Fonebone's thoughts on the "no planes" issue are outlined in the post included above yours. Click on the little black arrow to the right of my handle to examine in the "nose out " thread from 2009 for context.
This might make it easier to discuss.
Here's Fonebone's thoughts without the quote tags he used to post them:
Fonebone < The "nose-out" videos are genuine and a valuable clue as to the identity of the flying object
disguised as a jumbo jet that struck the WTC 2 south tower.
Correctly identify the flying object will instantly indentify the
as yet unknown conspiritors in this murderous plot against America
and her inalienable liberties
The flying object was real but was NOT a Boeing 767 Jumbo jet or a CGI illusion concocted by
Hollywoodesque miscreants.
The screaming jet engine powered flying object that penetrated the WTC 2
south wall was a 21 st. century " flying pig " cleverly concealed inside of
the gut of a hollowed out miniature scale model of a Boeing 767 jumbo jet
utilized to cloak the missile.
The flying pig's nose passed completely through the steel box column exterior
and exited the WTC 2tower at the North-East bevel before the flying pig's payload of advanced blast incindiary munitions was ignited.
The mimiature turbo-fan jet engine that propelled the flying pig cloaked as a
miniature "jumbojet" was found at the corner of Broadway and Murray st.
Compare this miniature turbo-fan jet engine to the WTC 1 flying pig sun bathing
in front of grown men at the Staten Island lanffill. Folding chair holding barricate tape
scales the engine size.
The fact of the flying pigs "bunker-buster " nose surviving both entrance and exit through the structural
steel exteriors of the WTC tower betrays the plot.
Technologically speaking the flying pig of the early 19 th. century was the great grandaddy
of modern flying pigs --21 st century CRUISE MISSILES.