Hostile Nanobacon
It seems that despite being informed here directly that the million dollars is safe, Mr Koenig is insisting on spreading his misinformation and lies where he won't get pulled up for them. This post was made by "tommy" on The Magic Cafe.
On 2008-10-14 21:25, tommy wrote:
I have wrote to Randi to see if I can take his test. Every time I throw a penny in the Wishing Well my wish comes true.
Mr Koenig's response follows.
On 2008-10-15 08:50, Psychic Samurai wrote:
Well, you'll have to put a microchip IN the coin to make sure that it is the exact coin that makes your wish come true, and not one of the other coins.
You'll have to prove that the coincidence plays NO PART and that the wish can not come true except by the coin wish itself.
One of Randi's boys or a hired expert will have to be down in the well to make sure the coin is not Switched Out. (You'll have to pay him since Randi covers NO expenses)
The wish must get plenty of media Coverage and you will have to have Academics testify that you can do this BEFORE you get a chance to do it.
HOWEVER ... Opus has a point, and the JREF would not consider it a valid claim since it can't be tested.
(Whatever is left of the Million is safe )
Some people never learn...
The Professor does foam at the mouth over the silliest things. Should be easy to come up with a protocol for that.
1. Wish for an elephant to appear in your living room.
2. Throw a penny in the well.
Why is The Professor gushing so much over that?
How about if the elephant DOES appear, the guy wins the million.
If it DOESN'T appear, The Professor pays him $1,000.