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Gay Teachers


Graduate Poster
Mar 19, 2002
We are strange creatures. Often, we require tragedy, or great loss to understand and accept others.

A friend of mine works as a Psychology, Speech, and Debate teacher at a local highschool. He is well respected among the community, and known as quite possibly the best high school level debate teacher in the state.

He is also openly gay.

One day a student decided that he wanted to start a Gay/Straight Student Alliance, in order to promote greater tolerance in the school. As progressive as Washington is, outside of Seattle-proper, it's often social suicide to be openly gay as a teenager. This student was barred, twice, from starting this organization, even after fulfilling every single requirement.

Time passes.

A well respected student within the school, I believe their student body president, goes home one day and comes out of the closet to his parents. His father all but kicks him out on the street.

Later that day, he dies by his own hand.

The following week, my aforementioned teacher friend is approached and asked if he could help start up a gay/straight student alliance.

I suppose sometimes we require cruelty to see love, and need pain to find acceptance. A more foul trick nature has never devised.
Gay teachers get fired in my province. Especially if they are teaching in a catholic school...even if the teacher never told anyone and never talked about it in the school. He just gets found out and fired. The courts uphold the decision, and the teacher has to go look for work.

At the same time a guy smokes dope on the City Hall steps to promote the legalization of marijuana and noone bats an eye.

The papers fill up with letters to the editor saying it was great the teacher was fired, and gays are evil and it's a bad choice to be gay. A preacher who works with 'troubled youth' condemns the gay agenda and writes that the war against the gay agenda is on.

Sigh. I hate my city and my province.
Hmm, I didn't know texans had some of the same policies. It's the guns instead of the legalized pot though, right?

Okay, found the anti-gay stuff on homosexual marriages...

The Texas Triangle, a Dallas-based gay newspaper, reported on some of the tactics used by an anti-gay group during the debate on DOMA. Members of the Constitution Party of Texas, formerly known as the American Taxpayer Party, brandished signs in public that read “No Homo Marriage.”


When an amendment defining marriage as only between a man and a woman was added to a bill governing marriage and property rights, openly gay Rep. Glen Maxey called it “reprehensible” and “a poke in the eye to gays and lesbians.” Maxey said that the amendment sponsor wanted a roll call rather than voice vote simply to use as political fodder. He claimed that the amendment was an attempt by the Religious Right to generate a party-line vote that could be used in 2002 campaign literature against Democrats. Maxey urged his fellow Democrats to vote for the amendment, which then passed unanimously.

“These amendments have no real legislative impact and were simply desperate attempts to ensure some level of anti-gay marriage language,” the executive director of the Lesbian and Gay Rights Lobby of Texas said. “This was an indication of the level of frustration on the part of extreme right-wing groups at not being able to pass a full Defense of Marriage Act.”

Yep, Texlberta sounds just about perfect.
Texas is against civil rights, unless you're talking about guns or hate speech.
Yep, Alberta is against civil rights, unless you're talking about marijuana or hate speech. They call it 'freedom of speech' here though.
Fade said:
Texas is against civil rights, unless you're talking about guns or hate speech.

You dont have a fukkin clue. Do you live here? have you spent a lot of time here?

On what do you base your opinion?
Eos of the Eons said:
Yep, Alberta is against civil rights, unless you're talking about marijuana or hate speech. They call it 'freedom of speech' here though.

"Hate speech" is free speech.
Thanks for posting that Fade.

It makes me appreciate all the more that my children have been taught by openly gay teachers at public schools since kindergarten. Their choice of music has been far more of an issue with their students than their sexuality. :D
Jon_in_london said:

You are a nasty arsehole

Just the way you like it.

..and I would encourage people to kill you for the good of all mankind.

Be careful, you're engaging in hate speech.
Oh, sorry Tony, I forgot about all those times when Texans and their lawmakers took up the banner of equal rights in favour of women, minorities, and homosexuals.

Hate Speech is "free speech," I suppose. I certainly don't wish to limit what a person can say. I just find it a little ... off, that the only rights I hear Texans screeching about are their rights to keep guns, and say hateful things.

Not that I think they are wrong to want those things, just odd that little else is of major concern.
Tony said:

Just the way you like it.

..and I would encourage people to kill you for the good of all mankind.

Be careful, you're engaging in hate speech.

free speach according to you.

