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For real or hoax? Cash offered to addicts.


Graduate Poster
Mar 11, 2003
to get sterilised


There is no way of independently verifying the figures given by Project Prevention.....

"We don't allow dogs to breed. We spay them. We neuter them. We try to keep them from having unwanted puppies, and yet these women are literally having litters of children.... It's just nonsense. Nobody is forcing these people to do anything - it's their own decision. What infuriates me is that if my critics don't think these people are capable of making their mind up on an issue like this, why on earth do they think they are capable of bringing up a child?"
- Barbara Harris (emphasis mine)

Dr Laura Schlessinger, one of the nation's most popular radio talk-show hosts, has made hefty donations and has frequently plugged the project.

Is this for real, or is this a hoax?

from the site Project Prevention

Each year, approximately 11% of all newborns are exposed to illicit drugs.
How were these kinds of statistics arrived at?

The site has anecdotes.

Regarding the above quote that I bolded:

Harris seems to be saying: addicts are not capable of bringing up a child, but can make a(n informed?) choice to get sterilised. According to Harris, her critics don't think addicts can make choices on the issue, but think addicts are capable of bringing up a child.
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