Well other believers in the official story, have a very different view ...
Welcome to the Rapture Ready Message Board.
Scooby, why are you spinning your tires like this? You're throwing out empty strawman after empty strawman, and only making yourself seem even more silly and foolish than ever before. You debunk your OWN OP!!! Then you toss out more obviously false strawmen like claiming that we lump all Twoofers as a unified group - Well, I suppose if you count lumping them all together as idiots...
Now you're trying to claim that JREF is associated with RaptureReady???
Ladies and gentlemen, THIS is a prime example of why the education system needs a complete overhaul. Not only can this fellow not read plain English, he absolutely lacks anything vaguely resembling critical thinking skills.
Skeptics, Scooby. Skeptics. Means they accept nothing without reasonable proof. The Rapture is right up there with 9/11 controlled demolitions and space beam weapons. Yes, RR folk support Bush - He believes in that crap. WE DO NOT SUPPORT BUSH. That the official story of the events on 9/11 agrees with him is no more indicative of support than if Bush looked at the clear daytime sky and noticed it was blue, just like we did.
What do you expect of people, Scoob? That we should look at Bush's other beliefs and decide that, because we disagree with his religious or ethical or moral standings, that we should also disagree with his understanding of gravity or how to bake a cake or whether the towers collapsed due to fire damage? Bush also believes in a somewhat spherical Earth... OMG! We must become Flat Earthers!!!
I can only assume that you're so ashamed and embarrassed at having been debunked time and again that you've decided instead to shoot for a personal banning. Sad that you're trying it on the JREF boards, a place that is fairly notorious for NOT banning at the drop of a hat!
Really, Scoob - why don't you turn that youthful fury and anger and energy into something constructive and useful, and go to work actively protesting our involvement in the Middle East? 9/11 wasn't an inside job, but it's certainly being used wrongly as an excuse for continued presence in a place we do not beling. Go fight that! Quit wasting valuable time and energy shooting empty shells at imaginary strawmen!
Either that, or get a girlfriend. Believe me, you'll lose a LOT of that extra energy once you discover girls. Or, should I say, you'll be USING a lot of it.