They've got feathers! What kind of lizard has feathers? They are indeed terrible at being lizards.
Beautiful plumage. Dinosaurs aren't dead, they're just pining for the fjords.
They've got feathers! What kind of lizard has feathers? They are indeed terrible at being lizards.
They've got feathers! What kind of lizard has feathers? They are indeed terrible at being lizards.
They've got feathers! What kind of lizard has feathers? They are indeed terrible at being lizards.
On the other hand, most of them can fly.
We don't call a man that can fly a terrible man. We call him Superman.
But quite good at being dinosaurs since lots of dinosaurs turn out to have had feathers, or feathery filaments.
Yes, dinosaurs are good at being dinosaurs. Kind of goes with the territory.
Or terrortory, if you will.
Most birds, but not most dinosaurs.
Because he was also good at being a man. He was more than a man. Chickens can fly, but we don't call them Supermen, because they're terrible at being men. They are less than men in every respect except flying, and that's not enough.
They were the best evah! Today we've got Barney.
I don't think Barney is actually a dinosaur. I think he's actually some sort of newt.
I was about to make an argument about avian dinosaurs and contemporaneousness, but then I realised that avian dinosaurs were contemporaneous with terrestrial dinosaurs.Dinosauria are defined as the last common ancestor of Triceratops horridus, Passer domesticus and Diplodocus carnegii, and all of its descendants.
Some birds are flyers. All birds are dinosaurs. Therefore some dinosaurs are flyers. Similarly for swimmers.
Even for non-avian dinosaurs, their terrestriality is an observation, not part of the definition.
This is also why the nitpicking "Pterosaurs and aquatic mammals aren't dinosaurs!" thing is kind of annoying to me, as if "Dinosaur" is some super-specific scientific term.
That division [Ornithischia & Saurischia] is no longer recognised as fundamental. There are too many exceptions.
Ahem. *nerd snort* Technically, "thunder lizard" is the translation of the word brontosaurus. Birds aren't descended from brontosaurus. The words you're looking for are "terrible lizard".
The word "tetrapod" literally means "four limbs". What does one look like? Everything that has four limbs is a tetrapod. Some of them are bad ass killers, some of them are fluffy bunnies.
Everything that has four limbs is a tetrapod.
I'm not aware of one that doesn't. Like I said, it's the literal translation of the word. Care to enlighten me?But not every tetrapod has four limbs.
Really? I did not know that.The extinct Moa are notable for being two-limbed birds. Not even vestigial traces of their wings remain.
Checkmate cladistics.
Really? I did not know that.
ETA: You know how we know they're extinct? Because there are no moa.
I'm not aware of one that doesn't. Like I said, it's the literal translation of the word. Care to enlighten me?
Oh, you might be thinking of things like whales, which are descended from four limbed creatures but whose hindlimbs have atrophied? Yes, that is a notable exception. Good point.
Another notable exception is snakes.
Folk cladistics.
I'm not aware of one that doesn't. Like I said, it's the literal translation of the word. Care to enlighten me?
Oh, you might be thinking of things like whales, which are descended from four limbed creatures but whose hindlimbs have atrophied? Yes, that is a notable exception. Good point.
I have to admit, it annoys me when ever I hear the phrase "non-avian dinosaurs". It adds nothing to to the conversation except nerd pedantry. We may as well talk about non-human apes.
The idea is that birds are what they descended from and therefore are dinosaurs. So then dinosaurs too are whatever they descended from.
Surprise ... birds are dinosaurs and dinosaurs are what? If we are clever and accurate to say that birds are dinosaurs then what should we say that dinosaurs are in order to use that same logic with consistency?
Well, it is. Dinosaurs are specifically defined as terrestrial vertebrates. That means that they're not flyers, and they're not swimmers. Ichthyosaurs and pterosaurs are not dinosaurs. They're distinct groups of animals that just happened to be around at the same time.
That division is no longer recognised as fundamental. There are too many exceptions.
Basically everything that I learned from the dinosaur books I loved as a child in the 70s is wrong.
It would mean whales and bats are not mammals for one.
But at least Ostriches are dinosaurs in that definition. Are penguins Ichthyosaurs?
Whales and bats clearly developed from other mammals though.
Dinosaurs diversified into the forms we are familiar with after the break with flying/marine reptiles.
Is a taco a sandwich?
Categories describe reality, they don't create it,
Is Pluto a planet? The answer is not "yes" or "not" but "Our definition of a planet wasn't good enough."
Dinosaurs are specifically defined as terrestrial vertebrates.
But not birds.
I accept the correction.With whales, it sort of depends on how you count limbs. Snakes is more clearcut, though other exceptions have also been noted above.
Tetrapods are all descended from ancestors that had four limbs, but as a classification, they don't have to have four limbs anymore. I'm not aware of any tetrapods that have gained limbs, but plenty have lost them.
The canonical example of which is Vermithrax Pejorative from the 1981 movie Dragonslayer, yes. But I disagree that you can't be wrong about the definition of a fictional thing. If you said that Gandalf was an elf, you would be wrong, despite neither Gandalf nor elves being real things that exist.Yes but this is the internet where you can't call something a dragon without a nerd screeching at you about how it's really a wyrim despite neither of those things actually existing so it's literally impossible to be wrong about them.
Ahem. *nerd snort* Technically, "thunder lizard" is the translation of the word brontosaurus. Birds aren't descended from brontosaurus. The words you're looking for are "terrible lizard".
The word "tetrapod" literally means "four limbs". What does one look like? Everything that has four limbs is a tetrapod. Some of them are bad ass killers, some of them are fluffy bunnies.