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Dean Kraft energy healer


Critical Thinker
Jul 23, 2006
I did a search on Dean Kraft here, but came up empty. I just caught the tail end of a movie on TV about him. I then went to his website where I found this:

Dean Kraft gives his own explanation of his Energy Healing Therapy (also known as Psychic Healing and non-religious laying on of hands)…….

“In my opinion, Energy Healing activates the Mind/Body Connection. Energy healing can unblock and balance the patient’s natural energy fields in order to catalyst their own healing system to start to correct itself, to function properly. As I try to help someone with a health problem, I visualize the area or areas that are diseased. For example – if a person has liver tumors that medical science has deemed ‘hopeless’, I would then “see” or “imagine” the tumors shrinking – and most of the time, this action actually creates a physical change.

Some of the time, I work just above the body’s surface – the ‘auric body’ that extends up to a few feet from the patient’s skin. Other times, I very gently touch the head and neck areas and work on certain energy points on their limbs to stimulate the blood circulation, which carries the energy throughout the body. There is a very INTUITIVE process to my energy healing work.

As well, while I’m working with the person, I’ll frequently have them use various visual techniques during the session to A) get them more relaxed, making them more open to absorb my energy and B) have the patients actually participate and stimulate their own ‘mind/body connection’ and visualize themselves shrinking their Own tumors and “seeing” themselves well, doing some activity they enjoyed doing before they became ill. Herein lies the Mind/Body Connection."

The fact that Dean Kraft has subjected himself to medical and scientific investigation over these many years and has achieved such successful results is what always set him apart from all other Energy Healers.
While I am quite skeptical, I am very curious - does anybody have any info, links, etc. that debunks him specifically? His site lists all kinds of medical research and studies he's been involved in and proclaims that he's the most documented healer ever.
Did you actually read any of the stuff on his Research page? He considers "research" to be Frank Zappa writing a letter that reads in part, 'It is my belief that any conclusions you may come to with this extraordinary method of healing could not possibly be valid were he not included."

He offers nothing more than anecdotes. It's not like there's even a flimsy study to be examined critically. He's been kicking around 30 years supposedly curing cancer and this is all he has to show for it? He's debunked himself.
The image at top left on the website homepage looks well, rather odd.

Perhaps it's my eyesight...........
I have to admit that I did not read the actual entries on the research page - I have such a slow internet connection. I only had time to scan what looked to be an impressive volume of medical research and documentation. Thanks for the reply! I will promise to take a close look at his stuff soon. In the meantime, I'm still surprised that my search of the forums here came up empty. But maybe that's just because it's soooo old, or that Dean Kraft isn't worth discussing. :)
Yeah, his "documentation" is ridiculous, and doesn't go beyond 1993. There's one half-assed "scientific" study that--even to my inexperienced eyes--is full of holes. It's true that this is the type of fake that the JREF should be going after, but it's tough to find them all.
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