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Laser Beams and Holograms - does anyone actually believe this obvious bull ...?

Oh my God....I'd never seen that full Judy Wood interview before.....

Oh my God. I dunno what to say.

Twoofers, how did you take this woman seriously at any point?

She belongs in a mental facility!

Her billiard ball paper did have a specious appeal. If you didn't have a decent foundation in basic physics (and most people don't) it would have been hard to refute. She was almost anonymous then (it wasn't hard to figure out who she was, but her name didn't appear on the website with the paper at the time), so the billiard ball paper stood on its own.
It is claimed on here that the 911 Truth movement is a homogenous collection of arguments represented by the theory that a space-beam weapon was used to disintegrate the WTC and Holograms were used instead of planes and real planes were used and explosives were used to bring down the WTC.

This is a classic disinformation technique, sometimes termed 'poisoning the well' through the construction of 'straw man' arguments.

This is what everybody "debunking" the debunkers does, is claim that all they have done is debunk strawmen arguments that "no true 9-11 Denier" believes. Since there are a virtually endless variety of 9-11 Denial theories, it's pretty easy to claim that your particular theory has not been debunked, especially if you decline to specifically state what that is. This is what I fully expect DRG's new book to do, point out that Popular Mechanics debunked the pod theory that "no true 9-11 Denier" believes.
Funny thing is, Judy Wood was the darling of the entire Trooth movement. Every single Troother I came across used her amazingly incompetent work as if had been handed down on stone tablets.

This is the first time I saw it referenced--March 15, 2006:

It was referenced a hell of a lot around that time. Look at 9/11 forum archives around March/April of last year, and you'll see it a lot.

When are you ever going to learn to stop doing that, Mr :socks: ? It's a dead giveaway in addition to your relentless whining and willingness to attack strawmen. I would also recommend that you change your .."ise's" to "ize's" and drop the "u's" from words like color and vapor. Makes it a little less obvious...


Carry on.
Blah blah blah,

Show some proof, not just stuff pulled out of your hind.
So the complaint here is "Wah,some idiots on my side of the fence came up with a boneheaded theory and somehow its ALL THE SKEPTIC'S FAULT!"?
When are you ever going to learn to stop doing that, Mr :socks: ? It's a dead giveaway in addition to your relentless whining and willingness to attack strawmen. I would also recommend that you change your .."ise's" to "ize's" and drop the "u's" from words like color and vapor. Makes it a little less obvious...


Carry on.

Us Cannucks use the "u" there as well. Colour and vapour, as well as harbour, and arbour, neighbour.

So the complaint here is "Wah,some idiots on my side of the fence came up with a boneheaded theory and somehow its ALL THE SKEPTIC'S FAULT!"?
Yes, but the implicit claim behind the complaint is that some shills hopped the fence disguised as Truthers and spread that boneheaded theory.
And since when does Beachnut believe in this? From what I've seen from his posts, he thinks it's as ridicolous as most other people.

The kind of beam weapons he's describing is -not- the kind of beam weapon that could take down WTC, if you had understood had you only read his post properly.

When will you start to actually read posts (not skim, read), so that you avoid making false claims?

Well ask him, he's defending it - nothing to do with me.

I must say it is amazing behaviour - leaping to the rescue of your straw-man, just so you can beat up on him again.

I mean what is he saying, that its an entirely reasonable ridiculous theory?
Well ask him, he's defending it - nothing to do with me.

I must say it is amazing behaviour - leaping to the rescue of your straw-man, just so you can beat up on him again.

I mean what is he saying, that its an entirely reasonable ridiculous theory?
He's saying that beam weapons do exist for extremely limited applications, but they're nothing like what Judy Wood suggests.

He's saying that there's no amount of available energy on earth that could power a beam weapon powerful enough to do the damage that Judy Wood suggests they did.

Your reading comprehension really is not very good, is it?
Well ask him, he's defending it - nothing to do with me.

I must say it is amazing behaviour - leaping to the rescue of your straw-man, just so you can beat up on him again.

I mean what is he saying, that its an entirely reasonable ridiculous theory?
There is not enough power for a beam weapon to do 9/11. Your first post made it look like you did not know we have used "beam" laser weapons to shoot down a missile during tests.

As seen there is also a 95ghz beam weapon to make people leave the area. Check the frequency I am doing this from memory.

If you are saying believing a beam weapon did 9/11 is too crazy to believe, I agree. Only a total idiot would believe a beam weapon brought down WTC1/2/7. If you are saying "beam weapons" do not exist you are wrong.
If part of the twoof movement wouldn't promote theories such as these, maybe the twoof movement could actually accomplish something. Emphasis heavily applied on the word 'maybe.'
Scooby, you just showed off examples why your OP was a strawman.

As you actually -read- this, you will come to understand that the point is that he is is claiming the exact opposite of what it means to have a "homogenous collection of argument". The very definition of a group having a "homogenous collection of arguments" is that everyone agrees with them. Do you understand?

OK, so maybe its the wrong term.

The 911 Truth movement is protrayed here as a single group of people with a single set of ideas, advanced in unison. This is not the case.

