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Let's design a Creationism/Intelligent Design-as-Fail mini-course unit


Sarcastic Conqueror of Notions
Mar 3, 2004
"Teach the controversy" -- they think this would somehow benefit them.

Ok, I'll bite. Intelligent design, such as it is, makes some predictions. God knows there's enough on all these all over the place. So rather than pick things apart piece by piece, address the larger issues.

ID, for example, maintains as their core premise that there exist certain structures that are irreducibly complex, that basically to exist it requires too big of a mutation* from anything known to be statistically reasonable.

They then list a bunch of these. Yet one by one they get shot down as science progresses, finding out how such things could indeed come to be. That's prima facie evidence that theory bit is not solid as predictive theory.

Eh, it would probably be a re-cast page from talk.origins or some such.

* Mutation used loosely to cover everything from cosmic rays and chemical transcription errors to regular sexual reproductive crossover and controlled re-scrambling of certain genes.
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You'd like us to offer ideas to create a lesson plan, unit plan, and/or type of script to follow if one of us were to teach an ID class as it were science?
Intelligent Design 101, Laboratory Experiment #1

Materials: Petri Dish
Two hands


1. Place petri dish on lab table in front of you.

2. Fold your hands in front of your chest and bow your head.

IMPORTANT: Make sure your lab partner does the same. Remember Matthew 18:20!

3. Pray to the Lord to create a new lifeform in your petri dish.


1. Explain why it is important to have your lab partner pray with you.

2. Describe the lifeform God has created for you. List all of its distinctive features. For example: how many legs does it have? Does it appear to be carnivorous or herbivorous? Is it invisible?

3. Write a prayer to thank God for your new creature.
ID is withering on the vine, but since I like to flog a dead grape as much as anyone...

The first fail is the first three words of the OP: "Teach the controversy". It takes two to tango. Whatever controversy that ID imagines is on its side alone.
Intelligent Design 101, Laboratory Experiment #1

Materials: Petri Dish
Two hands


1. Place petri dish on lab table in front of you.

2. Fold your hands in front of your chest and bow your head.

IMPORTANT: Make sure your lab partner does the same. Remember Matthew 18:20!

3. Pray to the Lord to create a new lifeform in your petri dish.


1. Explain why it is important to have your lab partner pray with you.

2. Describe the lifeform God has created for you. List all of its distinctive features. For example: how many legs does it have? Does it appear to be carnivorous or herbivorous? Is it invisible?

3. Write a prayer to thank God for your new creature.

hahaha, i love this
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