Grammar Resistance Leader, TLA Dictator
Seconded. Let's remember to keep this all around for the next time for I'm sure as long as Woo exists there will be a next time.
Indeed. I saved the link (from which Vortigern quoted) a year or two ago, when I found it after much searching because I was in a debate similar to the OP's. Not that the Woos bothered to read it, unless that's what stopped them posting. Still, it came in handy again here, and blobby's link will, sadly, probably be useful.
And I feel kinda like a lazy schlub, myself. I've been here through at least three (maybe four) such witch hunts, and should be able to access the stuff at the drop of an innuendo.
ETA: Tags? Have I got my VB settings mucked up or are there no Tags for this thread? Seems to me that'd be one real easy way to make sure we can find the info in a hurry.
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