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Hellstorm: what the heck?


Misanthrope of the Mountains
Mar 31, 2007
Just stumbled onto some dreck on Youtube called Hellstorm. It starts off with a monologue on how the other nations were envious of Germany and were trying to kill it through moral degradation and drugs which kept the nation impoverished and feeble. Then along came HITLER and Germany rebounded because HITLER was awesome. But the other nations were not going to let poor Germany be powerful so they decided to punish it.

huge graphics HELLSTORM!

It only gets worse from there.

It sort of glosses over how the war starts outside of the opening narration which seems to frame the war as initiated by the Allies to punish Germany for daring to be rich. It then moves directly into the air campaign spending loads of time describing the horror of firestorms in Hamburg and Dresden.

I made it as far as the land invasion bit and turned it off when it made the laughable claim that British and American troops raped and murdered millions as they marched in from the west.

Who was behind this thing?
Check with member ryu238. Or check his posts. Most likely to be aware of this. Corporal Ferro may be also but haven't seen him posting for awhile!!!
As the last remaining participants die and as we move further away from the war there will be more and more of this kind of thing.
I bumped into some of this **** just yesterday on a FB post about the street level photo of Anne Frank watching out of her window. For all I know the POS's comment included some of what you mention, but it was long and I stopped reading after the claim that American POW camps were worse than Nazi concentration camps.

Replied the only proper way one does to Holocaust deniers: impolitely.
... I stopped reading after the claim that American POW camps were worse than Nazi concentration camps.
There was an Italian POW camp down the road from my mother's house. She used to take fresh food and barter with the Eye-ties for hand-carved wooden spoons and dinnerware which she sold in town. (This was southern Missouri someplace.)

ETA: The commander at one camp said he could kick all the POWs out right after breakfast and they'd all be back for dinner.
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In the UK Italian and German POWs were allowed out to work on farms and such. Some were even lodged outside the camps.
There was an Italian POW camp down the road from my mother's house. She used to take fresh food and barter with the Eye-ties for hand-carved wooden spoons and dinnerware which she sold in town. (This was southern Missouri someplace.)

ETA: The commander at one camp said he could kick all the POWs out right after breakfast and they'd all be back for dinner.

Similar in the part of Kent where I grew up apparently. Several Italians remained after the war... And the Italian Chapel in Orkney was completed after the war as Domenico Chiocchetti asked to finish the job. It's quite a special place

In the UK Italian and German POWs were allowed out to work on farms and such. Some were even lodged outside the camps.

At at least one PW camp in Canada the guards loaned rifles to some of the prisoners during hunting season to bring in more meat.

Of course this camp was on the north shore of Lake Superior and 20 miles away from the nearest village ...
I have just found this report of a German pow diary from the camp I was thinking of in Kent.

Not fun, but hardly terrible.


After his release Vinzenz returned to his parents' farm in Denkingen in south-west Germany and eventually set up his own nursery garden. He died in 1978. His grandson believes that if Vinzenz had not had family back in Germany he might well have settled in Britain for good.
years ago I lived in a village in the Brecon Beacons National Park in mid Wales.

A neighbour was originally from Austria (NO - not that one...!) who had been captured in the Desert Campaign. He spent some time in a POW camp in mid Wales before being shipped to Canada in 1943 I think.

After the end of the war he returned to Wales, married a local girl and settled down as a forester in the National Park.

Locals - with a masterful command of geography - called him "Yank".
years ago I lived in a village in the Brecon Beacons National Park in mid Wales.

A neighbour was originally from Austria (NO - not that one...!) who had been captured in the Desert Campaign. He spent some time in a POW camp in mid Wales before being shipped to Canada in 1943 I think.

After the end of the war he returned to Wales, married a local girl and settled down as a forester in the National Park.

Locals - with a masterful command of geography - called him "Yank".

My best man's grandfather had served in the Wehrmacht (in a penal unit). He was captured and sent to Canada. He liked it here - the food was decent, it was warmer than Russia and no one was shooting at him. His prewar home was in the Russian zone.

Just before war's end his old uniform was wearing out so they gave him what they had - some old battle dress. When he was repatriated he went to his old village, got his wife and snuck into the British zone and eventually emigrated back to Canada, anglicizing his name to Cunningham.
As a child of about 9 years in England I chatted with Italian POWs as they worked on the roadside (I guess they were tidying the verges) with nary an adult, soldier or supervisor in sight.
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I bet Stormfront would love this film. At one point they even start talking about how the Nazi image was all a huge lie perpetrated by Jews.

