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Cont: Criminal Charges/convictions Against Trump / Trump Indicted / Hush Money Part IV


Penultimate Amazing
Aug 27, 2001
Sorth Dakonsin
I'm not sure about this statistic's implications. What is the "first panel"? Is it a smaller group of the 96? Or the entire bunch? How many have been excused? (My question is with CNN's chyron reporting, exactly as you stated.)

I think the danger is more in hidden Trump supporter lying, and getting on the jury, rather than someone who admits disliking him but claiming they can be fair.

Now clarified:
Sixty of 96 potential jurors were quick to say in the New York court that they could not be impartial.

Yeah, wow. I thought it was maybe they were doing groups of 10 or something, but this is very clear. I highly doubt that all the remaining ones are truly impartial, but that's for the lawyers to sniff out.

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Now clarified:

Yeah, wow. I thought it was maybe they were doing groups of 10 or something, but this is very clear. I highly doubt that all the remaining ones are truly impartial, but that's for the lawyers to sniff out.

This was just the first day of jury selection. It is liable to take two weeks for the jury to be seated which will include a half dozen alternates.
Shame? Oh that's adorable. Republicans don't feel shame. This is the guy who grabs women by the pussy and lies non-stop.
Don't forget that Trump swept away the last remnants of what was a pro-gun party and created what is now a proudly anti-gun party, but in denial.

It is not that Trump is a gun grabber and wants to do away with due process prior to suspending civil rights including gun possession. It is because his cult members say that no one should own those kinds of guns and that some people are not entitled to due process.
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Don't forget that Trump swept away the last remnants of what was a pro-gun party and created what is now a proudly anti-gun party, but in denial.

It is not that Trump is a gun grabber and wants to do away with due process prior to suspending civil rights including gun possession. It is because his cult members say that no one should own those kinds of guns and that some people are not entitled to due process.

Since when did Trump become a gun grabber? Sure, if he became a dictator I wouldn't doubt that he would.
Trump banned bump stocks and openly supports taking guns from people with mental issues.
He did more than Obama or Biden.
Trump banned bump stocks and openly supports taking guns from people with mental issues.
He did more than Obama or Biden.
Trump will drift like a leaf on the wind. If he thinks taking guns will get more people to like him, he'll do it. If he thinks giving them away will get more people to like him, he'll do it.

Trump has no policy other than what aggrandises Trump.
Trump will drift like a leaf on the wind. If he thinks taking guns will get more people to like him, he'll do it. If he thinks giving them away will get more people to like him, he'll do it.

Trump has no policy other than what aggrandises Trump.

doesn't change the facts.
Trump can do what he wants without losing followers, including shooting NRA officials on 5th Avenue. And will do so if he thinks the Media will love him for it.

Biden can't or won't.

Knowing how capricious Trump is, I think the Media has missed a great opportunity to influence him for the better - not that their are incentivises to.
Elon says

"Great damage was done today to the public’s faith in the American legal system.
If a former President can be criminally convicted over such a trivial matter – motivated by politics, rather than justice – then anyone is at risk of a similar fate."
You can guarantee Elon sees the law as a minor inconvenience.
Since when did Trump become a gun grabber? Sure, if he became a dictator I wouldn't doubt that he would.
In 2018. https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2018-12-26/pdf/2018-27763.pdf

He ordered the ATF to amend the CFR to classify bump stocks as machine guns. Since Reagan closed the civilian machine gun registry in 1989, it is impossible for you or I to register our newly made machine guns in the USA without a license.

This is how bump stocks went from a $150 piece of plastic to being contraband machine guns. Bush did the same thing in 2006 for spring loaded bump stocks. This is how Biden accomplish his 2022 gun grab, by classifying forced reset triggers as machine guns.

Classify anything as a machine gun and it is automatically contraband in the USA. I'm surpised that Biden did not do this for all semi-auto firearms capable of bump firing.

Fortunately Trump was unable to get his red flag laws without due process enacted. Suspension of civil rights without due process in peacetime would have been interesting to say the least. https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4717030/user-clip-donald-trump-take-guns-first-due-process-second
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Trump banned bump stocks and openly supports taking guns from people with mental issues.
He did more than Obama or Biden.
He banned bump stocks because it made him look tough. Bump stocks are barely a scratch on the US gun problems.