Fade said:
Oh, sorry Tony, I forgot about all those times when Texans and their lawmakers took up the banner of equal rights in favour of women, minorities, and homosexuals.

That has no bearing what-so-ever on how those particulaur individuals are treated. (in houston at least)

FYI-Houston has one of the largest gay populations in the country
Tony said:

That has no bearing what-so-ever on how those particulaur individuals are treated. (in houston at least)

FYI-Houston has one of the largest gay populations in the country

What does this have to do with what I have said? Texas law has been fiscally anti-progress, and downright draconian in it's law enforcement. Texas is an embarassement to the union, and the only people that don't see this are the people that live there.
Yes, and Texas still fines gay people for having sex...I have to find that story...

200 Dollar Fine

The case concerns a pair of homosexuals in Houston, condemned to a fine in 1998, in the wake of a denunciation. An informant told the police that he had "an armed man going crazy" in his apartment. When the police arrived, they found nothing in the place except that they took by surprise a pair of men making love. John Lawrence and Tyron Garner paid a fine of 200 dollars each for having violated the anti-sodomy law of Texas. (1) At the same time, gay rights groups found here an ideal case to take to the Supreme court. They hope that the Court will finally place the right to privacy for adults above states' rights to autonomy.


Have any other states fined gay people for having sex in the last 20 years?
Fade said:

Texas law has been fiscally anti-progress

WTF does "fiscally anti-progress" mean?

and downright draconian in it's law enforcement.


Texas is an embarassement to the union, and the only people that don't see this are the people that live there.

Yeah, all 25 million of us, how many people does your pathetic state have?

It's apparent, that on a national scale, Texas has a lot more clout and power than Washington. And trust me, the tree huggers, sniveling socialists and environment wackos in Washington are much more of an embarrassment.
To be fair "Constitution Party of Texas, formerly known as the American Taxpayer Party" this group is a rabidly pro-theocracy movement that is on the farthest fringes of the right.

I sent for a copy of the US Taxpayers Party (as the group was properly called) party platform. Let's just say they picked and chose from Leviticus what matched their agenda then sprinkled in some xenophobia and isolationism. There you have it, domestic and foreign policy summarized in a 45 page booklet.

They're a marginal group with very few supporters and no political clout in this state or any other that I'm aware of.
UnrepentantSinner said:
To be fair "Constitution Party of Texas, formerly known as the American Taxpayer Party" this group is a rabidly pro-theocracy movement that is on the farthest fringes of the right.

EEwww, they couldn't have chosen a worse name. Its pretty sh**ty of them to tarnish the constitution like that.
Jon_in_london said:

You are a nasty arsehole and I would encourage people to kill you for the good of all mankind.

Jon_in_london said:

free speach according to you.


This is a violation of the Forum rules. Stop it.
this forum does not allow folks to threaten each other. Those that have done so above must clarify their comments at once or risk sanction.
Fade said:
Oh, sorry Tony, I forgot about all those times when Texans and their lawmakers took up the banner of equal rights in favour of women, minorities, and homosexuals.

Hate Speech is "free speech," I suppose. I certainly don't wish to limit what a person can say. I just find it a little ... off, that the only rights I hear Texans screeching about are their rights to keep guns, and say hateful things.

Not that I think they are wrong to want those things, just odd that little else is of major concern.

Speaking of hate speech, would you mind ceasing the slander against Texans? Does the word "stereotyping" mean anything to you? I would think you'd be against it.

There are thoughtful, intelligent people in Texas. Many of us. We get outvoted most of the time.
Sundog said:

There are thoughtful, intelligent people in Texas. Many of us. We get outvoted most of the time.

:roll: :roll:

What a joke.
Sundog said:

Speaking of hate speech, would you mind ceasing the slander against Texans? Does the word "stereotyping" mean anything to you? I would think you'd be against it.

There are thoughtful, intelligent people in Texas. Many of us. We get outvoted most of the time.

I never said "all texans" now did I?

Also, 'slander' would imply a given thing is untrue.
Fade said:

I never said "all texans" now did I?

Also, 'slander' would imply a given thing is untrue.

Yes. "Texans" means by default, ALL Texans. If you want to slander SOME Texans, you have to indicate that. That's the way plurals work in English.

