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Looking for tele-internship for spring!


Apr 20, 2011

I signed up for an internship next spring and was told about the process today. Its a two credit deal for 5 hours a week. I was thinking that maybe it would be cool to get into some telecommuting to get my internship. Does anybody on Jref need an intern for 5 hours a week next spring and probably Fall. I do understand that Internships are very important for your resume. I am soon getting a degree in COMPT next year hopefully.

Wondering if there is any moderating that needs to be done around here? I will take any offers, anywhere.

Thanks, Brant

Uuummm...you do realise that this that this Board has nothing to do with the JREF, and is owned by a person living in Europe (Member and owner : Icerat? ) don't you?

As far as I know, nobody from JREF, or what is left of it, is even a member here any more. Do try to keep up. It's been over a year.

I didn't know, thanks. I guess I am to go look at on a board of a list of companies and try to find one. That's probably my ticket. I guess I can do this 4 times as I can get up to 8 credits as an intern. I probably will do it three times so I will have a years experience by the time I graduate
Having read this, and the rest of that thread, if I was an employer I would kind of avoid you like the plague.

I am nearing the completion of my computer tech degree and I really don't know if I learned much of anything that will help me. What I did learn was how to create systems that make passing the class quicker and easier using both paper and software systems. I DID NOT SAY CHEATING! For instance, I found good use for notetaking and paper writing from dragon naturally talking until my wife came in asking questions and hashed the profile and I have no idea how to fix it. Also, I am taking college algebra in the spring, (I have saved the hardest classes for last.) and found a program that seems to be able to do 95% of the algebra problems with probably 95% accuracy--and the mess-ups are so messed up that its easy to tell--this might be helpful to me if I am struggling to find the answer. I don't know how it works-- maybe they have someone on the other end typing the answer as you submit it. Someone told me you can write excel worksheets that can handle most algebra based statistics problems. I will be taking my statistics class in the fall and I am taking my excel certification now, so that should smooth me through that one.

The only problem is the C and Java class. Is there any shortcuts that you can use to get you through any of the above classes that you know of. Or are Jrefers not the lazy shortcut type of peeps.
I didn't know, thanks.

So, you ask for a job without even knowing that you are asking in the wrong place. Research is you friend, but if you are unwilling to do any research, and don't even understand who you wish to be employed by. then nobody will be silly enough to hire you to do anything at all.

Why don't you just start by leasing a building and starting a Coffee Shop? You could do it by crowdfunding.

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Having read this, and the rest of that thread, if I was an employer I would kind of avoid you like the plague.

I'm in a position to get him an (unpaid) internship, and would consider doing so if there wasn't much paperwork involved, and if I hadn't read that thread.
I need some help folding laundry. I can't pay, so that makes in an internship, but I'm not sure how to execute this as a telecommuting gig. But I can guarantee work for at least 5 more years.
I guess there's a place called intern.com. But the thread is still open if anybody has a cool gig. I got the approval from the professor already, I just need the gig.
I guess there's a place called intern.com. But the thread is still open if anybody has a cool gig. I got the approval from the professor already, I just need the gig.

I am over 50 and disabled as well. This should be a piece of cake!. I will tell you the gig I get after I get started looking. My teacher extended some homework until today so I have to get it done so I can get a C in my database class (which I hate by the way).

Really if you hate paperwork why did you go into management anyway?

Saw The Intern, the movie, my 3 year old loved it! She also loved church too, especially the coloring books. yes I found a church with coloring books in the pews and the pastor even said he understood parishioners with little or no faith whatsoever coming to church.
Having read this, and the rest of that thread, if I was an employer I would kind of avoid you like the plague.

I am nearing the completion of my computer tech degree and I really don't know if I learned much of anything that will help me. What I did learn was how to create systems that make passing the class quicker and easier using both paper and software systems. I DID NOT SAY CHEATING! For instance, I found good use for notetaking and paper writing from dragon naturally talking until my wife came in asking questions and hashed the profile and I have no idea how to fix it. Also, I am taking college algebra in the spring, (I have saved the hardest classes for last.) and found a program that seems to be able to do 95% of the algebra problems with probably 95% accuracy--and the mess-ups are so messed up that its easy to tell--this might be helpful to me if I am struggling to find the answer. I don't know how it works-- maybe they have someone on the other end typing the answer as you submit it. Someone told me you can write excel worksheets that can handle most algebra based statistics problems. I will be taking my statistics class in the fall and I am taking my excel certification now, so that should smooth me through that one.