"Openly supports" is nothing like "actually doing something". He also "open supports" letting Russia do whatever the hell it wants with NATO members he thinks are delinquent on their debts to the USA. And decades ago he "openly supported" having innocent black boys hanged regardless. Trump "openly supports" all kinds of stupid Nazified racist ****; always has.

Trump has done a lot worse than Obama and Biden.
You can guarantee Elon sees the law as a minor inconvenience.

Musk, like Trump as well as all truly rich people think of themselves as Privileged - Privilege literally means Private Law - One Law for me, another law for everyone else.
They use the legal system when it suits them, and ignore it otherwise.

That's what happen when you fetishize wealth.
Don't forget that Trump swept away the last remnants of what was a pro-gun party and created what is now a proudly anti-gun party, but in denial.
Expanding on the "but in denial" portion of my post.

MAGA deny that Trump is a gun grabber, because "bump stocks are not guns". I've tried to link to Trump's CFR amendment that says "bump stocks are machine guns", but it doesn't work.

The MAGA have decided that the president and Congress do not decide what guns are, but the MAGA does. The MAGA say if it doesn't go boom, then it's not a gun. Crazy talk of course, but try explaining gun control law to the MAGA. They think Biden's gun grab is a gun grab though. :)
Trump will drift like a leaf on the wind. If he thinks taking guns will get more people to like him, he'll do it. If he thinks giving them away will get more people to like him, he'll do it.

Trump has no policy other than what aggrandises Trump.

"Giving them away", Trump gives nothing away and indeed often even charges people for giving them nothing.
The felon turns up at a UFC event, thereby ruining my pay-for-view. Barely a Democrat in the whole crowd.
Because he's planning to follow Farage to the USA and jump on the MAGA gravy train? Remember he only surrendered his US citizenship when the IRs expected him to pay taxes.

Pretty sure Sunak will be asking if he can have that green card back & Truss has been over on the grift too. Fancy taking Cameron for the set? He's cheap to house a shepherd's hut will do.
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This is the thread about Trump's *criminal* convictions and trials not a general thread
Replying to this modbox in thread will be off topic  Posted By: jimbob
Originally Posted by Andy_Ross
Elon says

"Great damage was done today to the public’s faith in the American legal system.
If a former President can be criminally convicted over such a trivial matter – motivated by politics, rather than justice – then anyone is at risk of a similar fate."

This is what I don't get about the pro-trump/trump defenders:

People who despise trump see that there's two sides to this. We may not always be very charitable to the other side but we do make an effort to understand them.

Musk -- and people like Musk -- not only defend trump, they totally ignore the concerns people have. Musk states that this case was "motivated by politics, rather than justice" as though that's a given that everyone agrees on. Only it's not. Why do people like Musk refuse to acknowledge that many people -- probably the majority -- view trump as someone who only obeys the law when it suits him, that he is a very dangerous character?

I could accept Musk's opinion if he was willing to at least acknowledge that reasonable people have very reasonable concerns about donald trump. But Musk is not willing. He's not only got blinders on he seems to be proud of it.

Weird times we're living through. :(
Musk is prostituting himself to entice Trump back to twitter, no more, no less.
He banned bump stocks because it made him look tough. Bump stocks are barely a scratch on the US gun problems.

"Openly supports" is nothing like "actually doing something". He also "open supports" letting Russia do whatever the hell it wants with NATO members he thinks are delinquent on their debts to the USA. And decades ago he "openly supported" having innocent black boys hanged regardless. Trump "openly supports" all kinds of stupid Nazified racist ****; always has.

Trump has done a lot worse than Obama and Biden.

as i recall it was in response to the vegas shooter who used them to kill a bunch of people
as i recall it was in response to the vegas shooter who used them to kill a bunch of people
It was so he could have his own gun grab, period.

If Trump really wanted to ban guns used in mass shootings, he would go after handguns and semi-auto rifles.
Former trump attorney Joe Tacopina derided So. Car. senator Tim Scott in an MSNBC interview, over Scott claiming President Joe Biden was orchestrating trump's hush money prosecution in New York State. Tacopina said it was ridiculous, adding "We know that’s not the case and even Trump’s lawyers know that’s not the case.”