Your remarks ARE untrue and are an obviously unfair generalization about the good people of Texas. As I said, I would have thought you in particular would be more sensitive to how stupid it is to generalize about a certain group of people.
Back on topic...

I dont have any problems with gay teachers. But students dont usually think in the same way I do. Some students have a tendency to become very vocal and abusive because someone else's lifestyle conflicts with what he believes. For the safety and sake of the teachers, I think it'd be best if they remained on a "dont tell" policy.

At work is a gay Math teacher. He's never once said he's gay to the students. But, constantly I hear the kids making little jokes about his "gayitude". I have to remind the kids "Whether or not he's gay or straight, the school has a strict 'Be tolerant' policy, and I dont think Mr. [Teacher] would be too happy if he heard you demeaning him in such a way". As far as the math teacher is concerned, he's a smart guy, introverted, and an overall nice fella.
A math teacher at my highschool, i believe is openly gay. He is...the stereotypical homosexual, and jokes were made his expense until a student harrassed him to his face, and he exploded, saying 'yes, I am. Do you have a problem with that?", now, we (the smarter kids), have a newfound respect for him. The dumb kids still make jokes, but ending that is like stopping the earth from spinning.
Originally posted by Jon_in_london

You are a nasty arsehole and I would encourage people to kill you for the good of all mankind.

Originally posted by Jon_in_london

free speach according to you.


This is a violation of the Forum rules. Stop it.

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08-08-2003 11:55 AM

hal bidlack
Forum Administrator

Registered: Jul 2001
Posts: 23
this forum does not allow folks to threaten each other. Those that have done so above must clarify their comments at once or risk sanction.

Of course, I was simply trying to point out that hate speach is not equal to freedom of speach.

I obviously support the right to free speach but not incitment to vioence. However, Tony stated above that free speach=hate speach so I posted some nasties about him so he can see how he likes it.

Will deleted posts if asked to by mods.
Jon_in_london said:

Of course, I was simply trying to point out that hate speach is not equal to freedom of speach.

Of course you're right. The people in my city seem to think that they should have the freedom of hate speech. Judging from the reaction of the mods, saying someone should die is not freedom of speech. Try explaining the difference to the idiots all around me here...I can call them idiots because they say gays are evil. Do unto others. I'm of course 'part of the gay agenda' for defending people who are different from heteros.

I should write a letter to the local paper saying that if people can say gays are evil and an abomination in that paper, I should be able to say christians are close minded discriminating hatemongerers.
Eos of the Eons said:

Of course you're right.

He's not right, "hate speech" is free speech.

Of course, I was simply trying to point out that hate speach is not equal to freedom of speach.

You failed miserably, and you came across as immature and stupid.

Care to explain how you think you pointed out that "hate speech" is not equal to free speech?
Jon_in_london said:

I obviously support the right to free speach but not incitment to vioence.

You're moving the goal post now. Incitement to violence and "hate speech" are completely different things.
Do I have a problem with gay teachers potentially teaching The Littlest Peach? No, absolutely not. If a teacher is doing his/her job correctly, their sexual orientation should not be an issue. At all.

Have I ever known any gay teachers? Yes. A drama teacher in jr. high, and a music teacher in high school. In both cases, their sexual orientation was completely unrelated to their job (and unlike some of the teachers in high school, could be trusted to be left alone with students).

(edited to add) Fade, I'm sorry to hear that a student's tragic death was what it took to make much-needed changes for others. That's really awful.
Tony said:

He's not right, "hate speech" is free speech.

Care to explain how you think you pointed out that "hate speech" is not equal to free speech?

Actually I do feel he is right when he says hate speech is not equal to free speech. Hate speech should not be allowed. If that were the case then Tony would have a lot less to say :D

Hate speech and misinformation should not be allowed when it comes to freedom of speech. Hurting others should not be a 'right'.
Eos of the Eons said:

Actually I do feel he is right when he says hate speech is not equal to free speech.

Yet, you give nothing to back up your position. "Hate" speech most definitely is free speech. I have the right to say what I want no matter how immoral or disgusting.

Hate speech should not be allowed.


The constitution guarantees free speech; to claim that there should be restrictions on speech is repugnant. If you want censorship, I suggest you move to egypt or china.

Hate speech and misinformation should not be allowed when it comes to freedom of speech.


Hurting others should not be a 'right'.

How utterly stupid.

If you are hurt by free speech, YOU have the problem.
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