The only problem is the C and Java class. Is there any shortcuts that you can use to get you through any of the above classes that you know of. Or are Jrefers not the lazy shortcut type of peeps.

MB as an employer, I would have the very same reaction. That lacklustre type of approach would be what I and my colleagues refer to as a "toxic applicant" and would be spotted at the horizon.

You go on to state...
I am over 50 and disabled as well.

This should be a piece of cake!.

I will tell you the gig I get after I get started looking. My teacher extended some homework until today so I have to get it done so I can get a C in my database class (which I hate by the way).
Why are you studying that which you hate? Why are you seeking employ in a role that you hate? Why do you think you will last at a job that you hate?

Really if you hate paperwork why did you go into management anyway?
Because that way you get to decide which bits of paper actually matter.

Saw The Intern, the movie, my 3 year old loved it! She also loved church too, especially the coloring books. yes I found a church with coloring books in the pews and the pastor even said he understood parishioners with little or no faith whatsoever coming to church.
Over 50, disabled, unemployed, cheating through college for a hoped for job you will hate and a 3 year old. Does this not strike you as just a little irresponsible?
MB as an employer, I would have the very same reaction. That lacklustre type of approach would be what I and my colleagues refer to as a "toxic applicant" and would be spotted at the horizon.

You go on to state...


Why are you studying that which you hate? Why are you seeking employ in a role that you hate? Why do you think you will last at a job that you hate?

Because that way you get to decide which bits of paper actually matter.

Over 50, disabled, unemployed, cheating through college for a hoped for job you will hate and a 3 year old. Does this not strike you as just a little irresponsible?

When one finds-out what his disability is, all this starts to make sense. :(
222.jpgYou folk are for the most part funny. I am dead serious that being over 50, disabled, and mentally ill is an advantage in todays job market. Of course, I could have been born to rich parents, or married rich, but then I would be even more annoying! Seriously.. I had to make up some homework from my database class which I am failing. I am also doing the hardest part of my Excel class this week. But, I promise to report what internship I find, if I can find one. So, keep checking in!

Also, I guess nobody asked what denomination of church had coloring books in the pews and also was understanding of atheists being part of their congregation; it was a Presbyterian Church. Let me go wiki them. Looked fairly like a sparsely filled, fairly older, white congregation. I had heard that the inner city denominations were hurting. My kid is going to nursery school there for 50 bucks a month and I wanted to check it out. Seems ok. I can't see Catholics giving out anything for 50 bucks.

Saw the Intern with my kid. Kid got in free because she was sleeping, she woke up later, said she loved it!. 3 year old wouldn't like about something like that.
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<snip image>
Ponder that some relish homework out of sheer interest.

You folk are for the most part funny.
Glad you are amused at your own expense.

I am dead serious that being over 50, disabled, and mentally ill is an advantage in todays job market.
Guess again.

Of course, I could have been born to rich parents, or married rich, but then I would be even more annoying!
Idle speculation is idle speculation.

Seriously.. I had to make up some homework from my database class which I am failing.
Why did you have to "make it up"? Why not just do the work instead of trying to slide through with no effort on your part?

I am also doing the hardest part of my Excel class this week.
Orly? Excel is trivially easy. What exactly is it that you find difficult?

But, I promise to report what internship I find, if I can find one. So, keep checking in!
You might get lucky and find one, but you will quickly be found out.

Also, I guess nobody asked what denomination of church had coloring books in the pews and also was understanding of atheists being part of their congregation; it was a Presbyterian Church.
Nobody cares. One flavour of god botherer is much the same as another.

Let me go wiki them. Looked fairly like a sparsely filled, fairly older, white congregation. I had heard that the inner city denominations were hurting. My kid is going to nursery school there for 50 bucks a month and I wanted to check it out. Seems ok. I can't see Catholics giving out anything for 50 bucks.
You put your 3 year old in the charge of a religious sect about whom you know nothing and NOW you want to google them?

Saw the Intern with my kid. Kid got in free because she was sleeping, she woke up later, said she loved it!. 3 year old wouldn't like about something like that.
3 year olds don't make stuff up? Get a grip on reality. Toddlers make all manner of stuff up, regularly lie and think the universe revolves around themselves.
3 year olds don't make stuff up? Get a grip on reality. Toddlers make all manner of stuff up, regularly lie and think the universe revolves around themselves.

