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Favorite Podcasts

Jul 8, 2003
I love my iPod (40 gig 3td gen model). I use it mostly to listen to podcasts when I go for a walk most evenings. I also have an MP3 player in my truck that will continue from the last point (even if in a middle of an MP3) when I turn it on. This is a nice feature for books-on-CD or podcasts. I just finished listening to ALL of Penn Radio.

I use the program Juice: http://juicereceiver.sourceforge.net/ for grabbing new podcasts.

Here is the list of my top 5 podcasts (actually I track about 25 podcasts in Juice) with the RSS link (can be pasted directly into Juice).

CBC - As It Happens: http://www.cbc.ca/podcasting/includes/asithappens.xml
Great interviews and stories behind the news.

Adam Carolla: http://www.971freefm.com/pages/podcast/671.rss
Laugh out loud funny

Point of Inquiry:http://pointofinquiry.libsyn.com/rss
Great skeptic stuff and usually well produced

CBC Quirks and Quarks: http://www.cbc.ca/podcasting/includes/quirksaio.xml
Great weekly science show

Good all round skeptic podcast from Skeptic magazine

There are lots more in my Juice directory.

I just found a new one in a previous post in this section (Radiolab) and I'm downloading the podcasts as I write.

Please suggest or comment on your favorite podcasts ....

Charlie (wired for podcasts) Monoxide
I love my iPod (40 gig 3td gen model). I use it mostly to listen to podcasts when I go for a walk most evenings. I also have an MP3 player in my truck that will continue from the last point (even if in a middle of an MP3) when I turn it on. This is a nice feature for books-on-CD or podcasts. I just finished listening to ALL of Penn Radio.

I use the program Juice: http://juicereceiver.sourceforge.net/ for grabbing new podcasts.

Here is the list of my top 5 podcasts (actually I track about 25 podcasts in Juice) with the RSS link (can be pasted directly into Juice).

CBC - As It Happens: http://www.cbc.ca/podcasting/includes/asithappens.xml
Great interviews and stories behind the news.

Adam Carolla: http://www.971freefm.com/pages/podcast/671.rss
Laugh out loud funny

Point of Inquiry:http://pointofinquiry.libsyn.com/rss
Great skeptic stuff and usually well produced

CBC Quirks and Quarks: http://www.cbc.ca/podcasting/includes/quirksaio.xml
Great weekly science show

Good all round skeptic podcast from Skeptic magazine

There are lots more in my Juice directory.

I just found a new one in a previous post in this section (Radiolab) and I'm downloading the podcasts as I write.

Please suggest or comment on your favorite podcasts ....

Charlie (wired for podcasts) Monoxide

SOmewhere around here I posted my podcast subscription list with links. It's too long to recreate, so when I get a spare moment, I'll see if I can find it.

Radiolab is the best thing I've discoverd in a LONG time. If you've not listened to it yet, you'll be stuck to your iPod for a while. I love the "Stress" episode the best.

ETA: Found it
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I have a Mac and iPod so I use iTunes because it "just works".

I listen to the following podcasts (I can't seem to post URLs since I'm to new, sorry):

Ask a Ninja

Tizor's Data Auditing Blog - I work for Tizor, that's really the only reason

Dr. Dean Edell - This is a private one. I use streamripper to record the live internet feed from KGO

Fetish Flame



Skeptic Tank

Car Talk

Polyamory Weekly - I'm not Poly (neither is my wife, heh), but I'm friends with the host and I also host the website for the podcast. Most of the advice and information is transferable to "normal" relationships.


Skepitc's Guide To The Universe

This American Life

Tiki Bar TV
SOmewhere around here I posted my podcast subscription list with links. It's too long to recreate, so when I get a spare moment, I'll see if I can find it.

Radiolab is the best thing I've discoverd in a LONG time. If you've not listened to it yet, you'll be stuck to your iPod for a while. I love the "Stress" episode the best.

ETA: Found it
Good stuff. Thanks.

I just listened to an Radiolab episode while walking over to the library. I'm impressed. I've download what I could and will listen to the rest.

Charlie (a listening life) Monoxide
Skeptic's Guide to the Universe is fantastic.

So are Skeptoid and Logically Critical, though they haven't updated recently.

If you didn't get to listen to Astronomy Cast go out and find it. I know that it's over now, but I recently listened to the whole series and was just captivated.
BBC radio 4 have some good podcasts including "From Our Correspondent" and "Thinking Allowed".
I love PodQuiz, The Presidents Weekly Radio Address, Diggnation and Sixty-Second Science
Yep. When you're right, you're right.

Apart from SGU, I like

Anime World Order (if you're into anime)
The Greatest Movie Ever (mostly sci-fi films, but they cover all sorts of stuff)
Dave and Joel's Fast Karate for the Gentleman ("The anime podcast for people who don't like anime." "Or podcasts.")
Astronomy Cast (yay, new episode!)
The Diner (James Lileks talking about nothing in particular)
No, but since my statement was purely dogmatic, that shouldn't argue against it. I'm right because I'm right, you see.

Yep. When you're right, you're right.


Actually, I look forward to SGU, and I'm still going through Perry withdrawl. That's why I like TWIS, Kristen's cohort is a bit like Perry. Even has the same monkey "fetish", although without the anti-bird stance.

That and both Rebecca and Kristen fulfill George Hrab's "Triple B" criteria.

Speaking of Geo, he's got a podcast too that I've grown to love. It's the Geologic Podcast. The "Religious Morons of the Week" segment is worth the price of admission itself.

Through Geo, I stumbled upon Soccergirl, Inc. I'm still making up my mind about her, but so far, so good. Once she gets away from her Dragon*Con casts, I'll have a better idea about her.
When I was on the midnight shift over the Summer, I used my little cheap (27 bucks) MP3 device to listen to podcasts of my favorite NPR shows. Diane Rehm's weekly news roundup, Science Friday, and Wait, wait, don't tell me!

Now that I'm back on days, I just listen in my police car.


I also like Berkley groks
NYAS (Science and the City) and truthdig, the atheist alliance, and
the rational responders.

I also listen to TWIS and SSW and several other shows listed here. If you click the tag to podcast you'll get tons.

And at TAM I learned about NPR's "wait, wait, don't tell me"-- Dawkins site has many of his for download... and you can get a lot of comedians at shareware sites and the like.
Radiolab is the best thing I've discoverd in a LONG time. If you've not listened to it yet, you'll be stuck to your iPod for a while. I love the "Stress" episode the best.
Thanks for the tip. I'm listening to the music episode right now. Very cool! :)
Radiolab is the best thing I've discoverd in a LONG time. If you've not listened to it yet, you'll be stuck to your iPod for a while. I love the "Stress" episode the best.

I've got to agree the topics are very interesting (esp Stress and Memory episodes). They put a lot of effort into production. I listen when I'm out walking and sometimes with the added stereo sound effects that Radiolab inject, I find myself looking over my shoulder or sideways for the source of the weird sound, which was in podcast all along (D'oh).

Charlie (no life with all these podcast choices) Monoxide
I've got to agree the topics are very interesting (esp Stress and Memory episodes). They put a lot of effort into production. I listen when I'm out walking and sometimes with the added stereo sound effects that Radiolab inject, I find myself looking over my shoulder or sideways for the source of the weird sound, which was in podcast all along (D'oh).

Charlie (no life with all these podcast choices) Monoxide

Heehee. I've had to put any more listening to them on hold at work until I get a new pair of headphones. My current set has a loose wire on the left ear, making some of those effects useless.

But still, when's the last time V.S. Ramachandran got that much airtime on commercial radio?
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