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Looking for tele-internship for spring!

buttonpoetry.com didn't call back. however, they might have been swamped with potential applicants. It looks like I might have to come up with something a bit more professional looking. Let me start emailing people I know.
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I signed up for about 20 of the least flakey looking internships I could find online and am now waiting for the inevitable spam in my email box. The funniest one was a place looking for an unpaid intern to mainly do oil changes from what I could gather. Other ones that made the fail list were commission based marketing positions where they were too shy to say the name of their company and/or wanted money up front. Also unpaid/paid personal assistants to rich dudes, heh.

I did network my email list and those probably are going to be the best ones, probably.
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I know I sound like kind of an idiot right now. Mainly because I am distracted by a few things going on. I do notice the systematic, ruthless, destruction my credibility when ever I ask for something around here. Apparently being ruthless is some kind of skeptic's litmus test to show their +dicksize or something.
Soliciting advice on a skeptics forum is a bit like asking somebody to punch you in the mouth. You can't really complain if you end up with a fat lip.
I signed up for about 20 of the least flakey looking internships I could find online and am now waiting for the inevitable spam in my email box. The funniest one was a place looking for an unpaid intern to mainly do oil changes from what I could gather. Other ones that made the fail list were commission based marketing positions where they were too shy to say the name of their company and/or wanted money up front. Also unpaid/paid personal assistants to rich dudes, heh.

I did network my email list and those probably are going to be the best ones, probably.

I take it you're not interested in my offer. I'm so sorry. I have lots of socks to sort at the moment and was really hoping for some help.
PsionIO: I pretty much get the same kind of advice at home so this probably doesn't faze me as much as most people.

The teacher running the internship is a COMPT teacher and probably, pounding socks on rocks would not cover the academic part of it.

I have sent fourth my emails and god only knows what will come from it, if anything.
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PsionIO: I pretty much get the same kind of advice at home so this probably doesn't faze me as much as most people.
LOL it sounds like your family is almost as loving as mine. :D

The teacher running the internship is a COMPT teacher and probably, pounding socks on rocks would not cover the academic part of it.
I don't know what a COMPT teacher is but from what you say, I'm guessing that COMPT isn't short for "competent".

I have sent fourth my emails and god only knows what will come from it, if anything.
I hope it goes well for you.
MinnesotaBrant, you are in luck.

As it happens, I can offer you a telecommuting internship in the fast-paced telecommuting internship industry. You will work the hours you want, on the projects that interest you, at your own pace. Unlike many internships, a weekly stipend for living expenses is not only available, but required. Further, I can practically guarantee a positive report to your course administrator.

Reply if you are interested, and I'll supply the fee schedule.
LOL it sounds like your family is almost as loving as mine. :D

I don't know what a COMPT teacher is but from what you say, I'm guessing that COMPT isn't short for "competent".

I hope it goes well for you.

I think he got promoted from adjunct professor to Computer Technology/Medical Systems Technology coordinator. He is one of the more likeable professors I met there. He's competent but he does have high expectations, also he works hard to deliver a quality product. He is a Bangladeshi who got his degree by way of the University of Finland. What else. He apparently worked for awhile doing contract work. His main claim to fame is, while working as a systems analysis, he was shown the door by two burly guys after solving the companies problem because apparently the IT guy in charge's competence was questioned.

Let me go see what The Greater Fool wants to talk about.
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I think he got promoted from adjunct professor to Computer Technology/Medical Systems Technology coordinator. He is one of the more likeable professors I met there. He's competent but he does have high expectations, also he works hard to deliver a quality product. He is a Bangladeshi who got his degree by way of the University of Finland. What else. He apparently worked for awhile doing contract work. His main claim to fame is, while working as a systems analysis, he was shown the door by two burly guys after solving the companies problem because apparently the IT guy in charge's competence was questioned.
Other than doing contract work for companies that hire burly guys, he sounds like everything you should aspire to be.

Let me go see what The Greater Fool wants to talk about.
My guess is that TGF has seen more than one bogus internship offer in their time. ;)
I guess I owe MinnesotaBrant an apology. My previous post was intended as a joke, effectively claiming to sell a phony internship. Sorry I was not clearer on my intent.
WELL I AM BREAKING?GRASPING AT STRAWS HERE. I got one response from 1 person and it was nugatory.
I got a response from a very large organization to, I assume, Write articles and/or, create content for media. It's an appropriate fit for me too since I share the same values and beliefs of this organization. I guess I better go see what they are looking for.

