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Denmark = Venezuela?!

theprestige is able to listen to the lies of Fox and Trish Regan and consider Europeans nationalistic for objecting to them ...

ETA: Germans love Shakespeare, and I love German translations of Shakespeare. They are usually done in the language of Goethe, which makes them sound old-fashioned but still much easier to understand than actual Shakespeare in English if your proficiency in the two languages is approximately at the same level.
There are French and Spanish translations of the hilarious German graphic novel Iago about the (closet) gay Shakespeare, but unfortunately no English translation.
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Just for the benefit of the prestige: a few more nationalistic comments from Europe ... and India?!

She’s completely cognizant of the fact that nothing she’s saying is true.
But Regan is doing really, really well working in the propaganda matrix that pumps money feeding the Trump Base, which ecstatically embraces every crumb of crazy. The Base desperately wants to believe that “socialism,” even Christian Socialism as in Denmark, turns countries into Revelations-worthy pits of Hell.
They don’t want to know that their own infrastructure is crumbling. That Trump didn’t have the largest inauguration crowd in history. That they are working for minimum wage and no benefits while Danes are guaranteed livable wages. That they’re paying the taxes the 1-Percent avoid. That more than 80 percent of Danes are middle class while less than 60 percent of Americans are middle class.
Fox News: Denmark is a country full of lazy cupcake socialists (sad) [DispatchesEurope, Aug. 14, 2018]

Half of the top 10 list were European countries, including the three Scandinavian countries. The top 10 countries include: Switzerland, Australia, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Singapore, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Canada, and Hong Kong.
So an appropriate question that Trish Regan ought to ask is, what happened to America, which was ranked number one in 1988? America was ranked 16th in this index.
First of all, egalitarian societies with a better distribution of wealth are happier, America has become a more unequal society, and the American dream is dead.
80% of the population is living from pay check to pay check, according to the economist Robert Riech. Tensions are high leaving room for populists to gain ground. It is America that needs a taxation system that would create a fair distribution of wealth.
The goal everywhere should be, in the words of the Danish poet NFS Grundtvig, a country “where few have too much, and even fewer too little”.
Should America Be More Like Denmark? (The Times of India – blogs, Aug. 16, 2018)

Fox News host compares Denmark to Venezuela in sneering rant - and Denmark's response is amazing (Mirror, Aug. 17, 2018)
Danish politician has pretty much had it with Fox Business News making stuff up about his country (metro.co.uk, Aug. 18, 2018)
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”But you see, not only is school free, …” – the HORROR!!! – ”… but they actually pay you.”

They do?! Yes, in high school and college they do, but not much. (And again: What’s the problem?!)

”But you know what happens? Nobody graduates from school, they just stay in school longer and longer and longer. What’s supposed to take you five years just takes everyone 6+ years. Because that’s the reality of socialism.”

Regan also claimed "nobody graduates from school" because the government "pays" students to go to school; according to the Washington Post, while direct comparisons are difficult, less than 60% of US college students finish in six years, whereas in Denmark 79% of undergraduates finish their coursework--and the paper noted that this includes American students who can't afford college in the United States.[13]
Trish Regan: False claims about Denmark (Wikipedia)

The controversy has earned Trish Regan a Wikipedia article in Danish. :)
Alternativ fakta om Danmark
I et tv-indslag beskrev hun Danmark som et dovent land, hvor alle ville arbejde for staten, ingen ville færdiggøre deres uddannelse, alle ville åbne cupcake-restauranter, og ingen havde lyst til at arbejde. De påstande, hun fremførte, står i diametral modsætning til internationale statistikker.
By chance, I just watched the Danish rebuttal on YT. Good work :) How can anybody be so stupid, or so shameless, as Regan? While keeping a smug smirk on her face, I mean. Or maybe the smirk was just her reflection of how much one can be paid for talking mindless crap?
Just for the benefit of the prestige: a few more nationalistic comments from Europe ... and India?!
Dude, you've now spent waaay more time thinking about this than Trish Regan ever did. How close do you think you are to setting the record straight about Denmark? Another week? Two? Have you considered conducting a survey? Maybe nobody takes Regan's claim seriously, and your work is already done.
Dude, you've now spent waaay more time thinking about this than Trish Regan ever did.

