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Froot loopy Anti-vaxxer Robert F. Kennedy Jr. challenging Biden for presidency

Same story:
Sarah Silverman covers RFK Jr.'s three-way race with Biden and Trump, orcas sinking another yacht, and Ronny Chieng chimes in on WeWork's bankruptcy.
RFK Jr.'s Surprising Poll Numbers & WeWork Files for Bankruptcy (The Daily Show on YouTube, Nov, 8, 2023)
Sooooo….did anyone else see what seemed to be an ad for Kennedy during the SuperBowl?

It was weird, seemed to be trying to invoke the ‘Camelot’ of his family and was either a remade jingle from the 60s or was an actual jingle from that era.

Anyway it was weird and just seemed to pump the name “Kennedy” into peoples’ heads. Seemed like a waste of money to me.
Sooooo….did anyone else see what seemed to be an ad for Kennedy during the SuperBowl?

It was weird, seemed to be trying to invoke the ‘Camelot’ of his family and was either a remade jingle from the 60s or was an actual jingle from that era.

Anyway it was weird and just seemed to pump the name “Kennedy” into peoples’ heads. Seemed like a waste of money to me.

Yes, it was a repurposed JFK ad.

Wow. So he’s really banking the family name recognition, even when the family thinks he’s a loon.
Sure why the F not. Give this guy the keys to destroy civilization. To hell with it... maybe Trump as vice dictator or maybe they could switch around in their huge Doctor Strangelove mine shafts.
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I despair.

And now Aarond Rodgers has blown up in his face with Rodgers spouting the Sandy Hook conpiracy nonsense on national news.

RFK will be good for a few laughs, but he is not going to get enough votes to really matter, even as a spoiler.
I think he just dropped that list for attention. From what I understand about Ventura, he's a conspiracy guy, but he's not as self-absorbed as someone like RFK Jr. He actually was pushing for people to get the COVID vaccine. He seems to be a decent guy who let a healthy skepticism of those in power get a little goofy.
Annnd it turns out Rodgers is a Sandy Hook truther.

Oooo, sacked! He's now 4th down and 350!

And, predictably, he says he didn't.

Aaron Rodgers denies saying Sandy Hook tragedy never happened

Aaron Rodgers has never been afraid to share his opinions, but he found himself having to refute a recent report that he believed the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting that killed 20 children and six adults was a “government inside job.”

“As I’m on the record saying in the past, what happened in Sandy Hook was an absolute tragedy. I am not and have never been of the opinion that the events did not take place,” the New York Jets quarterback posted to X, formerly known as Twitter, on Thursday. “Again, I hope that we learn from this and other tragedies to identify the signs that will allow us to prevent unnecessary loss of life. My thoughts and prayers continue to remain with the families affected along with the entire Sandy Hook community.”

For the moment, I'll keep an open mind and not rush to judgment. But Rodgers may be about to find out that it's not good to keep your mind so open that your brain falls out.
And, predictably, he says he didn't.

Aaron Rodgers denies saying Sandy Hook tragedy never happened

For the moment, I'll keep an open mind and not rush to judgment. But Rodgers may be about to find out that it's not good to keep your mind so open that your brain falls out.

"I am not and have never been of the opinion that the events did not take place,”

Interesting phrase to use. According to the article by Pamela Brown and Jake Tapper, he's alleged to have said it was a "government inside job," not that it "never happened".

Rodgers brought up the tragic killing of 20 children and 6 adults by a gunman at Sandy Hook Elementary School, claiming it was actually a government inside job and the media was intentionally ignoring it.
Just in case you wanted some pushback on the claims by RFK Jr on Rogan, Debunk the Funk did a pretty good takedown...

I had no idea what a nutter RFK was until I watched this program, As I read comment sections and responses to RFK articles it's shocking how many people are missing how insane he is. Hopefully the following information will get spread around and posted as much as possible.

Please copy this message and have it ready to paste into news comments sections, blog posts, articles etc. regarding RFK Jr. The sooner this information can be posted the closer it will be to the top of the responses and get more views. People need to see this.

Please help warn others about Robert F Kennedy Jr.'s insanity and the fact that he is totally unfit for office. He is a dangerous liar who's willful ignorance may be killing people. People need to see and hear him in the following program to witness first hand the dilusional statements that he makes.

Dr. Wilson presents the science that refutes RFK Jr.'s rediculous vaccine assertions in this Joe Rogan podcast.