Pretty much this. Ask a young kid with enthusiasm and a happy face "How would you like to go to Disneyland?", and they will be happy, and say yes.

Use the exact same enthusiasm and happy face and say "How would you like to go to Siberia in a dogsled?" and you will get exactly the same result.

Young kids are far smarter than Brant even has a concept of.

Really if you hate paperwork why did you go into management anyway?

I'm not in management, I'm a research scientist working in materials science as well as software visualization. I would not add to our accountants' paperwork load without an expected payoff.
Let-me-get-c3w4im.jpgMaybe. I looked at some intern sites but most of them want a bachelors degree. I did see one that looked interesting but wants me to write an article. It will take me awhile to have to get my dragon naturally speaking dictate edition working again and come up with something to talk about. I do write rather quickly so this is not a bother.

Do, I troll sceptics? Yeah, but if I told them that they might not come back. You would think one of them would give me a pat on the back and say good luck with that and that would be the end of it. But sceptics have a passion for exposing the truth and want nothing to do with the mentally disabled. Apparently middle aged people too since that has come up several times. let me go find a meme for that brb.

Also pretty sure the wall of text arguement has never won over anyone.
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I think you might have a future in the freelance marketplace. It's online, no barriers to entry, and you can earn while you learn.
I saw one that looked good but was more in the development of various kinds of media. Almost all of the ones I looked at require a 4 year degree some offer experience that doesn't nearly require a 4 year degree doing things like churning out reports and pivot tables in Excel. Almost all are paid however and all of them require more of a time commitment than I wanted. There are some business analyst intern positions that require a 4 year degree that I could probably do but they want full time and I can't really do that and go to school and take care of my kid. I might be too old, but doing media production for a show might be kind of fun.
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I am dead serious that being over 50, disabled, and mentally ill is an advantage in todays job market.

I couldn't agree more. But you want bilingual illiteracy nowadays too. Spanish and English is best, but unfamiliarity with a number of European languages will work too.
I couldn't agree more. But you want bilingual illiteracy nowadays too. Spanish and English is best, but unfamiliarity with a number of European languages will work too.

I know I sound like kind of an idiot right now. Mainly because I am distracted by a few things going on. I do notice the systematic, ruthless, destruction my credibility when ever I ask for something around here. Apparently being ruthless is some kind of skeptic's litmus test to show their +dicksize or something.
I know I sound like kind of an idiot right now. Mainly because I am distracted by a few things going on. I do notice the systematic, ruthless, destruction my credibility when ever I ask for something around here. Apparently being ruthless is some kind of skeptic's litmus test to show their +dicksize or something.

By and large, people are trying to help you - by all means play the game but it will not help you if you put on public record that you are doing so.

I signed up for an internship next spring and was told about the process today. Its a two credit deal for 5 hours a week. I was thinking that maybe it would be cool to get into some telecommuting to get my internship. Does anybody on Jref need an intern for 5 hours a week next spring and probably Fall. I do understand that Internships are very important for your resume. I am soon getting a degree in COMPT next year hopefully.

Wondering if there is any moderating that needs to be done around here? I will take any offers, anywhere.

Thanks, Brant

OP looks like a basic open request for an internship. Then, I was accused of somehow cheating, what else, my mental illness was brought up again and again, ageism, Then they even somehow attacked the creditability of my 3 year old and questioned whether sending my kid to nursery school was a good idea. How is this going to help me in my quest to get an internship? Please. +dicksize.. Nobody cares about your dick, really. Put it back on your head where it belongs. Sorry if my response seems a bit rude.
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I know I sound like kind of an idiot right now. Mainly because I am distracted by a few things going on. I do notice the systematic, ruthless, destruction my credibility when ever I ask for something around here. Apparently being ruthless is some kind of skeptic's litmus test to show their +dicksize or something.

Maybe the mirror is a good place to be looking -

Do, I troll sceptics? Yeah

Trolling is all about deception. Once proven, the only question is how much deception are we dealing with.

I don't harbor any personal resentment. Just don't play the victim after boasting about being so lazy.

Disability /= lazy.
I think the OP is about getting an internship. The rest of the poster are mainly talking about their +dicksize which I assume is enormous based on the posts I read. Please. OP is tired of getting slammed in the ass by posters here.
Ok let me look in the mirror again.datass.jpg


I signed up for an internship next spring and was told about the process today. Its a two credit deal for 5 hours a week. I was thinking that maybe it would be cool to get into some telecommuting to get my internship. Does anybody on Jref need an intern for 5 hours a week next spring and probably Fall. I do understand that Internships are very important for your resume. I am soon getting a degree in COMPT next year hopefully.