One point in its favor is that the female narrator had a great voice.
I've said it before Travis. Watching crazy people preach crazy sermons is not a healthy outlet for someone who does not have regular face-to-face contact with sane, whole, mentally-hygienic people.

As for the camp stuff. I believe the deniers are not talking about camps in England or America but are talking about improvised camps that the allies set up in Germany at the very end of the war. I am sure someone more knowledgeable about 20th century European history can elaborate.
I've said it before Travis. Watching crazy people preach crazy sermons is not a healthy outlet for someone who does not have regular face-to-face contact with sane, whole, mentally-hygienic people.

As for the camp stuff. I believe the deniers are not talking about camps in England or America but are talking about improvised camps that the allies set up in Germany at the very end of the war. I am sure someone more knowledgeable about 20th century European history can elaborate.

Probably the video is talking about the Rheinwiesenlager, which as the name suggests were located inside Germany itself - temporary open air camps set up when the Wehrmacht disintegrated entirely in 1945 and surrendered en masse.

They became 'famous' when James Bacque wrote Other Losses about a quarter of a century ago. This book was discredited by historians for misreading documents but remains a favourite among the nutzi crowd.

If you google Rheinwiesenlager you should find a Wiki page explaining that from 1 to 1.9 million POWs held in these camps approximately 3-10,000 died. The US Army states 3,000 deaths, German figures go to 4,500. These were initially open-air camps and there were undoubtedly supply issues compounded by a decision to reclassify POWs which led to lower rations being issued. It was fortunate that they existed only in the summer of 1945 otherwise the death toll could have been horrific.

Bacque claimed 790,000 to 1 million POWs died in these camps, based on misreading/misunderstanding the reports of population movements. Just as with Dresden, nutzis seize on the highest claimed figure and treat it as gospel, displaying a remarkable double standard, since they automatically contest any figure for Nazi atrocities.
I've said it before Travis. Watching crazy people preach crazy sermons is not a healthy outlet for someone who does not have regular face-to-face contact with sane, whole, mentally-hygienic people.

As for the camp stuff. I believe the deniers are not talking about camps in England or America but are talking about improvised camps that the allies set up in Germany at the very end of the war. I am sure someone more knowledgeable about 20th century European history can elaborate.

I think that's the mythology first expounded in Other Losses, a book based on the heading of one column in a table that listed how POWs were handled after the war. The author assumed "other losses" were all deaths and the deaths were due to deliberate neglect and/or outright starvation. The guy was an idiot.

Ninja'd by Nick Terry.
At one point they even start talking about how the Nazi image was all a huge lie perpetrated by Jews.

What do they mean by "Nazi image"?
Are they implying Riefenstahl was a jewish agent or something?
If you google Rheinwiesenlager you should find a Wiki page explaining that from 1 to 1.9 million POWs held in these camps approximately 3-10,000 died. The US Army states 3,000 deaths, German figures go to 4,500. These were initially open-air camps and there were undoubtedly supply issues compounded by a decision to reclassify POWs which led to lower rations being issued. It was fortunate that they existed only in the summer of 1945 otherwise the death toll could have been horrific.

Considering that Germany could not even feed themselves, actually it is surprising how few post war deaths there really were. Many women hitched themselves to American GIs (Just sex or marriage) in order to get enough food. That includes my own mother btw.

Germany should be happy that the Morgenthau Plan was not followed through and one could not blame the allies if they had after the war they went through.
Considering that Germany could not even feed themselves, actually it is surprising how few post war deaths there really were. Many women hitched themselves to American GIs (Just sex or marriage) in order to get enough food. That includes my own mother btw.

Germany should be happy that the Morgenthau Plan was not followed through and one could not blame the allies if they had after the war they went through.
The Soviets gave it a shot.
No, the "they did the Holocaust" thing. That's all a lie anyway.


The film even seems to imply that Germany was framed for starting the war. Like it was just sitting there minding its own business when the Allies just invaded because they are mean.
In the UK Italian and German POWs were allowed out to work on farms and such. Some were even lodged outside the camps.

Same in the US,particulary with the Italians after Italy surrendered.
They were encouraged to get jobs outside the camps. There is a reference to that in "The Godfather" where the Baker asks Don Corleone to use his political pull to help his Italian POW assistant to get permanent resident status.

