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Making teens front court for having consensual sex? Give me a break.

Its not like this is un-precedented. We've let the government force our kids to go to school, we've let the government impose age restrictions on legal activities and we've let the government tell our kids they cant be out past midnight.

Its all bull$◊◊◊◊ imo.
The boy is being held in secure detention on a charge of attempted second-degree sexual assault, a felony that carries a possible juvenile prison term.

The girl pleaded guilty to fourth degree sexual assault, a misdemeanor, but is charged with violating her probation; a warrant has been issued for her arrest.

They've been charged with assaulting...each other? At the same time? Why is the boy's charge higher?
Joshua Korosi said:

They've been charged with assaulting...each other? At the same time? Why is the boy's charge higher?

The girl's charge was initially the more serious of the two but she copped a plea.
From reading the article, it seems both kids have "problems" with authority.

Considering how "authority" is treating them, I'd have some pretty serious problems with authority in their shoes too.
These people don't understand teenagers at all. Rebelling against authority is what they do. Making sex illegal is just more temptation for the teenagers to try it.

Hey, if they were being responsible about it (using protection), let them have their fun. Who are they hurting?
They're hurting the power hungry adults who feel the need to reign over their sexuality.
During my eldest daughter's rebellious phase (14 seems to be a common age for it), the police-youth liaison officers at local police stations used to often act as mediators between us. They would have laughed at me had I said that I wanted her and/or her boyfriend charged for having sex while under the age of consent, as would the Department of Community Services (our equivalent of the US's CPS).
And then you wonder why there are som many youth criminals/prostitutes? This case sounds like the shurefire way of turning a troubled teenager into a raging "angry at society" criminal. It is a long time since i used it but here goes: THIS COULD ONLY HAPPEN IN USA!!!!!

:usa: :wink8:
Consensual sex

This is one of the most moronic cases I have ever seen.

Who exactly committed the harm here?

Well guess what? It wasn't the teens.

Certainly there needs to be some responsibility shown as far as preventing pregnancy, and guarding against disease, but that is not the issue.

The harm was caused first off by the less than bright mother, and then some overzealous stiff shirt idiot district attorney, who believes he is backed by some idiotic and baseless law.

It is amazing to me, with all of the true evil in the world, that our justice system would waste it's time in a case such as this.

This was not the way that this should have been handled.

I believe that at some point, someone is going to need the guts to go and challenge, some of our antiquated laws that are totally unsubstantiated by facts. These kids should be able to in some way sue for something.

This is ridiculous.
Re: Consensual sex

nightwind said:

This is ridiculous.

I dont think that could be said enough. Why do we allow the government to impose this tyranny on our kids?
""The reason I charged this case was because of their attitude," Kornblum says. "I believe they had to be brought before an authority."

Not to punish the children, she said, but to help them through various court-ordered services

The kids don't have the right to have sex in the girl's mom's bedroom. They didn't see anything 'wrong' with it either. Someone needs to teach them the 'risks' of sex at that age.

14 years shouldn't be having sex if they're on probation either.

If the girl gets pregnant, then I'd hate to be her kid!
You can always count on our resident fascist "Eos of the Eons" to advocate the next tyrannical policy.
:rolleyes: Whatever. If my kid was on probation and having sex in my bed at 14, then he'd land himself in front of a judge too.

Thing is, with my kind of parenting (not letting him do whatever he wants), he is not getting himself in enough trouble to get on probation.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Course, you're not a parent obviously (hopefully), so you don't understand the concept of discipline.
You're right; I’m not a parent. But when I have kids, I’m not going to get the state involved in our family problems. You obviously don’t have the fortitude and strength to raise your kids yourself if you have to appeal to the state for help.

When, and if my kids are on probation, I’m going to help them find every conceivable way to cheat, lie and otherwise avoid their so-called responsibility to the state.
Eos of the Eons said:
:rolleyes: Whatever. If my kid was on probation and having sex in my bed at 14, then he'd land himself in front of a judge too.

For what crime? Is it against the law to cum on your sheets?

Well, I do have kids, and everyone comments what a great parent I am, and what tremendous kids that I have.

However, I also will tell you that if I were to catch my kids in bed, I wouldn't turn them over to a judge.

If someone thinks that this would make them a great and responsible parent, then so be it. But I do disagree. ;)
Tony said:

For what crime? Is it against the law to cum on your sheets?

No, but how did the brat get on probation in the first place? I'm the only one who can cum on my sheets, she can get her own dang sheets!
From the article:

[Assistant District Attorney] Kornblum said that while many instances of consensual sex among minors get handled informally, she felt compelled to bring charges in this case.

"The reason I charged this case was because of their attitude," Kornblum says. "I believe they had to be brought before an authority.

So these kids are being subjected to this ridiculous and potentially damaging process not because of what they did, but because they had an attitude about it. They dared to be frank about their belief that they had a right to do what they were doing, and for that they're facing criminal charges. Meanwhile, other teens who get caught doing exactly the same thing but show remorse and contrition for it (which, to me, indicates that they hadn't thought it through as much as these two did, and therefore are probably less prepared to handle it) are free to go hump like bunnies again after the couple of days it will take for their hormones to override their contrition.

"So, kids, what have we learned today? Yes, Cindy?"

