So were any of the claims about Denmark in the video true?
She starts out all right:
The top federal tax rate actually
is 56 %, VAT is 25%, and there’s a 180% tax on cars.
”You pay more in taxes than you do on the actual car.” True! (But I don’t see the problem.)
But then it goes from
all right to
alt-right, i.e. she basically says what
should happen now according to her ideology, even though it doesn’t
actually happen. However, in her delusion, it does:
”No one wants to work. This is a real problem.”
Like in most other countries, everybody
has to work – unless they’re very rich! You can
survive on welfare, but you can’t lead a pleasant life.
Then she has this quotation:
”Only 3 in 98 municipalities have a majority of people working in 2013.”
I don't know about that. It may be true if you look at
everybody: children, college students, retired people, etc.
”But you see, not only is school free, …” – the HORROR!!! –
”… but they actually pay you.”
They do?! Yes, in high school and college they do, but not much. (And again: What’s the problem?!)
”But you know what happens? Nobody graduates from school, they just stay in school longer and longer and longer. What’s supposed to take you five years just takes everyone 6+ years. Because that’s the reality of socialism.”
No, that is not at all the reality of what she calls socialism:
The average number of years in college back in the 1970s and ’80s was 10-11, mainly because we had to work, so
”longer and longer” is an absurd lie. Nowadays, 6+ sounds probable. (By the way, in the 1970s and ’80s it was
supposed to have been 6 years instead of 10-11!)
And then she pokes fun at this state of affairs by claiming that all graduates
”want to start cup-cake cafés.” She laughs heartily at her own joke, but it’s obviously written by somebody who’s spent too much time watching too many episodes of
2 Broke Girls.
I’m a high-school teacher, and I haven’t heard
any students of mine say that they wanted to start cup-cake cafés.
I can’t imagine that propaganda in North Korea is further from reality than this drivel! I think she may actually be contributing to turning young Americans on to socialism!
By the way, you should take a look at the Facebook comments. There are some good ones from what appears to be ordinary Danes!