As for Hellstorm, it's pure Hitler Hugger crap.

Here's the website for the film: http://www.hellstormdocumentary.com/

Here is a sample of what is on the site:

Since the release of the film last May, Germany has been invaded once again, but this time she has an occupational government that won’t stand up for the folk. In fact, the traitorous government, headed by the Communist Merkel, invited the rapist army to come and run wild. Children are being attacked, girls are being raped, and the police won’t step in and help. In fact, the only people they have been attacking are the patriotic dissidents opposed to the destruction of Germany

Merkel is a Communist?????????????
Also lots of references to "White European Civilization" and "White Race Advocates".

Yeah, pure Neo Nazi B.S.
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The film even seems to imply that Germany was framed for starting the war. Like it was just sitting there minding its own business when the Allies just invaded because they are mean.

"Yes officer I was framed. There I was with 1.5 million of my close personal Wehrmacht friends, harmlessly picking flowers along the Polish border with a full combat load of ammunition when these mean Polish guys assaulted us by sending our own prisoners to attack a harmless radio station that noone more than ten miles away could hear. So we asked our 50,000 Slovak buddies to help and went to discuss the matter civilly in Warsaw. Those bombs? I blame some shoddy work by the Jewish slaves in the munitions plants, they must have made the attachments deliberately weak so that they fell off right on those militarily significant targets...."

"Yugoslavia, they were just asking for it. YOu know what I mean, just sitting there, inside their own territory, not letting the Italians take what they wanted, looking all shy and coquettish..."
As the last remaining participants die and as we move further away from the war there will be more and more of this kind of thing.

And I think the rise ,for the first time since WW2,of borderline facist,anti those of the wrong race groups in Europe and, I am sad to say,in America, is another result of that.
"Yes officer I was framed. There I was with 1.5 million of my close personal Wehrmacht friends, harmlessly picking flowers along the Polish border with a full combat load of ammunition when these mean Polish guys assaulted us by sending our own prisoners to attack a harmless radio station that noone more than ten miles away could hear. So we asked our 50,000 Slovak buddies to help and went to discuss the matter civilly in Warsaw. Those bombs? I blame some shoddy work by the Jewish slaves in the munitions plants, they must have made the attachments deliberately weak so that they fell off right on those militarily significant targets...."

"Yugoslavia, they were just asking for it. YOu know what I mean, just sitting there, inside their own territory, not letting the Italians take what they wanted, looking all shy and coquettish..."

"We try to take each country,]
But there is just one country,
It's not 30 Miles Away,
Where the blasted British play,
They won't let us have their Country".

Lyrics to Der Feuhrer's Face, that were not in the Spike Jones version, which had only half of the original lyrics in the Disney Cartoon.
The film even seems to imply that Germany was framed for starting the war. Like it was just sitting there minding its own business when the Allies just invaded because they are mean.

I see this same mindset sometimes regarding Imperial Japan, as if it was this weak, harmless, innocent country (except for that whole Pearl Harbor thing, usually handwaved away), and America flattened and nuked them, again, because they are mean.
I see this same mindset sometimes regarding Imperial Japan, as if it was this weak, harmless, innocent country (except for that whole Pearl Harbor thing, usually handwaved away), and America flattened and nuked them, again, because they are mean.

Or they complain that the Big Bad Americans forced them to attack Pearl Harbor because of the embargo America put on Oil and other War Materials to poor innocent Japan.
That the embargos were a response to Japan's continuing aggression in China goes beyond them.
And there is also Rape of Nanking denialism.
Or they complain that the Big Bad Americans forced them to attack Pearl Harbor because of the embargo America put on Oil and other War Materials to poor innocent Japan.
That the embargos were a response to Japan's continuing aggression in China goes beyond them.
And there is also Rape of Nanking denialism.

If you want a shining example of a tu quoque, bring up this point.
when it made the laughable claim that British and American troops raped and murdered millions as they marched in from the west.
Now if they were talking about the Soviet troops they might have a point. No getting around the conduct of many Soviets in their invasion of the Eastern Part of Germany was Barbaric and totally inexcusable. But of course the makers of Hellstrom would ignore Germans behaved the same way in their invasion of Russia.
And I think the rise ,for the first time since WW2,of borderline facist,anti those of the wrong race groups in Europe and, I am sad to say,in America, is another result of that.

My nephew makes some alarmingly fascist comments sometimes, and I think it is directly related to his ignorance of history.
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