Although the verses have been confirmed they remain malcontent,
But why such aversion to what has been sent?
If naught had come down then this day would be unjust,
But with the revelation thereof the event is must.
Those willfully ignorant will speak “Who has woken us from our sleep”,
While the reprobates and the sinners will wish the earth would them keep.
They will question themselves repeatedly “How was it that we were so greatly deceived?”,
But with the predetermined time now expired, they will wish they would have believed.
As the fetters are bound tightly and various groups led away,
Many will speak out against those who led them astray.
They shall cry out that the penalty of the leaders be greatly increased,
Although the response to their cries will cause double on each.
While this is something which you can’t yet comprehend,
Masses will regret having been heedless to the message he did send.
Muhammad was 5 for 5 when describing the Universe
Early in the seventh century a illiterate and unlearned man by the name of Muhammad (pubh) stated that the heavens (which include the stars, planets, etc.) and the earth were all joined together as one before God separated everything.
Since the mid 1900's and up until present day scientist are in agreement regarding what has been come to be known as the “
Big Bang”.
[Quran 21:30] “Do not the Unbelievers see that the heavens and the earth were joined together (as one unit of creation), before we clove them asunder?”
Scientist agree that early universe mainly existed in a
gas like state, also the presence of “smoke” after a large explosion is something which is quite common.
The Quran describes the universe in its early stages can be described as being like “smoke” which then came together to form objects.
[Quran 41:11] “Then He directed Himself to the heaven while it was smoke and said to it and to the earth, "Come [into being], willingly or by compulsion." They said, "We have come willingly."
Science testifies to the fact that the universe is not something which is static but something which
continues to expand. The Arabic word "moosiaaoona" in the term "inna lamoosiaaoona," translated into English as "it is We Who are steadily expanding it", comes from the verb "evsea," meaning "to expand." The prefix "la" emphasises the following name or title and adds a sense of "to a great extent." This expression therefore means "We expand the sky or the universe to a great extent."
[Quran 51:47] “And the heaven We constructed with strength, and indeed, We are [its] expander.”
The Quran correctly identifies the age of the Earth as being one third the age of the universe. The age of the
universe is 13.77 billion years, the age of the
earth is 4.54 billion years.
13.77 divided by
4.54 =
3.033 or
3:1 ratio, Just as six days divided by two days (simplified) =
3 or a ratio of
Total time of creation for heavens and Earth was six days
[Quran 7:54, 10:3, 11:7, 25:59] Creation of the Heavens and the Earth in six days
Formation of the Earth was two days
[Quran 41:9] “He who created the earth in two days”
Science agrees to the fact that Iron is something which is of non earthly origin
(Iron's non Earthly origin), but something which was sent down.
Although banded iron formations were laid down in the time between 3,700 million years ago and 1,800 million years ago, they were in fact sent down to Earth. Iron's very common presence in rocky planets like Earth is due to its abundant production as a result of fusion in high-mass stars.
[Quran 57:25] “And We sent down iron”
Arguments regarding the measurement of Time
Some like to use the argument that if a day is 24 hours then a six day creation story makes little sense. I agree, and also consider it to a completely baseless and silly argument to try and place God within our own Earth time. Not only that but while we are bound by time, it is only rational to think God operates outside of the boundaries of time, something which was itself created.
Major Mistakes regarding the Universe found in the Bible
-Age of the
universe is Not 6000 years
By attempting to show the genealogy of Adam all the way to Jesus, thereby showing the Christian Creation story to be approx. six thousand years. (The Quran does not provide any specific amount of time as this).
God needing to rest, as in the “on the seventh day he rested”
[Genesis 2:2].
God being all powerful it would be contradictory to his nature that he also requires rest.
The Quran does not contain such a statement.
-Other incorrect assessments which have been identified and are said to be based up Biblical sources include:
The Earth as the center of the universe, the
Earth having four corners, and the 6000 year old Earth theory which places
mankind and dinosaurs within the same period of time, something which some Christians have tried to reconcile sometimes with strange and even somewhat humors results:
A Scientist Visits A Creationist Museum.