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Excellent Food For Thought - Thanks


Jun 30, 2008

I have really been enjoying going through the podcast archive on Skepticality and had no idea that the show was online until I did a mp3 search for James Randi interviews. While I am not an atheist or secular humanist (Painesian Deist here - so not unionized), Tom Flynn's interviews were worth listening to for everyone concerned about Constitutional issues in relation to how religion has seeped into politics over the last fifty years.

I found Rob Irving's talk on crop circles to be right up my ally. He had great points of view (insights) about the history, background and legal ramifications of doing circle art. Plus I was surprised to hear that he also believed that there was no simple explanation for things they have experienced while working on projects late at night. The way Skepticality handled that interview was extremely fair and open.

On a more direct note, Benjamin Radford was, in my opinion, dead on about the problems facing lake monsters as a possible phenomenon and confirming that much of the reports out there have down to earth (or above water) explanations. One could only hope that more researchers have done the legwork or hold the attitude that he had about following up on case work.

I've gone through about half the archive in the last week - will probably finish the rest by next week.

Thanks again.
Thanks roseglass,

Your largest benefit will be that you know that in the end I survived and am still doing the show. The folks who had been listening real-time from the beginning had to wait it out until I got through a very long period of learning to become a person again. :cool:
Thanks roseglass,

Your largest benefit will be that you know that in the end I survived and am still doing the show. The folks who had been listening real-time from the beginning had to wait it out until I got through a very long period of learning to become a person again. :cool:

I heard about this, and also caught your first show back on with Swoopy after you got out of the hospital. That explained the "I Kicked Death in the Nads" tee-shirt! Good thing she held down the show during that difficult time and kept folks in the loop.

Glad you are still hanging in there.

All of our shows are in the Archive under the 'Listen To Past Episodes' link. :)
I always thought th "you" after your stroke was just a computer generated voice made by the man to mislead us. just kidding love the podcast. Have not been listening to it recently brcause my mp3 player is broken and listening to it on this machine is just slows it down to much. You and swoopy keep up the good work.

Trust me, if you got to witness how the sausage is made these days that isn't TOO far from the truth.

My ability to speak is so damn terrible these days, the gymnastics I do so that people don't realize how bad it is borderlines on something kind of a form of bio-computer generated! ;)

Have you tried listening from the the http://www.skepticality.com/ home page and using the little 'play' button?

That player *should* work well with even the slowest machines. :)
Well I have had the computer cleaned and I got a cheap mp3 player actually last christmas.
Like some of the new features like what are the odds, but miss swoopy.
A general thanks to all podcasts I listen to because they have helped me lose a 100 lbs so far, still a little more to go.
And, the bright side is that you didn't have to 'suffer' like many others while I was in a coma. Wondering if I'd ever come back to the show. ;)
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