Wondering if there is any moderating that needs to be done around here? I will take any offers, anywhere.

Thanks, Brant

OP, wants you to stay out of it.
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OP looks like a basic open request for an internship. Then, I was accused of somehow cheating, what else, my mental illness was brought up again and again, ageism, Then they even somehow attacked the creditability of my 3 year old and questioned whether sending my kid to nursery school was a good idea. How is this going to help me in my quest to get an internship? Please. +dicksize.. Nobody cares about your dick, really. Put it back on your head where it belongs. Sorry if my response seems a bit rude.

The only person who brought all of those things up was you.
OP looks like a basic open request for an internship.
Things don't happen in a vacuum. You didn't just send an internship request to the JREF, you sent it to the entire membership and all the guests of this Forum. In fact, you didn't even send it to the JREF at all. This Forum is not associated with the JREF, and nobody here has any official connection to the JREF.

That by itself opens up the OP to legitimate (and, to my mind, serious) criticism. By posting here, you have invited remarks from the membership here. You could have--should have--avoided this by sending your inquiry directly to the JREF through their official channels of communication.

In reaching this audience instead of your intended audience, you have called into question your suitability for the position you seek. It is entirely appropriate and in keeping with the purpose of this Forum for the members here to raise this and related questions in response to your OP.

Further, your body of work is known to the membership of this Forum. It is reasonable for the members here to consider each new post you make in the context of all your previous posts. If some members here discern a pattern in your body of work that raises additional questions about your suitability for the position you seek, it is entirely appropriate for them to discuss their conclusions in a thread which you have in fact created for that very discussion.

All the points that have so far been raised, are based on information that you yourself have willingly provided to this Forum.

I think that at this point, your only remedy is to report the OP for personalizing the discussion, requesting that the thread be closed and sent to AAH.

I think the OP is about getting an internship.
Only in the vaguest, least productive way. If you want a JREF internship for real, I strongly recommend emailing them directly, via the address posted on their website for that purpose.

The rest of the poster are mainly talking about their +dicksize which I assume is enormous based on the posts I read. Please. OP is tired of getting slammed in the ass by posters here.
It's a tough crowd, sure, but you've been around the block enough times to know this already. If you're tired of the heckling, there is a remedy: stop posting, or change your posting style. If you do neither, then people will start to wonder if you really are tired of it.

OP, wants you to stay out of it.
That ship has already sailed. If you wanted the Forum membership to stay out of it, you shouldn't have started a thread for the Forum membership to discuss it.

Really, in what possible interpretation of the world we live in, is a post on a discussion board a formal business communication?
[/QUOTE]Really, in what possible interpretation of the world we live in, is a post on a discussion board a formal business communication?[/QUOTE]

Well JREF has a reputation for being a tough crowd to put it mildly. I think the term used over the net to describe the general experience people have posting on jerkf would be "BULLIED". But..., I love you guys anyways.

I would ask if anybody coming to this post in has an virtual intern-type position available if that allowed as I still need to find one.
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Well JREF has a reputation for being a tough crowd to put it mildly. I think the term used over the net to describe the general experience people have posting on jerkf would be "BULLIED". But..., I love you guys anyways.

You were told on the first response to your OP that this Forum has nothing to do with JREF. You even seemed to accept this. You have been told the same thing since, but still revert to type.

What is it about that fact that "JREF has nothing to do with this Forum" that you don't understand.

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I know I sound like kind of an idiot right now. Mainly because I am distracted by a few things going on. I do notice the systematic, ruthless, destruction my credibility when ever I ask for something around here. Apparently being ruthless is some kind of skeptic's litmus test to show their +dicksize or something.

I don't think it has anything to do with your penis. It's your thinking processes. Your mind is defective.
I don't think it has anything to do with your penis. It's your thinking processes. Your mind is defective.

You said, "I still don't think it has anything to do with your penis, blah, blah, blah". Correct me if I am wrong.
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You said, "I still don't think it has anything to do with your penis, blah, blah, blah". Correct me if I am wrong.
View attachment 34103

You are wrong.

You came seeking opinions and you got opinions. Perhaps you did not like those opinions but those were the opinions you got so tough luck.

As an employer, I stand by mine as expressed in this thread. You will be spotted for the charlatan you are miles off, and that is without reading this and your other threads.

