Since folks don't want to review the evidence posted early on in the thread, the WA Examiner has a summary of the evidence of live bats at the WIV. My memory was correct.
Evidence mounts Wuhan lab studied live bats despite denials
Re the video of the live bats: yes it was a video promoting the BSL4 lab, but
it was made in 2017 and was hardly questionable evidence.
The volume of coronavirus specimens collected from Yunnan was huge:
After multiple denials, claiming again and again the lab leak was a CT, Daszak admitted the WHO inspectors didn't ask about live bats:
Live bats and those humanized mice Shi got from Baric:
And like I said there was an article noting the bats needed feeding when the caregivers went on vacation.
And there was that patent for bat cages evidence:
Why is the fact there were live bats at the WIV denied? The conclusion is obvious.