Don't underestimate the hard work it requires to achieve the level of convoluted thinking that she exhibited in her comparison of Venezuela with Denmark.

How close do you think you are to setting the record straight about Denmark.

It's not in my power to "set the record straight" since this thread may have a hundred readers. Trish Regan probably has a million viewers.

Another week? Two? Have you considered conducting a survey? Maybe nobody takes Regan's claim seriously, and your work is already done.

I know that it annoys you whenever U.S. American nationalism is criticized. You'll have to learn to live with it.
It's almost to the point of giving too much importance to Denmark, which is kind of a weird problem to have.

Denmark is important. Fox News is an irrelevant local news service. Denmark officials addressing what a cat in Fox News said is like Donald Trump logging in here to address what dann has to say about him.
Don't underestimate the hard work it requires to achieve the level of convoluted thinking that she exhibited in her comparison of Venezuela with Denmark.

It's not in my power to "set the record straight" since this thread may have a hundred readers. Trish Regan probably has a million viewers.

I know that it annoys you whenever U.S. American nationalism is criticized. You'll have to learn to live with it.

If the purpose of the thread is to criticize "U.S. American" nationalism, then all of your posts have been wildly off topic.
This thread gives too much importance to Fox News and its paid minions.

Fox News and its minions effectively control the policy of the most powerful nation on Earth. If anything their importance is underplayed.

It’s not limited to just one person. Fox News basically tells the Republican Base what they are suppose to believe, what polices they are supposed to support and who to vote for to make that happen. It’s not completely one directional in that they sell the things that their viewers are most willing to buy. The end result is still the same, Fox News effetely becomes the guide to Republican orthodoxy and whatever they push will be what Republican lawmakers end up supporting.
It’s not limited to just one person. Fox News basically tells the Republican Base what they are suppose to believe, what polices they are supposed to support and who to vote for to make that happen. It’s not completely one directional in that they sell the things that their viewers are most willing to buy. The end result is still the same, Fox News effetely becomes the guide to Republican orthodoxy and whatever they push will be what Republican lawmakers end up supporting.

True. I did want to say "mind" instead of "views", but decided against that as the incongruous humour wasn't worth sacrificing accuracy for.
The real problem is that because of this non-story when I visit my Fox loving in-laws over the holidays they will be going on about how Norway is a failing socialist state, just like Colombia.
The real problem is that because of this non-story when I visit my Fox loving in-laws over the holidays they will be going on about how Norway is a failing socialist state, just like Colombia.

I've just got back from visiting Norway. I knew it was expensive beforehand, but even so - I suspect the Norwegians probably consider Switzerland a cheap holiday.

Apparently the top selling car maker in Norway is now Tesla. Which is a sure sign of a failing socialist state.
Fox News and its minions effectively control the policy of the most powerful nation on Earth. If anything their importance is underplayed.

I prefer jimbob's version better. But the way I see it is that stupid people will gather around any brilliant object anyway. If it's Fox News or Breitbart or the Evangelic Telethon, it doesn't matter. You have to address that people, not the one who feeds them.

And the problem I see here is mostly Danish officials stooping to reply to that minion's nonsense. Have they no pride? What are they? Trump-like?

Does anyone think that such Fox News' editorial is going to drive down the sales of Lego, Arla or Maersk?
Apparently the top selling car maker in Norway is now Tesla. Which is a sure sign of a failing socialist state.

Yes, I agree Norway is really a failing socialist state. Everyone has to keep a close eye on it to see how it evolves during the next years and learn from it. Only thinking how badly they managed the international recession by staying outside the Eurozone when you compare them to Greece!
If the purpose of the thread is to criticize "U.S. American" nationalism, then all of your posts have been wildly off topic.