At 8:37
RFK quote: "At that point vaccinologists went around -searching around the world to find the most horrendously toxic materials to add to vaccines"

So RFK believes that vaccinologists are out to intentionally kill people by adding the most horrendously toxic materials to vaccines? If a vaccine which is that horrendously toxic is administered to people they are just going to drop dead almost emmediately after getting the shot.

In my opinion a statement that is this insane and disconnected from reality proves that RFK is unfit to have the power of a US President.
His attempt at scare tactics are so intellectually pathetic and dishonest he reduces his credibility to zero.

If you have time his madness contiues with a more intellectual failings.

RFK quote: "The Spanish Flu was a vaccine induced flu, the deaths were vaccine induced".

Another quick trip into insanity with RFK's response that people believed that wearing masks increased Spanish Flu deaths.

Dr. Wilson explains that RFK's claims in his book that AZT is poison and that HIV doesn't cause Aids. Chritine Maggiore, who had Aids, championed not taking AZT, she got preganant and had a daughter and eventually both her and her daughter died, which could likely have been prevented.

Please watch the entire program.

Kennedy family immediately condemns RFK Jr.'s independent presidential campaign


"The decision of our brother Bobby to run as a third party candidate against Joe Biden is dangerous to our country," the statement read. "Bobby might share the same name as our father, but he does not share the same values, vision or judgment."

"Today's announcement is deeply saddening for us," it continued. "We denounce his candidacy and believe it to be perilous for our country."

Hopefully when people get sick they will go and listen to a licensed doctor, not a politician.
I agree about RFK Jr, but being a nut job, woefully ignorant, and a dangerous liar doesn't stop someone from being president in today's US.
Hopefully when people get sick they will go and listen to a licensed doctor, not a politician.

Unfortunately, their numbers indicate that a lot of people do not do this. Also unfortunately, there are plenty of licensed doctors out there who are quacks (for example, Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo). Sadly, this insane crap is never going away.
Looks like a lot of RFK Jr's big donors are very unhappy with the idea of Aaron Rodgers as his running mate:

Scoop: Donors Threaten to Abandon RFK Jr. If He Picks Aaron Rodgers as Running Mate

Major donors to the presidential campaign of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. are balking at the possibility he’ll tap outspoken NFL quarterback Aaron Rodgers to serve as his running mate, sources told Mediaite.

Kennedy told The New York Times this week that Aaron Rodgers and Jesse Ventura are top contenders to run alongside him on the independent ticket for president, along with a shortlist of other possibilities.

Those options have already created headaches for Kennedy’s long-shot bid for the presidency. Several donors have expressed concern about Kennedy picking either the NFL quarterback — a celebrity football player with controversial opinions and no political experience — or the former Minnesota governor, sources close to the campaign told Mediaite.

In fact, a number of donors have voiced their discontent directly with the campaign, pledging to withdraw their support from Kennedy if he chooses Rodgers in particular.

One source explained that donors “think it’s telling that no credible person wants to be VP,” and that the donors see his selection as “an acknowledgement of the credibility of his campaign or lack thereof.”

But it looks like he may have already decided on Rodgers:

On Tuesday, The Washington Post reported that Kennedy had chosen his running mate. His campaign said Wednesday that Kennedy would make his announcement on March 26 in Oakland, California.

There have been rumors among campaign insiders that the location of the announcement points towards Rodgers as the likely pick. Kennedy’s announcement will be in Oakland, about a two-hour drive from Rodgers’ hometown of Chico.

What’s more, the Times pointed out that kennedyrodgers.com was registered on GoDaddy.com on March 5, days before news of the potential selection leaked publicly. Mediaite found that soon after the Times article was published, kennedyventura.com was also registered.
Now they realize the campaign lacks credibility? Just now? As in, after everything else, only now?
And I thought Sarah Palin was a bad choice. The fact that RFK Jr. would even seriously consider Rodgers or Ventura is evidence of his lack of good sense.
And I thought Sarah Palin was a bad choice. The fact that RFK Jr. would even seriously consider Rodgers or Ventura is evidence of his lack of good sense.

It's evidence that he's an even bigger ******* idiot than anyone had previously thought.
It’s evidence that RFK Jr knows how big the cult of personality is in the US.