You proudly started a thread in which you seemed to think it a matter of pride to oil your way through whatever lame course you undertook. You intentionally foisted your homework on the membership here and demanded that said homework be completed by others, you gave no credit to those who did the work that was rightfully yours to perform, you stated out straight that your objective was to cruise through your examinations by means of milking the knowledge out of others, you stated plainly that this is a role you despise, and so on and so forth.

Here is my question. Why should those of us who have risen through the ranks of our professions by means of hard work and toil have any jot of respect for one who proclaims his lazy nature as a virtue?
I know I sound like kind of an idiot right now.

No comment

Mainly because I am distracted by a few things going on.

Like your crowdfunding Coffee Shop? How is that going by the way?

I do notice the systematic, ruthless, destruction my credibility when ever I ask for something around here.

You asked the JREF, in some sort of dreamtime that this Forum has something to do with the JREF. This is not the JREF, and has nothing to do with it.. It has already been explained to you several times.

Apparently being ruthless is some kind of skeptic's litmus test to show their +dicksize or something.

No, it is just explaining so somebody that they are badly, incredibly. remarkably wrong, for so many reasons that you would not even understand the first.


12345.jpgSo from what I gather your advice to me is:

A. Work really hard to get a 4 year degree so by the time I am 60 I can maybe get an internship.

B: Try that Forbes link that doesn't work because I am in a coffee shop with terrible reception.

C. JUMP! JUMP! Please jump.

So based on this analysis wheres this going? Please pick letter a.,b,. or c,.

I got 130 credits by the way so, even if I slid my oil through most of them. That's still probably way more credits than you have.


Thanks a lot for the advice.
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Good morning.

So from what I gather your advice to me is:

A. Work really hard to get a 4 year degree so by the time I am 60 I can maybe get an internship.
My advice to you is to work really hard to get an internship now, so that you don't get to be 60 without having gotten even that far.

B: Try that Forbes link that doesn't work because I am in a coffee shop with terrible reception.
You'll need good reception for any kind of telecommuting job. My advice to you is to work really hard to solve the problem of poor reception, in order to take advantage of the Forbes link and also to demonstrate your ability to proactively solve the kinds of telecommuting problems that might get in the way of your work. Prospective employers love demonstrations like that. Prospective employers are almost always turned off by the -dicksize shown by not solving such problems.

C. JUMP! JUMP! Please jump.
In a nutshell, yes.

So based on this analysis wheres this going? Please pick letter a.,b,. or c,.
I pick B: You lack either the basic willingness to solve online problems and use online tools to get yourself an online job, or you lack basic online capability to do an online job.

I got 130 credits by the way so, even if I slid my oil through most of them. That's still probably way more credits than you have.
Ironically, I managed to get to the point where credits are no longer a useful measurement of my +dicksize, without ever going through the phase where credits actually mattered.

So while it's true that you have more credits than I do, I on the other hand do not desperately need to find myself an internship before I turn 60.

Oh, I will.

Thanks a lot for the advice.
Don't thank me yet. It was free advice. You get what you pay for.
Good morning.

My advice to you is to work really hard to get an internship now, so that you don't get to be 60 without having gotten even that far.

You'll need good reception for any kind of telecommuting job. My advice to you is to work really hard to solve the problem of poor reception, in order to take advantage of the Forbes link and also to demonstrate your ability to proactively solve the kinds of telecommuting problems that might get in the way of your work. Prospective employers love demonstrations like that. Prospective employers are almost always turned off by the -dicksize shown by not solving such problems.

In a nutshell, yes.

I pick B: You lack either the basic willingness to solve online problems and use online tools to get yourself an online job, or you lack basic online capability to do an online job.

Ironically, I managed to get to the point where credits are no longer a useful measurement of my +dicksize, without ever going through the phase where credits actually mattered.

So while it's true that you have more credits than I do, I on the other hand do not desperately need to find myself an internship before I turn 60.

Oh, I will.

Don't thank me yet. It was free advice. You get what you pay for.

Good afternoon.
I don't have a hard-on at all so I have to rate your BSDM post as a fail. I would hate to think of the advice what I would get if I actually paid for it. :covereyes
Thanks, Brant

As far as the crowdfunding thing went. I got an offer of splitting the profits of a dime bag plus a bus ticket to burgerking instead of the 400 or so k I was asking for. Kind of shows the mindset of people around here.
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