Apparently they need a cover letter, resume, and writing sample in order for me to be considered for the position. I think not sending any of that and still getting a reply makes this is a real good company to work for!
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Office sucks for grammar checking. I generally write fast, and if I write the article twice, It should be pretty clean of grammaticals.
I got a response from a very large organization to, I assume, Write articles and/or, create content for media. It's an appropriate fit for me too since I share the same values and beliefs of this organization. I guess I better go see what they are looking for.

Apparently they need a cover letter, resume, and writing sample in order for me to be considered for the position. I think not sending any of that and still getting a reply makes this is a real good company to work for!

Then get it together and reply with everything they asked for. For Ed's sake, though, proofread your writing sample. I count two firm and two iffy grammar errors in the above.

Don't get your hopes up into cloud nine territory, as this may be a group that formally acknowledges all such applications/requests. But, do follow through and good luck.
Apparently they need a cover letter, resume, and writing sample in order for me to be considered for the position. I think not sending any of that and still getting a reply makes this is a real good company to work for!

See, here is the thing. When most people apply for a new position, the normal thing to do is send a covering letter, and your CV, and address the criteria for the position you are applying for. As you have said before, you are over 50 and do not even understand this basic principle? Did they put KSC in the advert you responded to?

I suspect that the eMail response you got was an auto response asking for basic information which you were silly enough not to provide in the first place. I am wondering why you ignored the most basic information that anybody, even 18 year olds provide when applying for even an unpaid job, which is a covering letter, a CV, and a further statement addressing the KSC.

Don't you even know how applying for a job works? Don't get too excited by their initial response. Once they see your CV, you might be on the outer.

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Apparently they need a cover letter, resume, and writing sample in order for me to be considered for the position. I think not sending any of that and still getting a reply makes this is a real good company to work for!
If that is too much work for you then you could always send them links to your recent threads in this forum. That would tell them everything they want to know about you.
I have to look at the deadline on this one as it might be is soon. I wrote a paper quite awhile ago on internet MEMEs that almost reads like an article so that might work, and do have a fancy looking resume that is posted, but hidden online somewhere do that might be done. I am getting bariatric surgery done in March so I might make an uninteresting article on that subject. I have to see what the conventions for article submissions are. From what I read awhile ago they are very strict.

psioni0: To quote Ezra Pound, "I am afraid to show you who I am, because you might not like who I am, and that's all I got." Meaning, I may not get a great response from their reading of the posts I wrote on this site. Especially the blood of Christ one, and probably a few more. You are usually right though, it probably would be fine., Brant
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psioni0: To quote Ezra Pound, "I am afraid to show you who I am, because you might not like who I am, and that's all I got." Meaning, I may not get a great response from their reading of the posts I wrote on this site. Especially the blood of Christ one, and probably a few more. You are usually right though, it probably would be fine., Brant
I was thinking about the threads that you started in this section but you are right. Once your prospective employers are aware that you post in this forum, they might dig up posts that don't make you look so good.
I was thinking about the threads that you started in this section but you are right. Once your prospective employers are aware that you post in this forum, they might dig up posts that don't make you look so good.

The ones that get read a lot? I see the black helicopter one got 32k hits I wondered about that. Its not all that interesting of a post really. I wonder how much the read count on forums has to do with data mining since it seems the posts that are slightly more random seem to get an unreasonable amount of hits compared to how interesting they are, or are not.

Actually there's nothing here that I have posted that would be considered remotely,racist, criminal or even the slightest bit threatening so I have nothing to fear really. You might say something is controversial, but the definition of controversial here is decidedly conventional so...

Anyway, I see you took me off your friends list. I assumed it was because I was never banned like the rest of your friends on your list are and didn't think too much of it really.
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The ones that get read a lot? I see the black helicopter one got 32k hits I wondered about that. Its not all that interesting of a post really. I wonder how much the read count on forums has to do with data mining since it seems the posts that are slightly more random seem to get an unreasonable amount of hits compared to how interesting they are, or are not.
Nope, those are not the germane ones even though those won't help your cause much either.