Exhibit #1. “Honest” Don.
I had no idea what a nutter RFK was until I watched this program, As I read comment sections and responses to RFK articles it's shocking how many people are missing how insane he is. Hopefully the following information will get spread around and posted as much as possible.

Please copy this message and have it ready to paste into news comments sections, blog posts, articles etc. regarding RFK Jr. The sooner this information can be posted the closer it will be to the top of the responses and get more views. People need to see this.

Please help warn others about Robert F Kennedy Jr.'s insanity and the fact that he is totally unfit for office. He is a dangerous liar who's willful ignorance may be killing people. People need to see and hear him in the following program to witness first hand the dilusional statements that he makes.

Dr. Wilson presents the science that refutes RFK Jr.'s rediculous vaccine assertions in this Joe Rogan podcast.


At 8:37
RFK quote: "At that point vaccinologists went around -searching around the world to find the most horrendously toxic materials to add to vaccines"

So RFK believes that vaccinologists are out to intentionally kill people by adding the most horrendously toxic materials to vaccines? If a vaccine which is that horrendously toxic is administered to people they are just going to drop dead almost emmediately after getting the shot.

In my opinion a statement that is this insane and disconnected from reality proves that RFK is unfit to have the power of a US President.
His attempt at scare tactics are so intellectually pathetic and dishonest he reduces his credibility to zero.

If you have time his madness contiues with a more intellectual failings.

RFK quote: "The Spanish Flu was a vaccine induced flu, the deaths were vaccine induced".

Another quick trip into insanity with RFK's response that people believed that wearing masks increased Spanish Flu deaths.

Dr. Wilson explains that RFK's claims in his book that AZT is poison and that HIV doesn't cause Aids. Chritine Maggiore, who had Aids, championed not taking AZT, she got preganant and had a daughter and eventually both her and her daughter died, which could likely have been prevented.

Please watch the entire program.

Kennedy family immediately condemns RFK Jr.'s independent presidential campaign


"The decision of our brother Bobby to run as a third party candidate against Joe Biden is dangerous to our country," the statement read. "Bobby might share the same name as our father, but he does not share the same values, vision or judgment."

"Today's announcement is deeply saddening for us," it continued. "We denounce his candidacy and believe it to be perilous for our country."

Hopefully when people get sick they will go and listen to a licensed doctor, not a politician.

Thanks for this.

I’m glad that Dan Wilson’s debunking videos are being watched and shared. I agree that many people don’t know how seriously deranged RFK Jr’s views are.
Thanks for this.

I’m glad that Dan Wilson’s debunking videos are being watched and shared. I agree that many people don’t know how seriously deranged RFK Jr’s views are.

A long and detailed article on Snopes that gives background to the sources of RFK Jr's anti-vax beliefs:

How RFK Jr. Exploited a Bogus Study Linking Vaccines to Chronic Illness

This story explores the history of a purportedly scientific study promoted by Robert Kennedy Jr., a 2024 presidential candidate, and his anti-vaccine non-profit Children's Health Defense. The study purports to "prove" that vaccines are the primary cause of chronic illness in America.

The study was completed by Joy Garner, an activist with no relevant scientific or medical training. She later recalled she was inspired to investigate the matter while attending a 2019 rally against California vaccine mandates headlined by Kennedy.

Very scary in it's implications.
Oh, no, the cookers will have to choose between a Kennedy and Trump. Their tiny brains may finally explode.

So anyone who disagrees with you and supports RFK Jr. is a "cooker" who might otherwise support Trump, huh? FYI, a large number of RFK Jr.'s backers are liberals, although quite a few are also centrist independents. RFK Jr.'s campaign manager when he was running in the Dem primary was Dennis Kucinich.

Most of the $10 million that Kennedy raised through late 2023 came from voters who did not make any federal donations during the 2016 and 2020 elections.

Also, Kennedy's donations from people who donated in previous elections have been split fairly evenly. As of late last year, 2,100 donors previously contributed to Republican candidates, while 1,700 donors previously contributed to Democratic candidates.

But, well, they're all just "cookers," right?
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So anyone who disagrees with you and supports RFK Jr. is a "cooker" who might otherwise support Trump, huh? FYI, a large number of RFK Jr.'s backers are liberals, although quite a few are also centrist independents. RFK Jr.'s campaign manager when he was running in the Dem primary was Dennis Kucinich.

