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- Apr 29, 2015
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Ever heard of JAQing off? (Oo-er! Sounds a bit like onanism!) You probably haven't- look it up. That's one reason.
Loaded questions- that's another.
Poisoning the well- that's a third.
Why ask that question? What was your reason for asking me? You have also said I'm 'preaching from the pulpit of porn'. Hard to parse the meaning, but again, it fuels the idea that you think I'm a shill for the porn industry.
OK, I'll try that:
That's an outrageous thing to say. Are you a child abuser?
Remember, I'm just asking a simple question.
Are you going to flounce out of your own thread? Because I'm not going anywhere. I will continue to call out your lies, deflate your hyperbole, post evidence to refute your claims, and challenge your repressive and puritanical demands. In other words, do what this forum was set up to do: to question claims, debate evidence, and challenge falsehoods.
Nah, he's too smart. He's caught on to us. He may pretend not to understand what is a straightforward enough post, but underneath that he's razor sharp. He's realized we're all porn stars.
How, though? Not all who have freakishly big ...ah, members, are porn stars. Also, ours don't actually show, after all, in this all-text-no-vid format. ...So, how on earth did he catch on to us?
It's you! I squarely blame you! I mean, Cosmic Yak? That's a complete giveaway. You should've been more circumspect, and not lazily used as handle here your screen name. Look at me, how circumspect I've been, in choosing a handle that's emphatically not a porn star name.
Why do you think more than 50 Frenchmen did what they did to Gisele Pelicot?
Because they're perverts, and have not all been castrated.
I reject your wishy washy half-measures about porn. I suggest, instead, the more sure-shot method of establishing a bureaucracy that will rigorously screen every man every five years, from age 15 onwards: and anyone showing the slightest tendency towards anything not perfectly kosher, sex-wise, is to be summarily castrated. That's two birds with one stone: no more Gisele Pelicot, hopefully; as well as help a bit with the population thing as well.
Let this be the take-away from this thread.