So not a word from American Democrats. Instead we get a lesson about democracy:
No, and right now that's not a bad thing.
Politicians can't do good if they aren't elected. The next 2 months are critical, not just for Harris but for all Democrats. Once they have an overall majority and/or bipartisan support, then they can look at specific policies to combat global warming.
So it's supposed to be a good thing that politicians don't mention what you
imagine that they want to do. It's supposed to be good that they give the voters the wrong idea in order to get elected, and once elected, i.e.
"have an overall majority and/or bipartisan support," you are convinced that they will do what they didn't dare say they would do: combat global warming.
And until then, it's better that they don't even
"look at specific policies to combat global warming," because, of course, that's what they have desired to do all the time if only the
"overall majority" would have let them even though the previous (and current) Democratic president outcompeted the opposition's slogan:
Drill, drill, drill!
What a marvelous thing this idea of
representative democracy turns out to be: Instead of telling people what then think ought to be done, what they want to do once elected, it's all about giving voters the wrong idea, and once elected with a big enough majority, they will then do nothing but good, no matter what the people voting for them thought they would do, so in the meantime, it's all about tricking voters into electing them.
George Santos seems to have had a pretty good idea of what representative democracy is, after all.
They risked their lives for democracy.
Like it or not, most people are tired of trying to avoid Covid and just live with it now. Vaccines were supposed to make this possible, and would have if all countries had eliminated the virus early on. But they didn't, and now it's mutated to much more infectious forms that will never go away. Sad, but totally predictable given the half-hearted response of most countries. Add Covid to the long list of horrible diseases we put up with because you can't spend your whole life in a hazmat suit.
There's a time to be outraged over lack of progress, but now isn't it. Wait until the election is over and then hold their feet to the fire if you're not happy (which I know you won't be...).
The didn't risk their lives for democracy. They were
deluded enough to think that the pandemic was over, and they were
told that it was over. The enthusiastic convention
celebrated that it was over. But
it wasn't and it isn't. The delusional thinking may cost some them their lives, more likely the elderly than the young. And some of them may have brought home with them a life-long souvenir to share with their loved ones and/or colleagues, students and/or patients, some of whom may also remember it until they die, sooner or later.
So the DNC in Chicago helped spread the virus along with another lie, the one about the virus.
No On a more positive note...
NZ: Government investment 'big driver' for solar power
This is no Big Government handout, but an investment in the future. New Zealand is running out of natural gas and now has to import it. Hydro dams are running low due to poor rainfall and less than expected wind. Right now we get very little electricity from solar, but that is about to change. 15% of daytime usage is huge. 58% of the electricity generated in New Zealand is consumed by the industrial and commercial sectors, which have high daytime usage. Hydro provides 49% on average, but its enormous storage capability and nation-wide distribution means any electricity produced by solar increases hydro storage by the same amount. It's like pumped hydro but without the inefficiency!
Solar farms are being installed in the north where sunlight hours are high. With the panels mounted 2m off the ground the same land can be used for farming. The panels actually improve land use by promoting grass growth and providing shade for animals.
In Denmark, we have had sheep grazing in the shade of solar panels for several years.
It's not a bad idea, but it's not unproblematic.år-i-solcelleparker-kan-være-en-dårlig-idéødevarer-fra-dyr-der-har-græsset-på-mark