Graduate Poster
This thread is continued from here.
Posted By: kmortis
So the posters on this thread who are well versed in the arguments countering Haig and Wattsupwiththat are not going to convince Haig because he's got to the point where the future looks bright without mitigating climate change, but they will get through to those who are going "hmmmm" and that, in itself, is worth the bandwidth.
A few years ago I stumbled across this forum (technically JREF's back then) in my search for knowledge and to satisfy my curiosity. I was one of those 'fence sitters' where I wasn't sure what to believe.
Since then, I have moved closer to town to shorten my commute, built a house that is powered by solar during the day and feeds in my excess power to the city. I have my garage set up to power electric vehicles. My plan is to now purchase the new Tesla's (assuming they can deliver on their promise of a mid $30K sedan in 2 years). Right now we have a hybrid we use. I'm in walking and biking distance for most of my needs. I now recycle that I'm in the city. I'm conscious about making decisions like flying. There is probably more I can't think of at the moment.
I can partially thank this thread (and the others) for this. In addition, I've been very vocal with my friends and family now that I'm much more knowledgeable and can attest to the general talking points for AGW. I'm sure I've influenced a few others in my life.
It may not be clear if one focuses just on the repeated deniers here, but threads like this one do impact the quiet lurkers and probably do a lot of good.
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