While this may be old news to all y'all at the ISF, I just discovered something that brings a smile to my face! The chief architect and scam artist of the electric universe, Wal Thornhill, is dead! Nearly two years now it appears! Good riddance to bad rubbish!
Just goes to show how important Thornhill and his electric universe is in the real world! NOT!
As a result of learning of Thornhill's death, I thought I would take a few minutes to see what's happening in the old ISF electric universe threads.
After a quick scan of several pages (well over 600 posts), I am not at all surprised to find that there has been no progress or advancement made by the electric universe and its proponents in the last several years! Absolutely no progress at all!
When I have more time in the coming days I'll publish a couple detailed posts addressing some of Sol88's "confusion" about the real world! In the short term here are a few points gleaned from my quick scan that I think are worth sharing ...
- Plasma is a gas!
- Plasma is a fluid!
- Plasma, under certain conditions, can carry "frozen-in" magnetic fields!
- Magnetic reconnection is a real physical process observed in laboratory plasmas!
- Magnetic reconnection is a real physical process observed in astrophysical plasmas!
- Neutron stars are real "gravitationally" compact objects!
- Black holes are real "gravitationally" compact objects!
- Sagittarius A* is the super massive black hole at the centre of our galaxy!
- General Relativity 'accurately' models the precession of S-stars orbiting Sagittarius A*!
- General Relativity 'accurately' models the precession of Mercury orbiting our own star!
- General Relativity 'accurately' models the behaviour of photons when they encounter 'large' gravitational fields!
- General Relativity makes predictions that have subsequently been confirmed through observation! Oh my!
Sol88, please, feel free to share your thoughts regarding any of the above points. They're individually numbered to aid in discussion.
It's your math that cant keep up!
... Irrelevant ramblings snipped ...
Looks like the MATH is the problem.
There is nothing wrong with the PHYSICS and MATH used to model real astrophysical plasmas! We'll come back to this later!
Remember, Sol88, there are NO proponents of the electric universe that can provide a self-consistent qualitative and/or quantitative eu model of real astrophysical systems! Magic spells, religious incantations, and throwing #### at the wall to see what sticks do not constitute valid science!
To refresh your memory, here are some paraphrased statements I made years ago in these very threads ...
There is no internally consistent electric comet model! Result?
NO electric comet!
There is no internally consistent electric star model! Conclusion?
NO electric star!
There is no internally consistent model of an electric universe! You guessed it!
NO electric universe!
The electric universe is
physically impossible to model as it violates fundamental/foundational laws of physics!
Sol88! Ask yourself a simple question. With respect to the above, why do I, and others, make such statements? Remember, plasma is a gas!
Between you and me, Sol88, who do you think has the greater understanding of plasmas and plasma physics?
It should come as no surprise that it's not you!