I think it's purpose is to criticise a specific example of "U.S. American nationalism", not the concept in general. It's possible that he's hoping that people will generalise from this specific example, but it's neither clear that he is making that implication nor would doing so be valid.
I prefer jimbob's version better. But the way I see it is that stupid people will gather around any brilliant object anyway. If it's Fox News or Breitbart or the Evangelic Telethon, it doesn't matter. You have to address that people, not the one who feeds them.

And the problem I see here is mostly Danish officials stooping to reply to that minion's nonsense. Have they no pride? What are they? Trump-like?

Does anyone think that such Fox News' editorial is going to drive down the sales of LEGO, Arla or Maersk?

By chance, I just watched the Danish rebuttal on YT.

There's more than one! :)

Good work :) How can anybody be so stupid, or so shameless, as Regan? While keeping a smug smirk on her face, I mean. Or maybe the smirk was just her reflection of how much one can be paid for talking mindless crap?

It's the same smile you can see on Kellyanne Conway, Sarah Huckabee Sanders and other WH employees.
I prefer jimbob's version better. But the way I see it is that stupid people will gather around any brilliant object anyway. If it's Fox News or Breitbart or the Evangelic Telethon, it doesn't matter. You have to address that people, not the one who feeds them.

The people you want to address only accept information from Fox and/or similar outlets. Not only do they have their own media outlets presenting them with their own private facts they even their own universities teaching these private facts. Fox News has been shown to be able to direct this mammoth complex of made up “Facts”. Ignore them at your peril.
The people you want to address only accept information from Fox and/or similar outlets. Not only do they have their own media outlets presenting them with their own private facts they even their own universities teaching these private facts. Fox News has been shown to be able to direct this mammoth complex of made up “Facts”. Ignore them at your peril.

Murdoch has a strong press in the UK, US and Australia.

I don't think it is a coincidence that all three countries are currently having really bad right-wing dominated politics
lomiller said:
The people you want to address only accept information from Fox and/or similar outlets. Not only do they have their own media outlets presenting them with their own private facts they even their own universities teaching these private facts. Fox News has been shown to be able to direct this mammoth complex of made up “Facts”. Ignore them at your peril.

What I said is that those who should ignore them are the Danish officials and the Danish in general. The rest is a local problem. I have enough experience here to know that those who don't watch Fox News also have their own media outlets, their own private facts and that they are equally fanatic, mean, unbearable and wrong.

jimbob said:
Murdoch has a strong press in the UK, US and Australia.

I don't think it is a coincidence that all three countries are currently having really bad right-wing dominated politics

How powerful is this Murdoch dude that he managed to get several countries having the governments they deserve.
And if Trish Regan had done 5 minutes of research, she might have come up with something like this:

Denmark McDonalds Employees Earn HOW MUCH? (The Jimmy Dore Show)

Bernie Sanders’ model America: Denmark (CNN)

Notice the many people who stress that, no, it's actually not even socialism ...
dann said:
Bernie Sanders’ model America: Denmark (CNN)

There's a trap in Moody's video: he uses current values and financial exchange to declare the hourly salary of McDonalds' employees in Denmark and then he uses purchase parity to compare the "price" of the big mac.

Why didn't he simply compared how many big macs you are able to buy with the hourly salary at McDonald's in Denmark and with the minimum wage in the States (using several states)? I bet the result is not that favourable, if favourable at all.

Without overlooking the clear advantages of being Danish -except for the climate- we shouldn't forget that Bernie is doing politics, that piece of media is doing politics -the same way as Fox News- as well as dann is doing politics.
Feel free to ask Mcdonalds Denmark about their wages: https://www.mcdonalds.com/dk/da-dk/...dste-arbejdsplads/arbejdsforhold-og-loen.html
Here you have their prices: https://www.mcdonalds.dk/dkmobile/Kampagner/klassikere_30_kr.html DKK 30 = US$ 4.66
(Some people 'do politics' with facts; others 'do politics' with lies. For some reason, this distinction doesn't seem to be important to aleCcowaN, which is why it is so important to him to stress his abstraction from lies and facts with the phrase 'doing politics'.)
Feel free to ask Mcdonalds Denmark about their wages: https://www.mcdonalds.com/dk/da-dk/...dste-arbejdsplads/arbejdsforhold-og-loen.html
Here you have their prices: https://www.mcdonalds.dk/dkmobile/Kampagner/klassikere_30_kr.html DKK 30 = US$ 4.66
(Some people 'do politics' with facts; others 'do politics' with lies. For some reason, this distinction doesn't seem to be important to aleCcowaN, which is why it is so important to him to stress his abstraction from lies and facts with the phrase 'doing politics'.)