"We can scrump all we want as long as we play the game of appeasing the grownups and pretend to be sorry when we get caught. But if we dare threaten the grownups' fragile illusion of superiority and competence by letting them know we think they're full of sh!t, we're up a creek."

"Very good, Cindy, you get a condom. Don't you dare use it!"

Meanwhile, other teens who get caught doing exactly the same thing but show remorse and contrition for it (which, to me, indicates that they hadn't thought it through as much as these two did, and therefore are probably less prepared to handle it) are free to go hump like bunnies again after the couple of days it will take for their hormones to override their contrition.

Yeah, so kick all their asses for being stupid and give them one of those silicon babies they make with a computer chip that cries all night. Then let them brats decide if they're ready for the consequences of sexual behaviour. Just picture the idiot you're having sex with as the parent of your child and having to deal with them for the next 18 years or more.

Don't punish them for having sex, but for being careless and putting their futures at risk. Condoms are not a free ticket to sex. They can break.
My child was having sex at 14. She didn't need to do it in my bed because it was fine for her boyfriend and herself to use her bedroom for that purpose.

Apart from ensuring that they were being responsible in terms of contraception and physical safety (ie, not doing it in places where they were physically vulnerable to attack), and making sure that they understood the emotional implications of a sexual relationship, I pretty much kept my nose out of their business.

They are now both 17, still together, doing great at school, and there haven't been any pregnancy disease scares. In other words, they're normal, great, responsible kids - who became sexually active at an early age.
If she really wanted it to go to court, couldn't she have demanded the boy leave the premises, and then had him charged with trespassing when he didn't? Seems like a more solid basis for her exerting her parental rights here.

Brings up another question, does a parent have a legal right to "ground" their kids...? I mean, if a parent says "You're grounded" and the kid tries to leave anyway, does the parent have the right to force them to stay?

I'm suddenly curious about this.

Regarding one of those electronic babies... a teen girl once brought one into a movie theatre I was attending. Of course right in the middle of the movie it started to go off. As far as I can tell she brought it to the entrance corridor and left it in a corner there to go back and finish the movie! :eek:
gnome said:
If she really wanted it to go to court, couldn't she have demanded the boy leave the premises, and then had him charged with trespassing when he didn't? Seems like a more solid basis for her exerting her parental rights here.

Brings up another question, does a parent have a legal right to "ground" their kids...? I mean, if a parent says "You're grounded" and the kid tries to leave anyway, does the parent have the right to force them to stay?

I'm suddenly curious about this.

Regarding one of those electronic babies... a teen girl once brought one into a movie theatre I was attending. Of course right in the middle of the movie it started to go off. As far as I can tell she brought it to the entrance corridor and left it in a corner there to go back and finish the movie! :eek:


Well, if my kid goes anywhere when he's grounded, then I don't have to get him shlt all for christmas. My kids know what a want and a need is. If they don't want to listen, then they don't want to see anything but clothes from Value Village and a lump of coal at christmas.

I hope that rotten girl failed her class :D
Eos of the Eons said:


Well, if my kid goes anywhere when he's grounded, then I don't have to get him shlt all for christmas. My kids know what a want and a need is. If they don't want to listen, then they don't want to see anything but clothes from Value Village and a lump of coal at christmas.

I hope that rotten girl failed her class :D

Well, yeah but what if that already happened, say...

What if the kid wants nothing from you except what you're legally obligated to provide...? (I don't suffer from this problem, fortunately, but I'm curious)... could you force the kid to stay home?
Unless you are doing something very wrong and you don't care that your kid doesn't care, then that scenario never happens. Kids always want junk food or treats or a cake on their birthday, or even a car or a chance drive yours. There's always a priveledge that can be denied if they take off when grounded. Heck, I hardly ever ground my kids. They lose TV for a day or video games. There's better punishments than groundings.

If the kid is that messed up, then letting them go out when they are grounded isn't gonna hurt them anymore. They're a lost cause and you should be more worried about why than grounding them.
Still, the point is being missed here. Regardless of whether any clever parent should have to resort to forcing their child to stay home, do they have the legal right?
Well, you'll have to ask someone who knows the law. Opinions don't count there. Heck, it may vary from place to place.
"The reason I charged this case was because of their attitude," Kornblum says. "I believe they had to be brought before an authority."
Not to punish the children, she said, but to help them through various court-ordered services.
I'm sure being on a sex-offender list for the rest of their lives will be so very helpful, employers and landlords will be thrilled to find their names there.

Sheer idiocy, yet another reason why we Illinois residents call them "cheeseheads".
gnome said:
Still, the point is being missed here. Regardless of whether any clever parent should have to resort to forcing their child to stay home, do they have the legal right?

I suspect that in many places there is no clear answer. The circumstances under which a 14 year would be forcibly returned home here are extremely limited, so it's hard to imagine the legality of a parent grounding a child being tested unless the child had filed a complaint of child abuse/neglect on the basis of confinement to home, in which case the child would have to establish that the grounding was inappropriate in some manner. Unless that was established the parent would have broken no law by grounding the child, but nor would the child have broken any law by ignoring the grounding.
The inmates are running the asylum. This is governmental madness. How jail time is going to benefit these kids is beyond me...as if there is anything wrong with them in the first place. The authorities are going to ruin two lives -- for what?
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