engine to the WTC 1 flying pig sun bathing
in front of grown men at the Staten Island lanffill. Folding chair holding barricate tape
scales the engine size.

The fact of the flying pigs "bunker-buster " nose surviving both entrance and exit through the structural
steel exteriors of the WTC tower betrays the plot.
Technologically speaking the flying pig of the early 19 th. century was the great grandaddy
of modern flying pigs --21 st century CRUISE MISSILES.


So, fonebone, you know this how, exactly?
Fonebone's thoughts on the "no planes" issue are outlined in the post included above yours. Click on the little black arrow to the right of my handle to examine in the "nose out " thread from 2009 for context.

""Fonebone < The "nose-out" videos are genuine and a valuable clue as to the identity of the flying object""

"nose out" ?? That was debris, not a nose... low resolution video, in time and space, fooled you to believe it was evidence for something... but you are wrong.

You can't figure out 9/11 given the answers... Gage has made an industry by fooling gullible people with lies and fantasy... he offers zero evidence, only opinion based on the ignorance of those who blindly believe him.

Next time use physics instead of making up fantasy of what hit the WTC...

the sunlight of truth is obscured by the cloud of ignorance for 9/11 fantasy believers using the so 1984 like name, "9/11 truth"...
20+ years on from 9/11, more evidence of some Saudi officials and agents foreknowledge of/complicity in the attacks has come out with recently declassified FBI documents. The Saudi government has been obstructing justice all these years by protecting their officials from questioning and threatening witnesses in the JASTA-enabled lawsuit on behalf of many 9/11 victims’ family members. There is still an unknown number of classified FBI and CIA documents that could shed even more light on the extent of the Saudi role in 9/11 specifically and supporting or turning a blind eye to al-Qaeda’s activities in general, especially considering all of the Saudi money both private and government that has gone into promoting Wahhabism/Salafism globally for decades and the key role played by Saudi citizens in funding and participating directly in al-Qaeda and ISIS.

Again, the US government would rather not rock the boat on this too much for a complex set of economic, geopolitical, and national security reasons. There’s your 9/11 scandal and cover-up.

Instead, the likes of Fonebone obsess over the technical details of what hit the Pentagon, or controlled demolition at the World Trade Center. If I were a Saudi government official or lobbyist on their behalf—or indeed, a member of every US Presidential administration going back decades—I would be immensely grateful for how much the 9/11 Truth movement has discredited genuine good-faith and serious questions about the pre-AND-post 9/11 failures and CYA ******** that the US, Saudis, Pakistanis, and other governments around the world should be held responsible for. Not to mention, all of the abuses of power and ordinary people who have been caught up in the global post-9/11 dragnet, the torture victims, the destabilizing invasions, occupations, and failures in Iraq and Afghanistan, innocents killed by drone strikes, civil liberties and privacy violations…

Conspiracy theorists, those in power thank you.
Last edited:
Fonebone's thoughts on the "no planes" issue are outlined in the post included above yours. Click on the little black arrow to the right of my handle to examine in the "nose out " thread from 2009 for context.

Imagine, What IF, for the past 20 years you gained knowledge (instead of woo) in physics, engineering, dynamics, higher math, critical thinking skills... gained a PhD in structural engineering... you could/would have been able to calculate the damage a 767/757 could do to the WTC and the Pentagon and see the damage is/was consistant with a kinetic energy impact of the aircraft used on 9/11. The only four aircraft in the USA to be missing from the inventory of both airlines... (this is so simple)

20 years, enough time to get a few PhDs...

9/11 is simple, the solutions to 9/11 evades 9/11 truth's world of woo, lies, fraud, and fantasy. 20 years of how not to figure out 9/11 is 9/11 truth's legacy

Gage, figured out how to make money selling woo, or he is an idiot who believes his woo... he paid himself 80,000/yr to avoid high taxes and used the money he got from gullible donors (or it was a tax fraud scam for his rich friends) to travel, pay for food, transportation, hotels, travel the world... does Richard Gage know he is a liar, or is he like a cult leader, leading the gullible to nowhere.
"does Richard Gage know he is a liar, or is he like a cult leader, leading the gullible to nowhere."

He likely does.... He deludes himself into thinking he is doing great work... and deserves it.

A delusional con.
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