Skeptical Carioca
I'm an only child. The main reason being that my parent's could barely afford one child, let alone two or more. Also, my mother was intent to give me an excellent education, something she herself was denied. So it had to be one, at most.
Speculations abounded. Some said she had become infertile. That my parent's marriage was doomed. That one day I'd die and they wouldn't have a "spare" child. That I'd be an spoiled and egotistic b*tch, prone to emotional instability. Some even said that only children have more chances of being psychotic.
Only children have access to better education than kids with siblings. If there's a direct link between income and educational level, it stands to reason that not dividing resources between two or more kids will allow for a beter education of one. Again, speaking for myself, maybe I wouldn't have had access to going to a language school to learn English. Knowing English increases my chances in the marketplace, to say the least.
Generosity. Everything was mine, I didn't have to share it with anyone. It's common to see siblings throwing tamtruns over who is eating the last cookie. I never had to. It would be mine. I was 100% sure that my parents would give me anything, as long as they could afford (sometimes they couldn't, and I understood that). I wasn't competing with anyone, and the last cookie wasn't about the love of my parents. So it follows that I found it very easy to share what I had with others. Things were just things, objects, not necessarily a struggle for attention.
I never wanted a sibling, although I felt lonely sometimes. However, I'm very good company to myself, and loneliness is a friend, not an enemy. I know I can do well on my own. That's very reassuring.
I wouldn't hesitate having only one child. It has its downsides, though. When my parents grow old, worse if senile, I'll be alone in taking care of them. It worriess me in this regard.
Having a sibling is a lottery - it can be someone you admire and a great friend, it can also be a total leech ready to exploit you.
Any more only children here? I know Lisa is one. How do you guys feel about being only children? If you are or are not, would you consider having only one kid?
Speculations abounded. Some said she had become infertile. That my parent's marriage was doomed. That one day I'd die and they wouldn't have a "spare" child. That I'd be an spoiled and egotistic b*tch, prone to emotional instability. Some even said that only children have more chances of being psychotic.
Only children have access to better education than kids with siblings. If there's a direct link between income and educational level, it stands to reason that not dividing resources between two or more kids will allow for a beter education of one. Again, speaking for myself, maybe I wouldn't have had access to going to a language school to learn English. Knowing English increases my chances in the marketplace, to say the least.
Generosity. Everything was mine, I didn't have to share it with anyone. It's common to see siblings throwing tamtruns over who is eating the last cookie. I never had to. It would be mine. I was 100% sure that my parents would give me anything, as long as they could afford (sometimes they couldn't, and I understood that). I wasn't competing with anyone, and the last cookie wasn't about the love of my parents. So it follows that I found it very easy to share what I had with others. Things were just things, objects, not necessarily a struggle for attention.
I never wanted a sibling, although I felt lonely sometimes. However, I'm very good company to myself, and loneliness is a friend, not an enemy. I know I can do well on my own. That's very reassuring.
I wouldn't hesitate having only one child. It has its downsides, though. When my parents grow old, worse if senile, I'll be alone in taking care of them. It worriess me in this regard.
Having a sibling is a lottery - it can be someone you admire and a great friend, it can also be a total leech ready to exploit you.
Any more only children here? I know Lisa is one. How do you guys feel about being only children? If you are or are not, would you consider having only one kid?