Nobody with any brains supports Judy Wood and the space beam theory, but regardless, they will be challenged here on the implication that they do.

How many we got so far - I make it 2 accidentals - Beachnut so eager to disagree with everything I say ended up supporting it - calm down beachy, you're giving the game away, and there was another similar I think.

But I wouldn't count those would you?
I don't think I've ever seen it implied here that EVERY Twoofer belives in space beams. As has already been mentioned in this thread, the funniest part about the movement is for such a tiny movement it already seems to have about a million splinter groups. Not every Twoofer is a nut preaching about space beam involvement that there's no evidence for. Some rant about controlled demolition (that there's no evidence for); some rant about stockmarket insiders having advanced info of the attacks (which there's no info for)...

The whole CONtrolled demolitions CONspiracy movement, whatever form they take all display an ignorance of how real controlled demolitions work. Whether it be space beams they allege, conventional RDX based explosives (which ignite at 206 degrees C and could not have survived fire) Thermite / Thermate (which does not explode).

All they do is detract from the seriously flawed methods of the security services and the government in dealing with these terrorists.

Well ask him, he's defending it - nothing to do with me.

I must say it is amazing behaviour - leaping to the rescue of your straw-man, just so you can beat up on him again.

I mean what is he saying, that its an entirely reasonable ridiculous theory?
I'm asking you in full seriousness here:

What part of "the beam weapons Beachnut are talking about are entirely different than the kind that some CTists claim destroyed the WTC towers" are you completely incapable of understanding? Really.

Again, he never suggested or implied that "beam weapons destroyed the WTC" was a reasonable theory. YOU claimed he suggested that, which is a lie. See my previous paragraph, and again, I remind you he was talking about entirely different kinds of beam weapons, for entirely different purpouses than the kind some nutballs think were used. I've already shown you an article that's talking about one of the beam weapons Beachnut was talking about, indicating that it does in fact exist.

And Beachnut has also in this thread stated not only that he think "beam weapons destroyed the WTC towers" is a ridicolous theory, he's also mentioned a few reasons why. But you ignore that, of course.

And if your reading comprehension is in fact good enough to understand what I'm saying, then replace my first question with: Why do you keep lying like this?
I'm asking you in full seriousness here:

What part of "the beam weapons Beachnut are talking about are entirely different than the kind that some CTists claim destroyed the WTC towers" are you completely incapable of understanding? Really.

Errr, the fact that he's mentioning them in this thread?
What part of the title didn't he understand?
Oh my God....I'd never seen that full Judy Wood interview before.....

Oh my God. I dunno what to say.

Twoofers, how did you take this woman seriously at any point?

She belongs in a mental facility!

Who are you talking to?
I'm trying to find someone that you can get into this with, but there don't seem to be any people who subscribe to these theories on the forum.
So the complaint here is "Wah,some idiots on my side of the fence came up with a boneheaded theory and somehow its ALL THE SKEPTIC'S FAULT!"?
I have no idea how many truthers see validity in the beam weapon hypothesis. I do know that three of the six "truth" leaders who were to participate in the "National Truth Debate" were beam weapon proponents, and many, many truthers asked me if I was going to participate in that debate.
OK, so maybe its the wrong term.

The 911 Truth movement is protrayed here as a single group of people with a single set of ideas, advanced in unison. This is not the case.

Nobody with any brains supports Judy Wood and the space beam theory, but regardless, they will be challenged here on the implication that they do.
Has anyone challenged you on the implication that you support it? No.

How many we got so far - I make it 2 accidentals - Beachnut so eager to disagree with everything I say ended up supporting it - calm down beachy, you're giving the game away, and there was another similar I think.

But I wouldn't count those would you?
The people I see most often bringing up the beam weapon theory are TruthSeeker1234 (as an adamant supporter) and you (as a whining complainant)
Who are you talking to?
I'm trying to find someone that you can get into this with, but there don't seem to be any people who subscribe to these theories on the forum.
However, many people did subscribe to her earlier work, and referenced it admiringly. He's talking to those people.
I have no idea how many truthers see validity in the beam weapon hypothesis. I do know that three of the six "truth" leaders who were to participate in the "National Truth Debate" were beam weapon proponents, and many, many truthers asked me if I was going to participate in that debate.

You're not one of the d******ds from Popular Mechanics are you?

Do not use personal insults.
Replying to this modbox in thread will be off topic  Posted By: Lisa Simpson
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It must be a reading comprehension problem.

can i, darn, that mean no
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However, many people did subscribe to her earlier work, and referenced it admiringly. He's talking to those people.


Twoofers thought Judy was a God before this laser beam crap.

"Like, oh my God! She's and engineer with a PHD!"
It is claimed on here that the 911 Truth movement is a homogenous collection of arguments...

You didn't even get through an entire sentence without introducing a fallicious strawman argument.

One of the most common criticisms of the 'Truth Movement' is that they are unable to agree on any single theory, and that it is common for the different theories to be mutually exclusive.

Ready to withdraw that statement?
Like it or not, scooby - Judy Wood and Uncle Fetzer were once big names in your "movement."