Most of the $10 million that Kennedy raised through late 2023 came from voters who did not make any federal donations during the 2016 and 2020 elections.

Also, Kennedy's donations from people who donated in previous elections have been split fairly evenly. As of late last year, 2,100 donors previously contributed to Republican candidates, while 1,700 donors previously contributed to Democratic candidates.

But, well, they're all just "cookers," right?

I’m not seeing where you’re making an argument that they’re not.
"...Please help warn others about Robert F Kennedy Jr.'s insanity and the fact that he is totally unfit for office. He is a dangerous liar who's willful ignorance may be killing people. People need to see and hear him in the following program to witness first hand the dilusional statements that he makes...RFK quote: "At that point vaccinologists went around -searching around the world to find the most horrendously toxic materials to add to vaccines"...

It appears to me that Kennedy's problems are in the form of a mental health issue. That he suffers with some type of mental/emotional disorder, as do many of his supporters.
Thanks for this.

I’m glad that Dan Wilson’s debunking videos are being watched and shared. I agree that many people don’t know how seriously deranged RFK Jr’s views are.

Thank you very much and welcome to total psycho breakdown time

I've been studying RFK Jr's stated understandings of reality and wonder if people have ever been willing to take an imaginary deep dive into his state of psychosis. Imagine if you are RFK Jr and your previous lifestyle allows you to drift into a state of subtle madness. Your connection with reality starts to fall apart and you sink into a dark state with only the most frail and feeble connections with reality left. You are losing your mental competence completely and have only a faint, dwindling grasp of the real world that you lost contact with due to past chemically induced efforts to escape reality.
You are sick and you are mad. In an total intellectual fog with few linkages left with reality you try and grasp a means to temporarily escape your dark chamber of illness.
In the fog of sickness you come up with a new groundbreaking idea that will change the world's understandings of vaccines forever and you will become an international hero. There is no need to even question the truth. This is full blown psycho time. Psycho.. imagine that you are in the depths of total mental illness and you make this statement.

"At that point vaccinologists went around -searching around the world to find the most horrendously toxic materials to add to vaccines"

It's psycho time, it's psycho time, it's psycho time, drift off into RFK's total sickness where you believe that vaccinologists are out to intentionally kill people. I'm ill, I'm ill and my name is Robert F Kennedy Jr.
A vaccine that contains the "most horrendously toxic materials" will kill the patients soon after injection.
In RFK's completely delusional nutspace people would ask about the vaccine "Are you going to get the vaccine?" "Yes, of course, I've heard that it contains horrendously toxic chemicals and people die right away after getting the vaccine"

Is there anything worse than having to climb over dead bodies to get a vaccine that will kill you? Where's the humanity?

So lets visit RFK's psychosis and illness by listening to him live.


At 8:37
RFK quote: "At that point vaccinologists went around -searching around the world to find the most horrendously toxic materials to add to vaccines"

I'm a intellectually incompetent crackhead and I approve of RFK's message.

Too many American's live in a state of amnesia. To be presidential in this day and age - it's psycho time.
Have fun!!!
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It appears to me that Kennedy's problems are in the form of a mental health issue. That he suffers with some type of mental/emotional disorder, as do many of his supporters.

It's high time the really crazy people of America were given a representative voice in politics beyond a lone cry in the wilderness. :covereyes
It appears to me that Kennedy's problems are in the form of a mental health issue. That he suffers with some type of mental/emotional disorder, as do many of his supporters.

It's called "TEH STOOPID"! And there is no cure.
Thanks for this.

I’m glad that Dan Wilson’s debunking videos are being watched and shared. I agree that many people don’t know how seriously deranged RFK Jr’s views are.

I just sent the timecode of the program to the BBC.

Next - Try and find out how to sway voters away from the Trump cult. There are so many people voicing opinions against the traitor that I will try and find a means to unify all the separate entities that are denouncing the Trump cult into a unified opposition somehow.
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Okay, the quazy quarterback is out, and a silicon valley, supermom attorney is in.

CNN said:
Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. named attorney and tech entrepreneur Nicole Shanahan as his running mate Tuesday at a rally in Oakland, California.

“I’m so proud to introduce to you the next vice president the United States, my fellow lawyer, a brilliant scientist, technologist, a fierce warrior mom, Nicole Shanahan,” Kennedy said.

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Nicole Shanahan.....she's not the one who tried selling the blood-drop test that wasn't working at all, is she?

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