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Non SJW podcasts?


Feb 23, 2006
I'm tired of being preached at, and it seems like most of my favorite podcasts have jumped on the SJW bandwagon. I really loved Dogma Free America, but it is no more. Are there others out there I'm missing?
Had to look up what SJW meant. :o

Given the Urban dictionary's definition, I don't think I listen to any podcast that could fairly be ascribed that pejorative term; I think the closest podcast that I listen to that someone could accuse of such a thing would be "Dogma Debate", but that would be a false accusation, as they tend to look at social issues critically, in addition to advocating social justice.

As to skepticism/science podcasts with much less of a social issue bent, I'd recommend Skeptics with a K and Big Picture Science.

On the not-exactly-skepticism but skeptic-friendly front, I'd recommend Radiolab and - if you are interested in history - Dan Carlin's Hardcore History.
Nothing says "sceptic" like not wanting to engage with ideas we find uncomfortable :thumbsup:
Nothing says "sceptic" like not wanting to engage with ideas we find uncomfortable :thumbsup:

I take it you attend church on Sunday, go to a temple on Saturday, and routinely attend services at mosques and sacred groves?
Nothing says "sceptic" like not wanting to engage with ideas we find uncomfortable :thumbsup:

I don't find ideas uncomfortable - just somewhere between idiocy and brilliant. Make fun of the idiocy and learn from the brilliant.
Maybe. Or maybe it's a case of someone wanting their information not swathed in large amounts of politics and ideology.

I was wanting to hear something other than the same damn dogma thrown in my face. I like the SETI podcast, but sometimes I like it biting a little bit harder. Cognitive Dissonance is pretty funny! At this point, I find my old heroes Matt Dillahunty and Tracie Harris to be nearly unlistenable, they just preach and preach and preach their SJW stuff. SGU without Perry, and especially after they circled the wagons around their SJW, just feels dirty to me. Dogma Free America and Skeptoid are my favorites, bummer DFA is no longer with us
As to skepticism/science podcasts with much less of a social issue bent, I'd recommend Skeptics with a K and Big Picture Science.
I love Skeptics with a K - they banter, they laugh, they argue, there's a lot of swearing, plus an equal amount of good science. Listening to them is like being at a really good party.
Big Picture Science, on the other hand - there's good science in there as well. But oh my, the presentation! They both sound like they're on Prozac and reading s-l-o-w-l-y to young children from a rather dull script. And once it's finished, I can't remember a thing they said. But that's just my opinion, YMNV.
There really is no better podcast then Planet Money. If you haven't tried, give it a listen.
There really is no better podcast then Planet Money. If you haven't tried, give it a listen.
Mmm, some of the eps look interesting, so I'll give it a try. I'm not interested in America-centric stuff, but I can always give those episodes a miss. And I should pay more attention to economic stuff.
Mmm, some of the eps look interesting, so I'll give it a try. I'm not interested in America-centric stuff, but I can always give those episodes a miss. And I should pay more attention to economic stuff.

Once you start listening, there aren't many you will give a miss. I'm Canadian and I don't find I ever really notice. There are a lot on Greece for example. You wouldn't think an economics podcast would hold mass appeal, but it does.
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