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Denmark = Venezuela?!

Look at our president. Is this really that hard of a question to answer?

I think it is. Unless the president is an accurate reflection of what the Usian society is as a whole. Unless the USA is Fox News. The video reported the strength of the unions in Denmark and the non-existence of a minimum wage. Aren't the Usian unions strong? I thought they were. Isn't the USA today closer to full employment than Denmark? Then, why is that? Isn't Denmark accepting foreigners willing to do menial task for peanuts exactly like the USA?
I think it is. Unless the president is an accurate reflection of what the Usian society is as a whole. Unless the USA is Fox News. The video reported the strength of the unions in Denmark and the non-existence of a minimum wage. Aren't the Usian unions strong? I thought they were. Isn't the USA today closer to full employment than Denmark? Then, why is that? Isn't Denmark accepting foreigners willing to do menial task for peanuts exactly like the USA?

Enough of the USA is Fox News, or at least Fox News receptive.

Unions are the work of the devil. Except maybe the one I retired from. Foreigners are satanic, except my grandparents who were hard workers. and my yardman, he's good and cheap. Government workers are lazy, except when I worked for the government I made a difference.

Yeah, these are the Americans I know and love.
Enough of the USA is Fox News, or at least Fox News receptive.

Unions are the work of the devil. Except maybe the one I retired from. Foreigners are satanic, except my grandparents who were hard workers. and my yardman, he's good and cheap. Government workers are lazy, except when I worked for the government I made a difference.

Yeah, these are the Americans I know and love.

Well, this doesn't answer much of my question (except maybe the yardman part).

I'm starting to think that the USA is near full employment just because of the miserable salaries at the button of the scale. And that if the country had decent salaries the level of unemployment would be high like Italy's (and conservatives would be screaming to eliminate the "socialist" institution of unemployment benefits that they seem to be so indifferent about today -thank Darwin for that-)

Denmark has a rate of unemployment of 4.8% and the USA 3.9%, so it's pretty similar. Why the differences in salaries?
Your posts are becoming increasingly absurd!

I think it is. Unless the president is an accurate reflection of what the Usian society is as a whole. Unless the USA is Fox News.

I have no idea what that is even supposed to mean! No president or prime minister is an accurate reflection of what the society is as a whole. No country is a newspaper or a news organization.

The video reported the strength of the unions in Denmark and the non-existence of a minimum wage.

There is a surprising number of articles about the minimum wage in Denmark! As of July 18, 2018 it appears to be approximately DKK 110 (corresponding to 3.66 Big Macs), which is much too little, in my opinion. (Wikipedia confirms the number.) However, on top of that you receive pension benefits.

But according to Business Insider and the NYT, you earn 20 US$ at Macdonalds (probably a little more nowadays, four years later).

Aren't the Usian unions strong? I thought they were. Isn't the USA today closer to full employment than Denmark? Then, why is that? Isn't Denmark accepting foreigners willing to do menial task for peanuts exactly like the USA?

Employment rates Denmark-USA, October 2015.
I can recommend the Snopes article that I already linked to. It also shows the meme that Trish Regan probably got her alternative facts from.

Danmark Labour. Latest Previous Highest Lowest
Employment Rate. 3.90 4.00 6.20 2.40 Percent
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I wonder, if the economy is doing so well in the USA with this Trump dude, why do they pay such ****** salaries?

Why wonder?! Your question is easily answered: Because they can! I.e. can get away with paying lousy wages. That the economy is doing well has very little to do with the low wages. (Unlike in Venezuela.) It's not that the businesses in the USA couldn't pay higher wages, it's that the USA has a trickle-up economy where every cent saved on wages finds it way to the top 1%. And "this Trump dude" just lowered the taxes for the top 1%. You wouldn't want any of the money that the top 1% earns by paying ****** wages to their employees to pay for healthcare or education, would you?
dann said:
Your posts are becoming increasingly absurd!

I think it is. Unless the president is an accurate reflection of what the Usian society is as a whole. Unless the USA is Fox News.

I have no idea what that is even supposed to mean! No president or prime minister is an accurate reflection of what the society is as a whole. No country is a newspaper or a news organization.

Summary: they're becoming increasingly absurd because you have no idea what they mean :rolleyes:. Try a better smear strategy, dann.

