March 8, 2023 seems worrisome considering earthquakes and volcanoes.
The last time the Earth was activated due to alignment was on February 14th. We were then in the region between the Moon and Mars.
The 5th day of February was a full moon and right from the morning on the 6th day the Earth was in the area between the Moon and Saturn.
At the same time, on the 6th of February, the big earthquakes in Turkey and Syria. In my opinion, the rest of the Earth was more active than normal.
The fact that Saturn was almost behind the Sun caused the Earth to be activated more strongly than normal.
I assume so.
It would be about the energy that the nuclei of atoms circulate. About energy that our devices cannot register. From the energy that creates registrable particles such as electrons and photons.
The energy that light waves consist of. Of the zillions of separate dark energy condensations that are needed for the zillions of one electron or photon to be born.
Normally, a lot of this dark energy from other planets and the Moon is pushed through the Earth.
During alignments, less of it is pushed through the Earth. That is, more of it collides with the cores of the Earth's atoms. It increases the Earth's internal pressure.
On March 6, the Earth is in the region between the Moon and Saturn, so that Saturn is on the right side of the Sun's background as seen from the Earth. From there almost to the opposite sphere with the condensations of dark energy originating from the Sun. To an even more direct countersphere with the dark energy densifications from the Moon and Earth.
That is, with the dark energy that is pushed towards the Earth. Dark energy originating from the Earth always meets dark energy originating from other planets directly in the opposite sphere. If the Alignment is completely straight, then the dark energy originating from the Moon meets that dark energy pushing towards the Earth also directly to the opposite sphere, and the straighter the alignment, the more condensations of dark energy push through the counters during their journey before the trajectory hits the Earth.
The more direct the alignment, the stronger the Earth is thus activated.
If Saturn were directly behind the Earth as seen from the Moon tomorrow, then the situation would be very worrying.
But rarely are these alignments so direct. Seen with the solar simulator, Venus was in the region between Earth and Jupiter on March 2, but Jupiter was nowhere near directly behind Venus. If there had been, we would have seen strong weather phenomena on Venus with a delay. Sure, Venus was activated to some extent at that time.
Ok, on the night between March 6 and 7, the Earth will be in the area between the Moon and Mercury.
March 7 is the turn of the full moon, which means that then the Earth is in the area between the Moon and the Sun. Fortunately, there is no Lunar Eclipse. Then the Sun would be directly behind the Earth. In my opinion, after Lunar eclipses, the probability of earthquakes is higher.
From the morning of March 8, the Earth will be in the area between the Moon and Neptune, so that when viewed from the Earth, Neptune is to the left of the Sun in the background.
Where Saturn was on the 6th of February in the early morning.
I don't know how straight that alignment was on February 6th, but if on March 8th the Moon, Earth and Neptune are as straight as the Moon, Earth and Saturn were on February 6th, then there is reason to be worried.
There have been tremors in Turkey from time to time even after February 6. An earthquake of more than 6 on the Richter scale was reported on February 20. It happened to be a new moon then. That is, the Sun, the Moon and the Earth were aligned in such a way that the dark energy originating from the Sun and the Moon was pushed towards the Earth from the same direction.
Dark energy originating from the Earth and the Moon was pushed into the opposite sphere by dark energy originating from the Sun and thus it was activated, etc.
So yes, I am worried about the situation in Turkey, thinking about the sixth, seventh and eighth days of March.
And the sixth day is already tomorrow.
Ps. Even though the previous alignment was on the 14th of February, Maapallo has been activated even after that. There have been several terrestrial solar flares. There have been earthquakes since then.
Some have predicted them and e.g. Thomas Wiren has videos on YouTube related to these predictions.
I myself made a video related to the alignments of the following days.
Let's follow the situation.
Oh yeah. The sun was really active.
It was in the region between the Earth and Saturn and soon in the region between the Earth and Neptune.
Maybe more solar flares.
9th and 10th of March possibly many Tornadoes in USA. Of course, there is a big chance for them already on March 8. And they occur elsewhere too.