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ISIS teenager wants to come home

Actually after a long argument between Cosmic Yak and I it's clear he has a good understanding and where we differ is a few areas of interpretation - i.e. the (to me) awfulness of the power under section 40 and interpretation of some clauses in the Bangladeshi nationality act where I believe they are unclear.

Thanks. I'm more than happy to debate these issues, and I have no problem with us agreeing to disagree. I do object to people characterising me as ignorant, though, and I appreciate you saying that I'm not. :thumbsup:
A fuller citation for and from Vixen, in which she says that Begum should not be held responsible for her actions:

Come off it. Think back to when you were fifteen. Can you honestly say hand on heart your peers or an older age group didn't persuade you to do, say or wear something that, looking back, you realise was utterly stupid and would never have happened were you an adult?

Should you be held responsible evermore for wearing those stacked platform boots or getting paralytic drunk on vodka and gin or joining some whacko political or religious group because you thought their ideas were great at the time.

Or do you understand that you were an immature un-fully formed person as of that age?

Yeah, sorry, but you still haven't answered this one. You were the one that picked up on this, remember? I think it only fair that you should state your position clearly.
As for 'hearsay', she is on record admitting joining a terrorist organisation. Did you perhaps miss her saying that?

So, Vixen, what say you? Responsible or not?
Let me try asking this again, as none of Begum's fanclub deigned to answer last time.
OK, she is brought back to the UK, sentenced, and found guilty of terrorist offences. Then what?
If she is placed in the general prison population, there is a significant risk of her radicalising those around her. If she is placed with other Islamist convicts, this creates a crucible of fundamentalism, leading to more of a threat. So, is she to be placed in solitary confinement for the duration of her sentence?
Then, what happens after she is released? Will she have to be watched, or do we just assume that she's rid herself of her murderous tendencies and is now fully rehabilitated?
What do we do with her? How do we ensure that she is no longer a threat to British society?

I don't see why wandering around stateless would reduce the threat
What factual evidence?

Here's my evidence for her being groomed: The age of consent in the UK is 16. She was 15 went she went off to be an underage bride in a war zone at the behest of people much older than her, people who had influenced her into thinking that this was the right course of action through obviously manipulative means.

Meanwhile, the evidence against her being groomed is what? The fact that she agreed with the groomers? Hard to imagine how that could have come about.

And don't you dare tell me that the evidence of her not being groomed is that a court decided that she wasn't groomed.

As others have shown, none of the courts have even ruled on her being groomed (an abdication of responsibility but then all the court rulings have been repugnant to the law in every aspect of this case), despite their being plenty of evidence to say yes and also to say by an intelligence agent of an ally working in the UK with the blessing and at least broad knowledge of the government.
As others have shown, none of the courts have even ruled on her being groomed (an abdication of responsibility but then all the court rulings have been repugnant to the law in every aspect of this case), despite their being plenty of evidence to say yes and also to say by an intelligence agent of an ally working in the UK with the blessing and at least broad knowledge of the government.

We've been over your conspiracy theories before, and found them to be groundless.
SIAC did examine whether Begum had been groomed, and found there was insufficient evidence to show this had happened. Begum wanted to join ISIS. We know this. Again, the Begum fanclub simply ignores the actual evidence.
Oh, and what does 'repugnant to the law' mean?
Begum may have found an unexpected supporter now that Nigel Farraj has decided that while he was previously sure that it was right & proper that she be stripped of her UK citizenship and exiled, on reflection he may not have spent enough time considering what Elon Musk might want.

The Independent
Begum may have found an unexpected supporter now that Nigel Farraj has decided that while he was previously sure that it was right & proper that she be stripped of her UK citizenship and exiled, on reflection he may not have spent enough time considering what Elon Musk might want.

The Independent

That won't please his base. But, like all Gammons, they'll forget all about it when Farage pulls the next squirrel out of his bag.
That won't please his base. But, like all Gammons, they'll forget all about it when Farage pulls the next squirrel out of his bag.

To my surprise there was a writer from the Daily Heil (or possibly the Heil on Sunday) speaking in favour of returning her to the UK.
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