There is an old thread in another subforum on this topic
I started this one because I think it is more appropriate in this subforum, and to provide a place to post on chiropractic, in general, outside of the thread on BCA vs. Singh. Also, I recently acquired an article featuring chiropractors critical of their business.
Jaroslaw P. Grod, DC, David Sikorski, DC, and Joseph C. Keating, Jr, PhD "Unsubstantiated Claims in Patient Brochures From the Largest State, Provincial, and National Chiropractic Associations and Research Agencies" Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics Volume 24 • Number 8 • October 2001 pp. 514-19
When a chiro claims to have a chiropractic-subluxation free practice, one must ask why they spent so much time "studying" that fairy tale: Association of Chiro Colleges statement
I started this one because I think it is more appropriate in this subforum, and to provide a place to post on chiropractic, in general, outside of the thread on BCA vs. Singh. Also, I recently acquired an article featuring chiropractors critical of their business.
Jaroslaw P. Grod, DC, David Sikorski, DC, and Joseph C. Keating, Jr, PhD "Unsubstantiated Claims in Patient Brochures From the Largest State, Provincial, and National Chiropractic Associations and Research Agencies" Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics Volume 24 • Number 8 • October 2001 pp. 514-19
That is straightforward. Since the publication is not readily available, I will quote some of the objections to claims:Conclusion: The largest professional associations in the United States and Canada distribute patient brochures that make claims for the clinical art of chiropractic that are not currently justified by available scientific evidence or that are intrinsically untestable. These assertions are self-defeating because they reinforce an image of the chiropractic profession as functioning outside the boundaries of scientific behavior.
That article fits nicely with: "Improper Claims on Chiropractic College Web Sites" prophylactic or health-maintaining effect of manipulation has not been experimentally demonstrated to date.
The value of “regular check-ups” by chiropractors is also unknown.
The effects, if any, of spinal subluxations upon athletic performance have not been scientifically validated.
The disease-producing and pathology-producing effects of subluxation-complex, if any, have not been demonstrated experimentally.
Adjusting has not been experimentally demonstrated to alter vertebral alignment or “nerve pressure”; such effects, if possible, have not been shown to influence neuritis.
Currently available experimental data do not justify any claims for the value of chiropractic care in populations of children.
The “causes of chronic pain” that may respond to manipulation have not been established.
When a chiro claims to have a chiropractic-subluxation free practice, one must ask why they spent so much time "studying" that fairy tale: Association of Chiro Colleges statement
Chiropractic is concerned with the preservation and restoration of health, and focuses particular attention on the subluxation.
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