It isn't. The article Ziggurat linked to as his example of "go woke go broke" said the exact opposite. Them going "woke" increased their revenues and profits.
Most "going woke" is what we used to be call "marketing to your consumer base".
Except, as I was saying, the biggest ####-storms you hear about aren't either going "woke", nor actually caring to any significant degree about marketing to a specific demographic. It's specifically trying to cause a ####-storm for publicity.
I'll tell you what happens when a company actually starts caring about a specific demographic: well, you don't even hear that it happened, really.
You know what was one of the biggest demographics shifts in the 20'th century, one in the orders of BILLIONS of dollars worth of market share to care about? Car manufacturers realizing gradually post-war that women have money too. Cars were traditionally marketed pretty much only towards men, with women being just what will want to drop the panties for you, if you have a properly penis size symbol car. Now that never completely went away, especially for the sports cars, but it got dialled down massively, along with starting to have ads for women too.
But you never heard of that ####-storm, because it never happened. Nobody went out of their way to insult their male demographic to send a message about how woke they are, or anything.
And it's not even something unique. From computer games (which swung from being for everyone, to being by boys for boys, to gradually back again), manga, anime, whatever. Nobody created a ####-storm and tried to insult anyone, to signal that they're making comics for teenage girls too. Well, not unless we're talking very recently and only in the west. For the rest of the world, just a bunch of authors and editors pretty much went, "hmm, girls have disposable income too, can we sell them something?" And you probably never heard of that shift, unless you're a pretty obsessed historian of a specific field.
Meanwhile in the post-Keurig-Effect West, it turns out that you don't have to actually give a rodent's rear about a particular market segment, when you could be just creating a thoroughly fake ####-storm.
Gillette, for example, since the name came up, never actually went any more woke than the ad. That was it. They didn't reduce the "pink tax" for their products marketed to women or anything, for example. They just put out those ads, and that was it.
And to be honest, I find it even more obscene when people go "yay, corporation X is on our side, all is forgiven, we're bestest friends forever now" over just some publicity stunt, when nothing of actual substance changed, than when the reactionaries have the opposite reaction. If nothing else, the latter eventually got over it and went and bought another Keurig coffee machine, while the former seem to be forever stuck in the imaginary pocket universe where everything is getting objectively better as long as they keep reading about some guy getting angry on Twitter.