I wonder, trump has said repeatedly that Joe Biden is behind the hush money trial. As recently as last Tuesday, trump told the media, “Make no mistake about it, I’m here because of crooked Joe Biden.” But Tacopina says "even Trump’s lawyers know that’s not the case.”

So I wonder: Have any of the media asked trump's defense team -- Todd Blanche, Emil Bove and Susan Necheles -- is that accurate? Is Joe Biden and DOJ behind this state prosecution?

I guess the problem is, if the media put that question to the Hush Money defense team, Blanche, Bove and Necheles -- is Biden behind this? -- they would probably decline to answer.
Former trump attorney Joe Tacopina derided So. Car. senator Tim Scott in an MSNBC interview, over Scott claiming President Joe Biden was orchestrating trump's hush money prosecution in New York State. Tacopina said it was ridiculous, adding "We know that’s not the case and even Trump’s lawyers know that’s not the case.”

I wonder, trump has said repeatedly that Joe Biden is behind the hush money trial. As recently as last Tuesday, trump told the media, “Make no mistake about it, I’m here because of crooked Joe Biden.” But Tacopina says "even Trump’s lawyers know that’s not the case.”

So I wonder: Have any of the media asked trump's defense team -- Todd Blanche, Emil Bove and Susan Necheles -- is that accurate? Is Joe Biden and DOJ behind this state prosecution?

I guess the problem is, if the media put that question to the Hush Money defense team, Blanche, Bove and Necheles -- is Biden behind this? -- they would probably decline to answer.

Rock, meet Hard Place. Hard Place, meet Rock. Now don't get between them, it could get ugly.
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This is what I don't get about the pro-trump/trump defenders:

People who despise trump see that there's two sides to this. We may not always be very charitable to the other side but we do make an effort to understand them.

Musk -- and people like Musk -- not only defend trump, they totally ignore the concerns people have. Musk states that this case was "motivated by politics, rather than justice" as though that's a given that everyone agrees on. Only it's not. Why do people like Musk refuse to acknowledge that many people -- probably the majority -- view trump as someone who only obeys the law when it suits him, that he is a very dangerous character?

I could accept Musk's opinion if he was willing to at least acknowledge that reasonable people have very reasonable concerns about donald trump. But Musk is not willing. He's not only got blinders on he seems to be proud of it.

Weird times we're living through. :(

Musk like Trump was born privileged and has led a life of privilege. He was born into a racist family in a racist country. He sees himself as a king. Entitled to every advantage and every opportunity. He has taken shortcuts and like Trump is angered when he is denied them. He was denied almost a 100 billion dollar stock compensation by a Delaware judge because it was unfair to other investors.

He would have gotten away with it if some civil servant told him no.

He was livid when this happened. Not that this affected his lifestyle in the slightest. But all that money meant power to him. He looks at Trump being held accountable the same way he looks at himself being held accountable. That shouldn't be done. The little people have no business putting limits on people like him. Equality and democracy is antithetical to him.
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I understand the arrogance of an Elon Musk but how about all the other pro-trump/trump defenders who aren't billionaires and didn't grow up in South Africa? As example, most pro-trump/trump defenders write, say and post that Biden is behind the hush money prosecution despite most legal people saying it's almost certainly false. The people who insist it's false can cite chapter and verse why it is untrue.

But pro-trump/trump defenders just repeat it without ever being willing to discuss it. If you say to a magamutt, "Biden is behind the New York prosecution? Michael Cohen was convicted of the same crime in 2018 when trump was president, not Biden. New York waited to investigate and possibly indict trump too but they held off because trump was a 'sitting president.' I say Biden has nothing to do with all of this. Think I'm wrong? Okay, convince me." But they won't try to convince me. The conversation is over.

Again, using Biden orchestrating the hush money charges and trial. Joe Tacopina just said it was ridiculous. You would expect some of trump defenders would react, explain -- in detail -- why it's NOT ridiculous. Only they won't react and they won't offer any rationale. Other than maybe to call Tacopina names.