Actually there's nothing here that I have posted that would be considered remotely,racist, criminal or even the slightest bit threatening so I have nothing to fear really.
Nobody claimed that you posted any such thing. Your actual posts are sufficient to cause any prospective employer to "respectfully decline".

You might say something is controversial, but the definition of controversial here is decidedly conventional so...
I doubt any prospective employer would have much of an issue with controversial opinions. It is your other body of work which sinks your proverbial battleship.

Anyway, I see you took me off your friends list. I assumed it was because I was never banned like the rest of your friends on your list are and didn't think too much of it really.
How classy. End with a direct insult.
Please don't refer any prospective employers to this site. It wouldn't help you in any way!
:confused:You think psioni0 is giving me bum advice? Methinks anything on this site would not meet the standards of a professional employer so no worries. Bunch of crackpots the lot of ya. Please don't tell me this is learned helplessness.
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Please don't refer any prospective employers to this site. It wouldn't help you in any way!
:confused:You think psioni0 is giving me bum advice? Methinks anything on this site would not meet the standards of a professional employer so no worries. Bunch of crackpots the lot of ya. Please don't tell me this is learned helplessness.


What does my post have anything to do about psion10?
I was referring to your OP.
Anyway, I see you took me off your friends list. I assumed it was because I was never banned like the rest of your friends on your list are and didn't think too much of it really.
That's funny, my CP still has you as a friend - the only unbanned one. One or two sock puppets have been removed so maybe the mods have done some housekeeping since you last checked.

:confused:You think psioni0 is giving me bum advice? Methinks anything on this site would not meet the standards of a professional employer so no worries. Bunch of crackpots the lot of ya. Please don't tell me this is learned helplessness.
I will admit that there was a bit of humour there. But don't forget tht my posts are usually of stellar quality. ;)

The advice I gave in the other thread still stands: The only way to get anywhere is to do it the hard way. If you are not in a position to give it your all at this time then you might experience some disappointments.
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I just read the posting for the internship and noticed that my GPA is not high enough to qualify for the job. That's the big one. I do meet most of the other qualifications and am a good fit with both the organization's culture and philosophy which is possibly why they wrote. I guess I just better write something damn good and go find my resume.
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Actually my GPA is in COMPT in probably high enough(I haven't checked), but they average all the credits I have ever taken for all the classes since I first started college. Since its such a large amount of credits, a grade of A or F only bumps it like .05 points, thus my GPA isn't going to change much no matter what I do by the time I graduate.
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Actually my GPA is in COMPT in probably high enough(I haven't checked), but they average all the credits I have ever taken for all the classes since I first started college. Since its such a large amount of credits, a grade of A or F only bumps it like .05 points, thus my GPA isn't going to change much no matter what I do by the time I graduate.
Yes, reality sucks like a vacuum cleaner. :boggled:

If only you could use what you learned in COMPT to hack the system computers, change the information stored about you and thus change your GPA.
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130 credits later I am better off than I was, but still nowhere near that high powered paper pusher job I desire. Anyways I am still not that smart. Thanks for your support though.
Uuummm...you do realise that this that this Board has nothing to do with the JREF, and is owned by a person living in Europe (Member and owner : Icerat? ) don't you?

As far as I know, nobody from JREF, or what is left of it, is even a member here any more. Do try to keep up. It's been over a year.


I missed this info. Though I missed the swap for months
I scratched the internship idea because the one that was interested wanted a 3.0 GPA and I had no compelling reason to overcome that restriction so I am taking algebra instead.
Button poetry.com, the internship position I originally applied for got back to me, so I guess I better go put some flourishes on my resume and get back to them. I am already signed up for algebra now. If I get this gig I think maybe I should skip the Java for now and just take the math..
I got a response from a very large organization to, I assume, Write articles and/or, create content for media. It's an appropriate fit for me too since I share the same values and beliefs of this organization. I guess I better go see what they are looking for.

It basically means blogging for free. As long as you know that, this could well be an opportunity to consider. Unlike many on this forum I find your approach refreshing. Your honesty, humility and originality might well strike a chord.

However, I don't see a lot of money in it. Good luck, though.
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