You know what I reckon? I reckon it was some assbag fundamentalist who raised an objection to Randi's Jesus video (didn't he say Nazareth didn't exist or something?), and YouTube automatically closed it down pending an investigation.
If it was an objection on Nazareth it was more likely to come from one of the five archaeologists who have excavated at Nazareth and who condemned Saims book in a recent journal article in a response to his response to Professor Ken Dark's tearing it a part, the Israeli Antiquities Authority or someone who actually knows something about archeology and objected to Randi promoting woo?
I think the conspiracy theory response to this whole thing has been hilarious, as the claims the JREF was targeted have come fast and quick from all over the web, with loads of people being accused, but sadly no one taking responsibility. The voices of reason, Arthwollipot, Mr Clingford and the actual staff have almost been drowned out in the general paranoia!
Look, it's because the JREF hosted a clip or something from a secondary source and that source has queried the use of their copyright. Is this not obvious? All will be restored soon, and bombarding YouTube with angry videos and petulant emails is not going to help Darat, Jeff, Lisa, Phil, Randi and whoever else works for the JREF one bit.
Really folks, where is your scepticism? Next someone it will tell me it was the Bilderbergers with the Trilateral Commission who used the Servants of Cthulhu to get the Boy Sprouts to use the Sugababes to take it down, on behalf of the Secret Master PAt Robertson. Or sumfink!
It's a balls up, a copyright thing, and will get resolved of that I am sure. I have been saying so since the beginning, simply cos it happens all the time, and is a no blame scenario. Really people, mellow!
cj x