Judy was the #1 twoofer engineer for a while until she went completely insane.

You'd think this would cause twoofers to step back and THINK for a minute or two...but few did.

Her supporters like TS1234 actually joined her on the spiral....
Nobody with any brains supports Judy Wood and the space beam theory...

Agreed. However, this doesn't mean that there aren't people who do believe this. Suggesting that we use the DEW theory in arguments against ALL truth movement members is, however, false.

And for your information, Truthseeker1234 on these forums is a supporter of the DEW theory. TS1234 is Ace Baker, someone who does have (albiet not as large as Avery or Fetzer) a public profile in the 9/11 truth movement.
You're not one of the d******ds from Popular Mechanics are you?

Do not use personal insults.
Replying to this modbox in thread will be off topic  Posted By: Lisa Simpson

Do I see a suicide-by-mods coming?

Funny how they all end up doing that, one after the other, after having been thoroughly debunked for weeks. :rolleyes:
You didn't even get through an entire sentence without introducing a fallicious strawman argument.

One of the most common criticisms of the 'Truth Movement' is that they are unable to agree on any single theory, and that it is common for the different theories to be mutually exclusive.

Ready to withdraw that statement?

Look - when are you lot going to make your minds up about the age of the planet - because these bush-truthers, your crowd - think its about 8000 years old ....

Welcome to the Rapture Ready Message Board.

This is what you have, on your team.

It's hilarious - when are you Bush followers, acolytes of the official story, going to clean your act up?
Look - when are you lot going to make your minds up about the age of the planet - because these bush-truthers, your crowd - think its about 8000 years old ....

What the hell does that have to do with anything?

Do you know there is an entire subforum devoted to debunking Creationism on this very board?

Here's a fine example:http://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=67385

You should go out of this subforum more, and read about skepticism and critical thinking, because it is obvious you don't know what you're dealing with here.
Yes, young-Earth creationism is rampant here on the JREF boards.

Come on, guys. He's just a 13 year-old screeching insults because he's been humiliated in public. He'll keep flaming until he gets banned.
Another common criticism of the believers in the official story - the WTC7 Deniers - something almost the same as Holocaust Denial in my book - a common criticism is their drug abuse, some of your most prominent members are nothing more than junkies, here's one ...


When are you going to quit the drugs, work out the age of the planet, and dump the intelligent design ********?
You're not one of the d******ds from Popular Mechanics are you?

Do not use personal insults.
Replying to this modbox in thread will be off topic  Posted By: Lisa Simpson
I'm not with Popular Mechanics, but my great-grandfather was William Randolph Hearst, so I guess that's a connection if paranoiacs want to make something of it.
What the hell does that have to do with anything?

Do you know there is an entire subforum devoted to debunking Creationism on this very board?

Here's a fine example:http://www.internationalskeptics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=67385

You should go out of this subforum more, and read about skepticism and critical thinking, because it is obvious you don't know what you're dealing with here.

Well other believers in the official story, have a very different view ...

Welcome to the Rapture Ready Message Board.
Well other believers in the official story, have a very different view ...

Welcome to the Rapture Ready Message Board.

Scooby, why are you spinning your tires like this? You're throwing out empty strawman after empty strawman, and only making yourself seem even more silly and foolish than ever before. You debunk your OWN OP!!! Then you toss out more obviously false strawmen like claiming that we lump all Twoofers as a unified group - Well, I suppose if you count lumping them all together as idiots...

Now you're trying to claim that JREF is associated with RaptureReady???

Ladies and gentlemen, THIS is a prime example of why the education system needs a complete overhaul. Not only can this fellow not read plain English, he absolutely lacks anything vaguely resembling critical thinking skills.

Skeptics, Scooby. Skeptics. Means they accept nothing without reasonable proof. The Rapture is right up there with 9/11 controlled demolitions and space beam weapons. Yes, RR folk support Bush - He believes in that crap. WE DO NOT SUPPORT BUSH. That the official story of the events on 9/11 agrees with him is no more indicative of support than if Bush looked at the clear daytime sky and noticed it was blue, just like we did.

What do you expect of people, Scoob? That we should look at Bush's other beliefs and decide that, because we disagree with his religious or ethical or moral standings, that we should also disagree with his understanding of gravity or how to bake a cake or whether the towers collapsed due to fire damage? Bush also believes in a somewhat spherical Earth... OMG! We must become Flat Earthers!!!

I can only assume that you're so ashamed and embarrassed at having been debunked time and again that you've decided instead to shoot for a personal banning. Sad that you're trying it on the JREF boards, a place that is fairly notorious for NOT banning at the drop of a hat!

Really, Scoob - why don't you turn that youthful fury and anger and energy into something constructive and useful, and go to work actively protesting our involvement in the Middle East? 9/11 wasn't an inside job, but it's certainly being used wrongly as an excuse for continued presence in a place we do not beling. Go fight that! Quit wasting valuable time and energy shooting empty shells at imaginary strawmen!

Either that, or get a girlfriend. Believe me, you'll lose a LOT of that extra energy once you discover girls. Or, should I say, you'll be USING a lot of it.
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