It's bizarre. :boggled:
They are the same people who swear Jesus is just about to reappear and cut down unbelievers with a sword. Or some such. Totally convinced and build their lives around that belief. They seem to need something to give themselves a purpose and belonging. Aka mass hysteria; perpetually perfect marks for every con man like Trump.
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I think the logic of the Trumpers is this:

He got away with everything so far, that's his superpower.
So clearly there must have been shenanigans if he actually gets convicted - no honest Court withstand his savvy strategies.
Honest judges like Cannon or Alito or Thomas.
I understand the arrogance of an Elon Musk but how about all the other pro-trump/trump defenders who aren't billionaires and didn't grow up in South Africa? As example, most pro-trump/trump defenders write, say and post that Biden is behind the hush money prosecution despite most legal people saying it's almost certainly false. The people who insist it's false can cite chapter and verse why it is untrue.

But pro-trump/trump defenders just repeat it without ever being willing to discuss it. If you say to a magamutt, "Biden is behind the New York prosecution? Michael Cohen was convicted of the same crime in 2018 when trump was president, not Biden. New York waited to investigate and possibly indict trump too but they held off because trump was a 'sitting president.' I say Biden has nothing to do with all of this. Think I'm wrong? Okay, convince me." But they won't try to convince me. The conversation is over.

Again, using Biden orchestrating the hush money charges and trial. Joe Tacopina just said it was ridiculous. You would expect some of trump defenders would react, explain -- in detail -- why it's NOT ridiculous. Only they won't react and they won't offer any rationale. Other than maybe to call Tacopina names.

It's bizarre. :boggled:

I'm not equating other Trump defenders to Musk. Billionaires that support Trump have very different reasons than most of the rabble.
I understand the arrogance of an Elon Musk but how about all the other pro-trump/trump defenders who aren't billionaires and didn't grow up in South Africa? As example, most pro-trump/trump defenders write, say and post that Biden is behind the hush money prosecution despite most legal people saying it's almost certainly false. The people who insist it's false can cite chapter and verse why it is untrue.

But pro-trump/trump defenders just repeat it without ever being willing to discuss it. If you say to a magamutt, "Biden is behind the New York prosecution? Michael Cohen was convicted of the same crime in 2018 when trump was president, not Biden. New York waited to investigate and possibly indict trump too but they held off because trump was a 'sitting president.' I say Biden has nothing to do with all of this. Think I'm wrong? Okay, convince me." But they won't try to convince me. The conversation is over.

Again, using Biden orchestrating the hush money charges and trial. Joe Tacopina just said it was ridiculous. You would expect some of trump defenders would react, explain -- in detail -- why it's NOT ridiculous. Only they won't react and they won't offer any rationale. Other than maybe to call Tacopina names.

It's bizarre. :boggled:

They'll just say, "You're brainwashed! You've been brainwashed." Because that's the best answer their shiny, sparkling, clean and lemony fresh brain can come up with at that point. Trust me, I've heard it more than once.
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They are the same people who swear Jesus is just about to reappear and cut down unbelievers with a sword. Or some such. Totally convinced and build their lives around that belief. They seem to need something to give themselves a purpose and belonging. Aka mass hysteria; perpetually perfect marks for every con man like Trump.

I'm a big fan of the atheist YouTube call in shows like the Atheist Experience, The Line and others. I don't care how smart the person is that calls in defending their religion they end up sounding ridiculous, absurd and dishonest. They deny scientific facts like evolution and embrace the moronically stupid Bible stories like a 500 year old man building the biggest damn wooden boat ever in the middle of desert. Logic and rationality get thrown out the window.

The same thing happens with Trump. Facts, logic and even self interest gets tossed out the window. Trump is the most dishonest human being ever. And yet his supporters describe him as a straight shooter.
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I'm a big fan of the atheist YouTube call in shows like the Atheist Experience, The Line and others. I don't care how smart the person is that calls in defending their religion they end up sounding ridiculous, absurd and dishonest. They deny scientific facts like evolution and embrace the moronically stupid Bible stories like a 500 year old man built the biggest damn wooden boat ever in the middle of desert. Logic and rationality get thrown out the window.

The same thing happens with Trump. Facts, logic and even self interest gets tossed out the window. Trump is the most dishonest human being ever. And yet his supporters describe him as a straight shooter.


Here's the thing Stacy. Many of them aren't generally stupid. I mean some definitely are. But many aren't. I recommend reading Michael Shermer. He has written many interesting books about how we believe. Here's a list of a few of them. "Why People Believe Weird Things: Pseudoscience, Superstition, and Other Confusions of Our Time," How We Believe: The Search for God in an Age of Science, The believing brain*: from ghosts and gods to politics and conspiracies – how we construct beliefs and reinforce them as truths.

