Posted (mostly) without comment, but if I understand the concept of Feedback Loops right, I take it we're past the point of no return?
Don't worry too much. This sort of "news" are now part of July and August schedule.
For instance, take a look at the graphic with the "dragon breath", and extra 200 parts per thousand million-volume. Extend that in a way exaggerate manner to the whole Arctic and the whole altitude range; you'll have some 35 million tons of extra methane, with the warming potential of all the yearly GHG emissions of Canada, for instance.
And we even know that it wasn't the case. Why? Because methane doesn't react so quickly -half of it will still be there some 11 years after the moment of the "burp"-, and we know that the methane concentration dropped to the previous level in that place and the rest of the world wouldn't notice.
This methane-gun hysteria also comes from not knowing the methane cycle itself. Most people think that methane in clathrates is like fossil coal, something that was formed in an evolutionary pause of a hundred million years and is lying dormant there for us to do business or feel menaced. In fact methane in clathrates is formed and released constantly and most of the methane -that one which is not bubbling in the article's photo but dissolved- will be clathrates again in Winter. Of course, we are in a period of global warming -a man made one, no matter what a lot of uneducated hacks and opinators want to believe here- so we are to experience more release than formation, and that is a positive feedback in the climate system, but nothing that should be changing dramatically the game.
The real methane-gun might exist in deep clathrate deposits that may destabilized once ocean temperatures have risen 5°C at a 500-metre depth. I don't remember the exact value but that temperature is currently rising some 0.07°C per decade, so once the moment arrives, the immoral humans -most of the species in every era- have to be really stupid to not have the technology necessary nor the will to avoid such danger.
So, let's get back to ocean acidification, declining fisheries and changing climate patters, which are the real problem one generation ahead, together with fighting deep ignorance and wild pride of those self-serving epistemololgical hedonists that swarm around, being that the mission of whatever these fora are finally called.