OP looks like a basic open request for an internship.
Things don't happen in a vacuum. You didn't just send an internship request to the JREF, you sent it to the entire membership and all the guests of this Forum. In fact, you didn't even send it to the JREF at all. This Forum is not associated with the JREF, and nobody here has any official connection to the JREF.
That by itself opens up the OP to legitimate (and, to my mind, serious) criticism. By posting here, you have invited remarks from the membership here. You could have--should have--avoided this by sending your inquiry directly to the JREF through their official channels of communication.
In reaching this audience instead of your intended audience, you have called into question your suitability for the position you seek. It is entirely appropriate and in keeping with the purpose of this Forum for the members here to raise this and related questions in response to your OP.
Further, your body of work is known to the membership of this Forum. It is reasonable for the members here to consider each new post you make in the context of all your previous posts. If some members here discern a pattern in your body of work that raises additional questions about your suitability for the position you seek, it is entirely appropriate for them to discuss their conclusions in a thread which you have in fact created for that very discussion.
All the points that have so far been raised, are based on information that you yourself have willingly provided to this Forum.
I think that at this point, your only remedy is to report the OP for personalizing the discussion, requesting that the thread be closed and sent to AAH.
I think the OP is about getting an internship.
Only in the vaguest, least productive way. If you want a JREF internship for real, I strongly recommend emailing them directly, via the address posted on their website for that purpose.
The rest of the poster are mainly talking about their +dicksize which I assume is enormous based on the posts I read. Please. OP is tired of getting slammed in the ass by posters here.
It's a tough crowd, sure, but you've been around the block enough times to know this already. If you're tired of the heckling, there is a remedy: stop posting, or change your posting style. If you do neither, then people will start to wonder if you really
are tired of it.
OP, wants you to stay out of it.
That ship has already sailed. If you wanted the Forum membership to stay out of it, you shouldn't have started a thread for the Forum membership to discuss it.
Really, in what possible interpretation of the world we live in, is a post on a discussion board a formal business communication?