It meant exactly that: the previous response would be the correct one only if what I said were true. With all of your hand-waving you tried to conceal it was written in italics. Short answer: Dr. Keith, me and everyone else don't need your truisms, especially when my answer was based in that obvious truth.

Stop trying to pass your lack of understanding combined with your easily excitable emotional nature as a problem in others.
dann said:
Your posts are becoming increasingly absurd!

The video reported the strength of the unions in Denmark and the non-existence of a minimum wage.
There is a surprising number of articles about the minimum wage in Denmark! As of July 18, 2018 it appears to be approximately DKK 110 (corresponding to 3.66 Big Macs), which is much too little, in my opinion. (Wikipedia confirms the number.) However, on top of that you receive pension benefits.

But according to Business Insider and the NYT, you earn 20 US$ at Macdonalds (probably a little more nowadays, four years later).

From your own video: https://youtu.be/cbTnu_gUrPc?t=38

"In Denmark there is no minimum wage"

What did I say? «The video reported the strength of the unions in Denmark and the non-existence of a minimum wage.»

so stop trying to gaslight everyone in this thread with your constant misrepresentation of what other people say. It is you who linked a video containing what you report now as wrong information (a.k.a. as lies, so common in what you and your cronies post)
dann said:
Your posts are becoming increasingly absurd!

Aren't the Usian unions strong? I thought they were. Isn't the USA today closer to full employment than Denmark? Then, why is that? Isn't Denmark accepting foreigners willing to do menial task for peanuts exactly like the USA?
Employment rates Denmark-USA, October 2015.
I can recommend the Snopes article that I already linked to. It also shows the meme that Trish Regan probably got her alternative facts from.

Danmark Labour. Latest Previous Highest Lowest
Employment Rate. 3.90 4.00 6.20 2.40 Percent

Why do you reply a question about how little the rate of unemployment is with data about the rate of employment (both words seem to mean the same to you)? And when you finally get it (in your ETA), why did you use non governmental sources? Just because it favoured the vision you like to promote? Just because of your epistemological hedonism?

Unemployment in Denmark: 5% during last June (as well as during last February, which I posted to be 4.8%). Source: Eurostat


My question aimed to the fact that the closer to full employment an economy is (like it's the case of the USA), the higher the salaries are. The Denmark-USA comparison contradicts that. And that's why I asked

Aren't the Usian unions strong? I thought they were. Isn't the USA today closer to full employment than Denmark? Then, why is that? Isn't Denmark accepting foreigners willing to do menial task for peanuts exactly like the USA?
what you completely ignore to hang more of your hand-waving.

If you had nothing to say about it, you should have stay silent. You are not obligated to know everything.
Why wonder?! Your question is easily answered: Because they can! I.e. can get away with paying lousy wages. That the economy is doing well has very little to do with the low wages. (Unlike in Venezuela.) It's not that the businesses in the USA couldn't pay higher wages, it's that the USA has a trickle-up economy where every cent saved on wages finds it way to the top 1%. And "this Trump dude" just lowered the taxes for the top 1%.

That doesn't explain anything. I asked about the unions. They exist to counter-balance that. You replied nothing about them, only the discourse of the rich ones taking advantage of the disenfranchised.

Again: what are the unions doing about it? why isn't this correcting by the simple fact that the USA is near full employment?

Feel free to not reply if you have nothing specific to say about Usian unions.

You wouldn't want any of the money that the top 1% earns by paying ****** wages to their employees to pay for healthcare or education, would you?

Can you rephrase this in a way that confirms or denies this as a personal attack. Fascists who believe to be socialists like yourself tend to talk in riddles.
Even more absurd!

Summary: they're becoming increasingly absurd because you have no idea what they mean :rolleyes:. Try a better smear strategy, dann.

It meant exactly that: the previous response would be the correct one only if what I said were true. With all of your hand-waving you tried to conceal it was written in italics. Short answer: Dr. Keith, me and everyone else don't need your truisms, especially when my answer was based in that obvious truth.

Stop trying to pass your lack of understanding combined with your easily excitable emotional nature as a problem in others.