Wow, you look so agitated!

Aren't both different ways to measure salaries and prices facts that are hard recorded in the very video you posted? :rolleyes:

The Economist informs that last July the average cost of a Big Mac in the USA was u$s 5.51 while in Denmark it was DKr 30 with an actual exchange rate of 6.36.

If we take the wages informed in the video (how lucky it was 20 u$s an hour, a round number!) that means that a McDonalds' employee can buy 4.24 big macs and hour, while with the federal minimum wage of 7.25 u$s a Usian employee can buy just 1.32 big macs. If we take the highest minimum wage statewide, Washington's, of 11.50 u$s an hour, the figure is 2.09, and with the highest minimum wage citywide of 14 u$s (for large companies), it gives 2.54.

That's the fair comparison. I now realize that the presenter confounded the The Economist Big Mac Index for the ppp for the whole country. When he said that the big mac in Denmark was cheaper when you compare the purchase parity, he was telling that a big mac in Denmark was cheaper at the current exchange rate. In fact 14.4% cheaper.

The real country ppp difference is 19.1% against Denmark, based on 2018 projections from the IMF, hence my suspicion over the values used by the reporter (most European countries -the richest- work that way because of the high indirect taxes, no wonder about that).

In fact the reporter lost an opportunity to make Denmark look even better and the USA look even worse by not using the "how many hamburgers do you buy working an hour in this place" base of comparison.

And I'm glad to say that the gross salary of a crew member at McDonald's in Argentina is ar$18000 a month for about 185 hours of work. With a big mac priced ar$ 75, that gives 1.30 big macs an hour, similar to the federal minimum wage in the USA. Not bad for an economy in crisis.

I wonder, if the economy is doing so well in the USA with this Trump dude, why do they pay such ****** salaries?
Wow, you look so agitated!

Aren't both different ways to measure salaries and prices facts that are hard recorded in the very video you posted? :rolleyes:

The Economist informs that last July the average cost of a Big Mac in the USA was u$s 5.51 while in Denmark it was DKr 30 with an actual exchange rate of 6.36.

If we take the wages informed in the video (how lucky it was 20 u$s an hour, a round number!) that means that a McDonalds' employee can buy 4.24 big macs and hour, while with the federal minimum wage of 7.25 u$s a Usian employee can buy just 1.32 big macs. If we take the highest minimum wage statewide, Washington's, of 11.50 u$s an hour, the figure is 2.09, and with the highest minimum wage citywide of 14 u$s (for large companies), it gives 2.54.

That's the fair comparison. I now realize that the presenter confounded the The Economist Big Mac Index for the ppp for the whole country. When he said that the big mac in Denmark was cheaper when you compare the purchase parity, he was telling that a big mac in Denmark was cheaper at the current exchange rate. In fact 14.4% cheaper.

The real country ppp difference is 19.1% against Denmark, based on 2018 projections from the IMF, hence my suspicion over the values used by the reporter (most European countries -the richest- work that way because of the high indirect taxes, no wonder about that).

In fact the reporter lost an opportunity to make Denmark look even better and the USA look even worse by not using the "how many hamburgers do you buy working an hour in this place" base of comparison.

And I'm glad to say that the gross salary of a crew member at McDonald's in Argentina is ar$18000 a month for about 185 hours of work. With a big mac priced ar$ 75, that gives 1.30 big macs an hour, similar to the federal minimum wage in the USA. Not bad for an economy in crisis.

I wonder, if the economy is doing so well in the USA with this Trump dude, why do they pay such ****** salaries?

Look at our president. Is this really that hard of a question to answer?
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