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Dogma Free America


One Damn Dirty Ape
Jan 7, 2007
I am going to take this opportunity to pimp my own podcast, which I think is pretty good: Dogma Free America. You can get it on Iturnes like the others, or at dogmafreeamerica.com.

I think that the latest episode on the acrheology of Nazareth is particular interesting.:boxedin:
I am going to take this opportunity to pimp my own podcast, which I think is pretty good: Dogma Free America. You can get it on Iturnes like the others, or at dogmafreeamerica.com.

I think that the latest episode on the acrheology of Nazareth is particular interesting.:boxedin:

I can't seem to find this podcast on iTunes in order to subscribe. What category does it appear in?
Alas, Apple has not yet raised this podcast to "featured" status. All you haved to do is open the Apple Music Store and then type "Dogma Free America" into the search bar. It should come up. Thanks for your interest.
Alas, Apple has not yet raised this podcast to "featured" status. All you haved to do is open the Apple Music Store and then type "Dogma Free America" into the search bar. It should come up. Thanks for your interest.
I tried that yesterday and it didn't work--but today it did, so I'm subscribed. Looking forward to listening--thanks.
I, too, have just added it. I do have an extensive list of podcasts that I listen to, so it might be a bit before you get feedback from me. I do look forward to it tho.
I would like to thank everyone in this forum who has downloaded the podcast. In the roughly two weeks since my original post the podcast has vaulted from nowhere to the number two podcast in Itunes Religion and Spirtuality--Others category and has been listed as "new and notable" in that category. There was a palpable increase in hits when I posted this thread, which got the podcast's graphic in the listing for the sub-category, and when that happened the numbers really took off, by a factor of about a 300% increase in downloads. Thanks for listening.
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richor....stop shouting. I can read you just fine.

I listened to the latest episode (the one about Nazereth - although apparently there's another one after that; I must have been away from my desk) and I was pleased. I'll keep it on my subscription list. TBH, i can't give much of a review as I don't remember most of it (I listened to it on 13 Jan) but there wasn't anything to cause me to nix it.
Episode 7 of Dogma Free America is has now been published, with news of Dogma from around the world and an interview with Joe Kaufman of Citizens Against Hate. Please listen.

If you like the podcast, please read the following paragraph. If you don't like the podcast, please do not read the following paragraph:

I invite you all to please write a review for the podcast on Itunes. Libsyn (my web host) tells me that I have an audiance of well over 400 per episode now and yet no reviews. It makes me very lonely.
Hey! I just realized that you're on the save server that my all-time fav (non-skeptic) podcast is on, podictionary. Coolness.

Um...When I get a chance to listen to #7, I'll write the review. Prolly this weekend sometime.
I've listened to episodes 1-6 so far, and am downloading #7 as I write. In general I have enjoyed them. I certainly plan to continue to subscribe and look forward to future topics.

One little nit, though. The first couple episodes--particularly the Christmas one with your brother--grated on me a bit because you insisted on referring to the guest as "Doctor" every time you spoke. You continued this, in the case of your brother, even after he pointed out very correctly that his degree had absolutely nothing to do with the topic being discussed--and after he explicitly asked you to stop doing it. This sort of appeal to authority is a fallacy that we often hear on the other side--e.g. the creationists love to trot out so-called experts with doctoral degrees, as if that mattered--but one that I think should be avoided in skeptical fora. Please accept this slight criticism in the spirit with which I offer it--to make your already good podcast an excellent one.
I've listened to episodes 1-6 so far, and am downloading #7 as I write. In general I have enjoyed them. I certainly plan to continue to subscribe and look forward to future topics.

One little nit, though. The first couple episodes--particularly the Christmas one with your brother--grated on me a bit because you insisted on referring to the guest as "Doctor" every time you spoke. You continued this, in the case of your brother, even after he pointed out very correctly that his degree had absolutely nothing to do with the topic being discussed--and after he explicitly asked you to stop doing it. This sort of appeal to authority is a fallacy that we often hear on the other side--e.g. the creationists love to trot out so-called experts with doctoral degrees, as if that mattered--but one that I think should be avoided in skeptical fora. Please accept this slight criticism in the spirit with which I offer it--to make your already good podcast an excellent one.

Brian, I guess that my sense of irony just doesn't come across on the microphone. I have even been calling my legal analyist Flynn Owens "doctor" from time-to-time (he does have a JurisDoctor degree, after all). In my own subtle way, I was trying to make fun of all the crack-pots out there who like to be called doctor. I have stopped doing it in the past couple of episodes because it was obvious that the Irony wasn't working. Thanks for the comment. Thanks for listening to the show!
Brian, I guess that my sense of irony just doesn't come across on the microphone. I have even been calling my legal analyist Flynn Owens "doctor" from time-to-time (he does have a JurisDoctor degree, after all). In my own subtle way, I was trying to make fun of all the crack-pots out there who like to be called doctor. I have stopped doing it in the past couple of episodes because it was obvious that the Irony wasn't working. Thanks for the comment. Thanks for listening to the show!

Thank you for responding. Irony is a tough thing to communicate unless people know one another, in my view anyway. As I listen to more of your podcasts, I suspect I'll be a little quicker on the humor uptake.