Now you accuse me of "trying to conceal" what you write in italics by actually quoting what you write in italics!! Go figure!
When you project your own "easily excitable emotional nature" onto me, it's not a very good idea to resort to statements in capital letters just two posts later.
From your own video: https://youtu.be/cbTnu_gUrPc?t=38

"In Denmark there is no minimum wage"

What did I say? «The video reported the strength of the unions in Denmark and the non-existence of a minimum wage.»

so stop trying to gaslight everyone in this thread with your constant misrepresentation of what other people say. It is you who linked a video containing what you report now as wrong information (a.k.a. as lies, so common in what you and your cronies post)

When I link to Wikipedia's list of minimum wages by country, it's stupid to call it gas lightning, isn't it? That you are too lazy to look it up is no excuse, but let me give you the whole quotation since it isn't very long:

None; instead, negotiated between unions and employer associations; the average minimum wage for all private and public sector collective bargaining agreements was approximately DKK 110 (nominally $16) per hour, exclusive of pension benefits.

So Wikipedia says that there is "none", but ...
The reason for this apparent contradiction in terms is that no minimum wage has been defined by the legislature of the Danish state. Instead it has been negotiated and agreed upon by the labour unions and the employers' associations. So whenever a case is discovered where an employer pays (very often: foreign) workers below the agreed-upon minimum wage, it's not the police but the unions that interfere, for instance with physical blockades. That is the actual minimum wage in Denmark, and as you can see, it's pretty effective. This is also the reason why many articles in English about the minimum wage in Denmark begin like this:

There is no official minimum salary in Copenhagen and in Denmark. However (!) … The Average and Minimum Salary in Copenhagen, Denmark (checkinprice.com, Apr. 26, 2017)

So you're the one who's gaslighting!
Why do you reply a question about how little the rate of unemployment is with data about the rate of employment (both words seem to mean the same to you)? And when you finally get it (in your ETA), why did you use non governmental sources? Just because it favoured the vision you like to promote? Just because of your epistemological hedonism?

That depends:
You can look at the employment rate as the rate of people looking for work who are actually working. In that case, the employment rate is 75 percent of working age population in Denmark. However, since most of the 25 percent aren’t actually avaible for the job market because they are students, retired early, ill (whatever), it makes more sense to look at the number of people who either have jobs or are trying to find a job.

Unemployment in Denmark: 5% during last June (as well as during last February, which I posted to be 4.8%). Source: Eurostat


In the future I'll simply ignore what you're asking. Look it up yourself!

My question aimed to the fact that the closer to full employment an economy is (like it's the case of the USA), the higher the salaries are. The Denmark-USA comparison contradicts that. And that's why I asked

what you completely ignore to hang more of your hand-waving.

If you had nothing to say about it, you should have stay silent. You are not obligated to know everything.

Your question is based on the idea that supply and demand is what determines the price of labour. I wouldn't go to the extreme to claim that it doesn't have anything to do with wages, but it's obviously not true even though it may disturb you, which is why I answered your question the way I did: "Your question is easily answered: Because they can!"
That you don't like my answer doesn't make it any less true.
That doesn't explain anything. I asked about the unions. They exist to counter-balance that. You replied nothing about them, only the discourse of the rich ones taking advantage of the disenfranchised.

I'm sorry, but what you refer to as "only" is the answer even if you don't like it: Not "the rich ones" (whatever that's supposed to mean) but the employers usually prefer to pay as little as they can get away with - not only below the minimum wage but sometimes even below the minimum needed for workers and their families to survive. In Denmark, apparently, the trade unions won't let them do that.

Again: what are the unions doing about it? why isn't this correcting by the simple fact that the USA is near full employment?

Why don't you look it up? Why don't you do a little research yourself? Why don't you try to find out for yourself why your ideas about the price of labour appear to be wrong?

Feel free to not reply if you have nothing specific to say about Usian unions.

I feel free not to do that!

Can you rephrase this in a way that confirms or denies this as a personal attack. Fascists who believe to be socialists like yourself tend to talk in riddles.

