First post here
I'm new here *waves* - but I can't resist this subject. I started with one of the links in the original post and burrowed through everything I could find, 5 hours later I must say that is the most informative collection of 9/11 anecdotes and eye witness accounts I have ever come across. Thank you, Gravy
I live in Western Australia. I wasn't watching TV the night the attacks happened, and I rocked up at work and everyone was abuzz - the WTC has been attacked! The buildings have collapsed! Yeah right, is all I thought, these guys are pulling my leg... But as the day wore on, everyone was talking about it, and I managed to find some time to catch the ceaseless news reports, and I simply could not believe what I was seeing.
So many people lost their lives, I think that is what hit me the hardest was the simple waste of it all, and while I do not necessarily agree with every US foreign policy I absolutely abhor the use of terror attacks on innocent people, regardless of the situation. I think the way my mind works is after I've witnessed a tragedy - even if I'm on the other side of the globe - I try and find a way to reason it out, why did it happen, how could it have been prevented, could similar events be prevented in the future...
I got dragged into the whole conspiracy aspect for a while, I guess it gave easy answers, as they take seemingly logical arguments based on the US political interference in the middle east, trade sanctions, starving children in third world countries or whatever the emotional plea may be for the specific brand of conspiracy, then weave in these little snippets of extra stuff that I guess just gets accepted along with the convincing side of the argument.
As time has passed I began to see through these competing theories... It all came down to this for me: Why spend the time and expense rigging a building with high explosives - when you could just get a few of your minions, train them in basic flight simulators, give them some box cutters and get them to steal a jumbo jet which being full of jet fuel would basically be a thermobaric and incendiary weapon rolled into one. Why go to all those covert little secret plans that would be difficult to plan and execute if you have a simple and cheap alternative that would be just as effective? And if you did rig the explosives, why in dogs name would you crash a plane into the building?
These were questions I could not answer for myself satisfactorily.
So I saw through the conspiracy lies, but I never came across anything that presented the other side of the story as fully and as detailed as this thread.
Again, thank you for lending more weight to my new perspective that this was a simple and horrific act of terror. I feel a bit silly about my previous perspective, although I think to an extent fear was responsible for my latching onto something, anything to explain why so many people died.
I still think there is a possibility of twisted political motivations, but I'm tired of trying to untangle the web of conspiracy, counter conspiracy and counter-counter conspiracy. I just want to come home and have a beer after work and not worry about all the problems of the world anymore...
But thanks for laying it all out so clear, you obviously put a lot of time and effort into it.
I hope my admissions to being a former conspiracy-considerer don't cop me too much flak. I was only going off the information available to me at the time. Yeah thats my excuse