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Explain That!


Observer of Phenomena, Pronouns: he/him
Feb 11, 2005
Ngunnawal Country
I am officially announcing my next skeptical podcast project, Explain That!

The aim is to seek natural explanations for apparently paranormal phenomena.

We will take submissions by email, or by Facebook, or by whatever other means seems appropriate, of stories of apparently paranormal events, and we will deconstruct these events to see whether any natural explanations fit. In essence, we want to put paid to the notion that "there's no other possible explanation". I don't expect that we'll always succeed in this goal. For example, when someone sees a light in the sky that performs in unusual ways, one possible explanation is that it's an alien spacecraft. But I expect that over the course of the episodes we'll cover subjects such as confirmation bias, the unreliability of memory, the placebo effect and other similar ideas.

So far, I am very much in planning and setting up. The domain name I want (explainthat.com) is already owned, but the owner doesn't seem to be doing anything with it - there's not even a redirect. So I've sent him an email. If he's not willing to give it up, or wants too much, then explainthat.info is available, as is explainthat.com.au.

I've registered an email address - explainthat@mail.com. If YOU have had an experience that seems paranormal, let us know! We'll try to...

Explain That!
Oooh, shiny! That sounds great. Do an episode on subsonic sound please. It can cause feelings of disquiet and vibrations in your eyes that create odd shadows in your peripheral vision. Even those who are aware of these facts report feeling frightened and thinking they saw ghosts.

Good luck with your project!
I like the idea for the podcast and as long as it's a little humorous and entertaining at times i'll sign up.

I enjoy attending and getting involved with various religions and seem to have the same "religious experience" with each of them. An experience where I feel as though I'm connected directly with god (however the term is defined by the particular religion). It would be interesting to hear an explanation for the experience of connecting with god.
I like the idea for the podcast and as long as it's a little humorous and entertaining at times i'll sign up.

I enjoy attending and getting involved with various religions and seem to have the same "religious experience" with each of them. An experience where I feel as though I'm connected directly with god (however the term is defined by the particular religion). It would be interesting to hear an explanation for the experience of connecting with god.
Hi vinyson, and thanks for your interest. I expect that this will be a topic that we cover at some point in the show. There's a lot of interesting material there. :)
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