My phrasing of that sentence wasn't so convoluted that it warrants your resorting to Godwin!
"You wouldn't want any of the money that the top 1% earns by paying ****** wages to their employees to pay for healthcare or education, would you?"
It is a reference to the fact that on top of the ****** wages they pay their employees at the bottom of the U.S. American society, the top 1% were also recently rewarded with a tax cut.
I guess it can't be helped that you seem to think that criticizing the income disparity in the USA is fascist ...
I guess that this clip from a show called Secular Talk belongs in a secular forum like this even though it doesn't really tell us anything new, based as it is on the youtube clip from a Danish Social Democrat:

I can empathize with the host's frustration ...
”But you see, not only is school free, …” – the HORROR!!! – ”… but they actually pay you.”

They do?! Yes, in high school and college they do, but not much. (And again: What’s the problem?!)

”But you know what happens? Nobody graduates from school, they just stay in school longer and longer and longer. What’s supposed to take you five years just takes everyone 6+ years. Because that’s the reality of socialism.”

I’m sure that Trish Regan will enjoy this news:

University students graduate sooner (Ritzau/FOKUS/msn.com, Aug. 26, 2018)

Unfortunately, it doesn’t mention cupcakes!

The tax on cars appears to be lower (and quite a bit lower on cheap cars) than Trish Regan claimed, so I apologize for confirming it in an earlier post!

Even more absurd!

Now you accuse me of "trying to conceal" what you write in italics by actually quoting what you write in italics!! Go figure!
When you project your own "easily excitable emotional nature" onto me, it's not a very good idea to resort to statements in capital letters just two posts later.

<ignoring your twisted thoughts>

So you had nothing to say about that from the very beginning, didn't you? Nice to confirm you just wanted to say "absurd! absurd! absurd!"
dann said:
From your own video: https://youtu.be/cbTnu_gUrPc?t=38

"In Denmark there is no minimum wage"

What did I say? «The video reported the strength of the unions in Denmark and the non-existence of a minimum wage.»

so stop trying to gaslight everyone in this thread with your constant misrepresentation of what other people say. It is you who linked a video containing what you report now as wrong information (a.k.a. as lies, so common in what you and your cronies post)

When I link to Wikipedia's list of minimum wages by country, it's stupid to call it gas lightning, isn't it? That you are too lazy to look it up is no excuse, but let me give you the whole quotation since it isn't very long:

More gaslighting from your pen.

You linked a video claiming there's no minimum wage in Denmark. And later, you corrected that mistake by linking a WP page, but not before I pointed «The video reported the strength of the unions in Denmark and the non-existence of a minimum wage.».

It's now you who is trying to gaslight the lurkers by re-writing the sequence of posts. «That you are too lazy to look it up is no excuse» is now your way to manipulate the situation even more.

It was very simple and it's all up there in the thread: you linked a video with some misinformation -I didn't think you did it on purpose-. I pointed a "fact" just like your video reported it. You just replied in bad manners that there is indeed a minimum wage in Denmark. I replied that it was your own video the one originating that incorrect piece of information. And you replied gaslighting: pointing that I should have had foretelling abilities to forsee that you were going to post a link to Wikipedia which I should have followed in advance.

That's how absurd your steps here are. And you're deceiving no-one with your puerile i-said-he-said tactics.

It's pretty obvious that you consider this thread your own and have self appointed as its dictator. It's also obvious that you took as a personal attack my hint at you linking videos using different base of comparisons as not being enough sceptical. And only to quarrel with me, you even sacrificed the opportunity to make that Fox News stunt to look even more stupid and Denmark to look even more advantageous. That bad a debater you are, though I have to admit that you are a first rate manipulator.
dann said:
None; instead, negotiated between unions and employer associations; the average minimum wage for all private and public sector collective bargaining agreements was approximately DKK 110 (nominally $16) per hour, exclusive of pension benefits.

So Wikipedia says that there is "none", but ...
The reason for this apparent contradiction in terms is that no minimum wage has been defined by the legislature of the Danish state. Instead it has been negotiated and agreed upon by the labour unions and the employers' associations. So whenever a case is discovered where an employer pays (very often: foreign) workers below the agreed-upon minimum wage, it's not the police but the unions that interfere, for instance with physical blockades. That is the actual minimum wage in Denmark, and as you can see, it's pretty effective. This is also the reason why many articles in English about the minimum wage in Denmark begin like this:

There is no official minimum salary in Copenhagen and in Denmark. However (!) … The Average and Minimum Salary in Copenhagen, Denmark (checkinprice.com, Apr. 26, 2017)

Had you replied my first comment on the matter with this, a lot of fluff would have been avoided.