The point is pretty much everyone believes first and then look for reasons to reinforce and confirm what they believe. And we naturally tend to dismiss the reasons that don't confirm it. The trick in learning is having a sound epistemological process for questioning those ideas. But it's hard to admit we are wrong. Even if it is just to ourself.

I can point you to brilliant people throughout history that believed some pretty stupid stuff. And that includes Einstein, Darwin, Newton and Tesla.
Here's the thing Stacy. Many of them aren't generally stupid. I mean some definitely are. But many aren't. I recommend reading Michael Shermer. He has written many interesting books about how we believe. Here's a list of a few of them. "Why People Believe Weird Things: Pseudoscience, Superstition, and Other Confusions of Our Time," How We Believe: The Search for God in an Age of Science, The believing brain*: from ghosts and gods to politics and conspiracies – how we construct beliefs and reinforce them as truths.

The point is pretty much everyone believes first and then look for reasons to reinforce and confirm what they believe. And we naturally tend to dismiss the reasons that don't confirm it. The trick in learning is having a sound epistemological process for questioning those ideas. But it's hard to admit we are wrong. Even if it is just to ourself.

I can point you to brilliant people throughout history that believed some pretty stupid stuff. And that includes Einstein, Darwin, Newton and Tesla.

I understand all that. But when we ignore and dismiss clear evidence that our belief is not founded in fact or reason, that's not intelligent. As I've often said, even intelligent people can be stupid about certain things.
I understand all that. But when we ignore and dismiss clear evidence that our belief is not founded in fact or reason, that's not intelligent. As I've often said, even intelligent people can be stupid about certain things.

Exactly. :thumbsup:
I understand all that. But when we ignore and dismiss clear evidence that our belief is not founded in fact or reason, that's not intelligent. As I've often said, even intelligent people can be stupid about certain things.

There was an article in a somewhat recent issue of Skeptical Inquirer that said the first step in attempting to change someone's mind on a belief is to ask them what evidence, presented to them then and there, would make them change their mind. If they can't think of anything, or say that no evidence would change their mind, then you're dealing with the equivalent of religious dogma and trying to change their mind would be an ineffective waste of time.
RNC co-chair lara trump was asked yesterday morning, by CNN's State of the Union host Casie Hunt, if the Republican Party would continue to support former Maryland Governor Larry Hogan's run for the U.S. Senate. This was because of a post Hogan made on X before the Hush Money verdict was announced Thursday. lara trump called the post "ridiculous" and would not comment on whether the Republican Party would continue to support Hogan.


lara trump said:
He doesn't deserve the respect of anyone in the Republican Party at this point, and quite frankly, anybody in America. We, of course, we want to win as a party," Lara Trump said. "But that is a shame and I think he should have thought long and hard before he said that publicly." Newsweek news link

Hogan failed to toe the party line! :(
The USA doesn't have to worry about the intelligent folks who believe stupid things. Lara Trump is the perfect example why I am more reluctant than ever to revisit the USA.

If Trump becomes president, having such self-centred, stupid-arsed, pea-brained, fascist, racist people like her being put in charge of anything, public safety and the rule of law is going to be the first thing that will be lost. And it is shaping up to be almost as bad if he loses. Because there are enough guns already in the USA to have a decent sized war for years. And these people actually WANT that! They want complete mayhem and bloodshed, they've said that over and over, and Trump's controllers are sieg hieling them into it.
The USA doesn't have to worry about the intelligent folks who believe stupid things. Lara Trump is the perfect example why I am more reluctant than ever to revisit the USA.

If Trump becomes president, having such self-centred, stupid-arsed, pea-brained, fascist, racist people like her being put in charge of anything, public safety and the rule of law is going to be the first thing that will be lost. And it is shaping up to be almost as bad if he loses. Because there are enough guns already in the USA to have a decent sized war for years. And these people actually WANT that! They want complete mayhem and bloodshed, they've said that over and over, and Trump's controllers are sieg hieling them into it.

I'm sure they do, when they know it won't happen. Just like all suped up bullies the moment the shooting starts they'll **** their pants and cry. The military isn't going to turn on the POTUS and join the rebels. The moment it gets real you'll see these people dropping their weapons so quick.
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