Just listened to Episode #7 on my evening walk. Great interview! It took me a minute or two to understand that the CAIR you were addressing wasn't CARE--a wonderful humanitarian organization that's been around since 1945, and with which I'm somewhat familiar. The identical pronunciation of the acronym was a little disconcerting at first, but the difference soon became evident--and a search of your web site on my return home enlightened me as to the spelling and further details. I learned a lot and think your podcast gets better with each episode. Keep up the good work!
I agree with Brian. It took me a bit to get into it, but that could be the fault of the kids who were (please contain your shock and suprize) fighting and I couldn't hear all that well. I only really missed being able to pay full attention to the first five minutes, so...

Can I just say that you sound quite a bit like DJ Grothe of Point of Inquiry? I can't? Oh...ok then.

I'll definately bee keeping this one subscribed. You have managed to have interesting topics, they're long enough to be in depth, but short enough to keep my interest (and not take too long to download). You don't have any irritating vocal habits (for example, take a listen to Evolution101, which I really like, but Dr. Zach does that teeth sucking thing as a gutteral stop...AHHHH!!!) to make me want to reach through my computer and kill you. Serious enough to be taken seriously, but humorous enough to not seem snobby.

I give it an A.
Thank you for responding. Irony is a tough thing to communicate unless people know one another, in my view anyway. As I listen to more of your podcasts, I suspect I'll be a little quicker on the humor uptake.

Just listened to Episode #7 on my evening walk. Great interview! It took me a minute or two to understand that the CAIR you were addressing wasn't CARE--a wonderful humanitarian organization that's been around since 1945, and with which I'm somewhat familiar. The identical pronunciation of the acronym was a little disconcerting at first, but the difference soon became evident--and a search of your web site on my return home enlightened me as to the spelling and further details. I learned a lot and think your podcast gets better with each episode. Keep up the good work!

I agree that the similarity in pronunciation between CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) and CARE (Cooperative Assistance And Relief Everywhere) is somewhat confusing. I think I mentioned the full name once--in the intro at the very begining of the pocast, and I think that Joe Kaufman might have mentioned it once as well, but it probably would have been a good idea to make more effort to avoid the confusion.

Thanks for the kind words.
I agree with Brian. It took me a bit to get into it, but that could be the fault of the kids who were (please contain your shock and suprize) fighting and I couldn't hear all that well. I only really missed being able to pay full attention to the first five minutes, so...

Can I just say that you sound quite a bit like DJ Grothe of Point of Inquiry? I can't? Oh...ok then.

I'll definately bee keeping this one subscribed. You have managed to have interesting topics, they're long enough to be in depth, but short enough to keep my interest (and not take too long to download). You don't have any irritating vocal habits (for example, take a listen to Evolution101, which I really like, but Dr. Zach does that teeth sucking thing as a gutteral stop...AHHHH!!!) to make me want to reach through my computer and kill you. Serious enough to be taken seriously, but humorous enough to not seem snobby.

I give it an A.

Thanks for the kind words!
I'm a fan and spreading the word--
You work hard, and it shows!
Thanks for a show I look forward to every week, Rich!

I see balloons waving beneath your avatar--

Happy Birthday!


(I hope I got the right number of candles)
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I haven't listened to Episode 49 yet, but since it's called "penultimate," it doesn't sound like good news. If it's true, following so soon on the heels of Logically Critical shutting down, the trend doesn't seem to bode well for the effort to spread the word on critical thinking.
I haven't listened to Episode 49 yet, but since it's called "penultimate," it doesn't sound like good news. If it's true, following so soon on the heels of Logically Critical shutting down, the trend doesn't seem to bode well for the effort to spread the word on critical thinking.

Yes... the penultimate show confirms it. But it will give people to get caught up on past episodes... and there will be others. It is a lot of work, and no pay... so I think it's a great gift for all of us... but I can see how it might start to burn a person out.
I just subscribed. I'll just have to go back and start from the beginning. It'll be new to me.

I recommend these guys to fill the void (after you've listened to DFA's backlog, of course) : http://www.nonprophetsradio.com/audio/

They aren't the same... but they are very anti-dogma. I like to keep my anti-dogma information fresh.

The atheist alliance and the freedom from religion foundation also put out a weekly podcast I think.
Episode 50, scheduled to be released at 7:02 EST in November 22, 2007 will be the final episode of Dogma Free America. Thanks to all of the listeners.
Episode 50, scheduled to be released at 7:02 EST in November 22, 2007 will be the final episode of Dogma Free America. Thanks to all of the listeners.

You'll still be around here though,right?

Actually, that's one of the things that I liked about both your and Brian Dunnig's shows, the fact that you guys are "one of us". It's kind of a local boy done good.

Oh, did you do the last show in a horrible accent? Please say it's so.
I will still be here. I think that the Baltimore accent I did in the final episode was pretty damn good!
Well, it WAS the most accurate accent you did throughout the run of the show.

How're the criminal checks for the Festivus celebration coming?
DFA was without a doubt the best podcast ever

SORELY mised

Im trying to like it, but BSAlert is really no substitute :(

Looks like Im going to have to start my own proaudio podcast, and somehow find a way to shoehorn Rich and Flynn onto it. Now Im going to have to figure out what islamic domination and liberal dhimmitude have to do with polar patterns on microphones :(
For anyone who might be interested, the Festivus party was a big success. Some of the Feats Of Strength are depicted on a little blog I created. Here is the link.
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