Explain, don't gaslight!

Now I'm afraid to ask ... have I to conclude that unionization is compulsory in Denmark? (it kind of is in Argentina)
dann said:
Why do you reply a question about how little the rate of unemployment is with data about the rate of employment (both words seem to mean the same to you)? And when you finally get it (in your ETA), why did you use non governmental sources? Just because it favoured the vision you like to promote? Just because of your epistemological hedonism?

That depends:
You can look at the employment rate as the rate of people looking for work who are actually working. In that case, the employment rate is 75 percent of working age population in Denmark. However, since most of the 25 percent aren’t actually avaible for the job market because they are students, retired early, ill (whatever), it makes more sense to look at the number of people who either have jobs or are trying to find a job.

You're avoiding the point: don't talk of unemployment by speaking of employment, and even less by adding those people who could work but don't want, don't have to or cannot.

It was easier to say you just made a mistake.

dann said:
Your question is based on the idea that supply and demand is what determines the price of labour. I wouldn't go to the extreme to claim that it doesn't have anything to do with wages, but it's obviously not true even though it may disturb you, which is why I answered your question the way I did: "Your question is easily answered: Because they can!"
That you don't like my answer doesn't make it any less true.

No, you didn't understand at all. My question is open, and includes the notion that once near employment is reached the unions take advantage of it by pushing salaries up. I'm asking if unions are weak in the States, but it seems you are alien to the Usaian way of doing things but still you have a compulsion to reply.

And as for economic theory, supply and demand of work exists, though it's not the determinant factor. "Because they can" is not economic theory, nor social theory nor anything with the shape of a serious thought. It's just "because of the evil factor" present in wars and totalitarian dialectics (which is about the same).
dann said:
That doesn't explain anything. I asked about the unions. They exist to counter-balance that. You replied nothing about them, only the discourse of the rich ones taking advantage of the disenfranchised.

I'm sorry, but what you refer to as "only" is the answer even if you don't like it: Not "the rich ones" (whatever that's supposed to mean) but the employers usually prefer to pay as little as they can get away with - not only below the minimum wage but sometimes even below the minimum needed for workers and their families to survive. In Denmark, apparently, the trade unions won't let them do that.

More of the "evil factor". Sorry, not what I asked.

dann said:
Again: what are the unions doing about it? why isn't this correcting by the simple fact that the USA is near full employment?
Why don't you look it up? Why don't you do a little research yourself? Why don't you try to find out for yourself why your ideas about the price of labour appear to be wrong?

Why don't you let people who really know about what I'm asking to reply my questions. What do you think this is? your personal blog?

dann said:
Can you rephrase this in a way that confirms or denies this as a personal attack. Fascists who believe to be socialists like yourself tend to talk in riddles.
My phrasing of that sentence wasn't so convoluted that it warrants your resorting to Godwin!
"You wouldn't want any of the money that the top 1% earns by paying ****** wages to their employees to pay for healthcare or education, would you?"
It is a reference to the fact that on top of the ****** wages they pay their employees at the bottom of the U.S. American society, the top 1% were also recently rewarded with a tax cut.
I guess it can't be helped that you seem to think that criticizing the income disparity in the USA is fascist ...

Well, at least that went in the way of saying it wasn't a personal attack...

And no, I only think fascism is fascist. I don't have any "problem" with the top 1% paying 75% of the taxes and the government engineering the Lorenz curve with the proceeds, just because that's my ideology. No wonder I hate fascism in all its forms.
I’m sure that Trish Regan will enjoy this news:

University students graduate sooner (Ritzau/FOKUS/msn.com, Aug. 26, 2018)

Unfortunately, it doesn’t mention cupcakes!

Wow! An article in Danish that tells that Danish universities are doing better than Danish universities before (o was it "Danish students"?) :rolleyes:

If you are trying to reply to what that hillybilly Regan said, why don't you get an article that compare Danish and Usaian universities instead?
That's more than enough sniping at each other. Please post about the topic and not the person with whom you disagree. Disregarding this modbox is itself an infractable violation, as is any further incivility. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Replying to this modbox in thread will be off topic  Posted By: Loss Leader
That's more than enough sniping at each other. Please post about the topic and not the person with whom you disagree. Disregarding this modbox is itself an infractable violation, as is any further incivility. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Replying to this modbox in thread will be off topic  Posted By: Loss Leader

You know what they say,

You can always tell a Dane but you can't tell'em much!*

*another halfatard here so I feel that I am allowed, nay!, entitled, to tell that joke!"
Wow! An article in Danish that tells that Danish universities are doing better than Danish universities before (o was it "Danish students"?) :rolleyes:

If you are trying to reply to what that hillybilly Regan said, why don't you get an article that compare Danish and Usaian universities instead?

Does it disprove Trish Regan's lie that "Nobody graduates from school, they just stay in school longer and longer and longer"?!
Yes, it does! An "article that compare(s) Danish and Usaian universities" wouldn't.
Denmark and Venezuela are very different. I was born in Venezuela and I can attest that as a fact ;)
Business News:

The Danish Chamber of Commerce estimates that at the current rate, hotels in the country will respond to the influx by providing enough beds to accommodate 10 million tourists by 2021, which is almost twice Denmark's population.
Notable recent visitors include the Nobel prize-winning economist Paul Krugman, who in a New York Times column noted that Denmark is "doing a very good job of hiding" its alleged status as a "socialist hellhole".
Denmark, Fox's 'socialist hellhole', struggles to keep up with tourism boom (Financial Review, Aug. 20, 2018)
Looks like Argentina might be a better candidate for the next Venezuela:

Investors are increasingly concerned Latin America's third-largest economy could soon default as it struggles to repay heavy government borrowing. This comes after Argentina's government unexpectedly asked for the early release of a $50 billion loan from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Wednesday.

The Argentine peso crashed to record lows on the news. It saw steep losses in the previous session and collapsed another 15 percent to hit 39 pesos against the U.S. dollar on Thursday morning.

The peso is down more than 45 percent against the greenback this year, exacerbating pre-existing fears over the country's weakening economy while inflation is running at 25.4 percent this year.
However, Macri is centre-right, not remotely socialist, so Fox can’t use Argentina as an example.

In 2005, he created the centre-right Republican Proposal party (Propuesta Republicana, also known as PRO).
One of Macri's first economic policies was the removal of currency controls, allowing Argentines to freely buy and sell foreign currencies. Argentina has had a floating exchange rate since then, with intervention from its central bank, and the Argentine peso was devalued by 30 percent. Economists described the move as "perfectly orchestrated". Another early policy was the removal of export quotas and tariffs on corn and wheat.
Macri is pro-life.
Macri forged diplomatic relations with Trump, tightening control of immigration, limiting the entry of convicted criminals and facilitating the deportation of foreigners who commit crimes. Those limits have been compared with Trump's border policies.Mauricio Macri (Wikipedia)

Of course, Fox may consider blaming Macri’s predecessor, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (Wikipedia).:

Ideologically a Peronist and social democrat, she was a member of the Justicialist Party, with her political approach being characterised as Kirchnerist, a form of left-wing populism.

But that would be like blaming Bush for the financial crisis when Obama took office or praising Trump’s predecessor for the current low unemployment rate (Business Insider) in the USA …

A good article about Chavism: “Left Turn” in Latin America (Ruthless Criticism/GegenStandpunkt, 2007)
I missed this one. I don't know if Trish Regan could use it:

There are categories where Denmark is outranked by the USA:
- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - Rank Overall Women Men
United States of America - 12 36.2 - - 35.5 - 37.0
Denmark - - - - - - - - - - 109 19.7 - - 22.3 - 17.0

Doesn't look good at all.
I know too little about the killing of pilot whales on the Faroe Islands to have an opinion.
I don't even know if Denmark has any influence on the legislation concerning this aspect of Faroe traditional beaching and slaughtering of these animals. It would probably be considered to be Danish imperialism if Denmark tried to interfere.
The killing, dissection and feeding to the lions of Marius, however, was the sole responsibility of Danes! :)

ETA: Some of the guys up there are pretty tough! Earlier this year, some of then rowed from Portugal to Cuba:
Crew row 8,000 kilometres across the Atlantic to set new world record
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