I refer to smartcooky's post
0021 for the links to the alleged debunkings of my claim.
OK, so it seems you insist on making this go round and round in circles. I will do my best to stop it.
What I request:
1. Please don't post anything that says my claim has been refuted unless you give a link to refutation where counter-refutation has not been provided and is not the final word on the matter.
I recognise of course that refutations of my claim have been put forward. I think I've shown clearly that they have not been successful in refuting my claim. You need to follow the debunking trail to the end. Who has the last word? Obviously, you need to put your links to the last word on the subject.
2. My only claim in the first instance is that the grounds provided for suspicion of a "novel" virus are unscientific. I am not claiming anything more than that, OK? I want to do this in a step by step process so please do not refer to the millions who have died, etc. That is a strawman argument, I'm not claiming anything about the millions who have died at this stage.
This is all I'm saying:
The grounds provided for suspicion of a "novel" virus based on a "cluster" of 44 cases of pneumonia of "unknown origin" are unscientific.
Please limit the argument to whether or not the grounds provided for suspicion are scientific or not. Of course, I have argument for the rest of the narrative. I'm not going to argue just this point, of course, and make this point my argument - I've already put forward different arguments for different elements. Of course, I have a response to the rest of the narrative I just want to establish my argument point by point ... a seemingly impossible task.
Helpfully, smartcooky has provided the links to the refutations put forward
while carefully ignoring my later word on the matter in most cases. I respond to those refutations and unless you can put forward a debunking of that debunking you have no argument.
In summary, most of the links below refer to posts that are not related to the claim that the grounds provided for suspicion of a "novel" virus are unscientific. I will put my responses to the two links that refer to that argument at the top and my responses to the unrelated ones at the bottom.
This is link to a post by Planigale where he makes certain claims about tests showing anomalies seen in CT scans and hypoxaemia without breathlessness.
RESPONSE: I asked Planigale for evidence relating to the 44 patients of the above. None was forthcoming. Did you miss my post for that request of information, smartcooky? From now on I'll keep a log of all my refutations so I can find them easily.
RESPONSE: I responded that 'unknown “pneumonia-like symptoms,”' is gobbledygook. If you wish to say it isn't then please say what it means. What is being referred to exactly and if nothing specific is being referred to then how can we infer anything scientific from this statement?
Also, lack of clear consistency:
-- with what the WHO page says because there they refer to pneumonia cases while these words would suggest something other than pneumonia.
-- with the post by Planigale where he says hypoxaemia WITHOUT breathlessness was a feature whereas this article talks about "shortness of breath" - of course, those suffering shortness of breath may not have exhibited hypoxaemia, however, it's interesting that both conditions would feature - shortness of breath without hypoxaemia and hypoxaemia without shortness of breath or possibly we have both shortness of breath with and without hypoxaemia - yes, that is a possibility I suppose, but that is not said, of course. In the one case hypoxaemia without shortness of breath is referred to while in another simply shortness of breath is referred to. If both were a feature, we'd expect them to be mentioned together.
There is nothing particularly scientific in this post. It is just words without any particular evidence of anything.
RESPONSE: Blue Mountain does not argue about my claim, he addresses items later in the narrative. Strawman (not Blue Mountain's, smartcooky's in putting it forward against the "unscientific grounds" argument) - I'm ONLY arguing whether the grounds given for suspicion of a "novel" virus are unscientific or not.
RESPONSE: Strawman (smartcooky's not BM's) but also not the latest item in the argument - I responded: Nothing to do with grounds for suspicion of "novel" virus and the point is that the ABC article about the Australian nurse being overwhelmed in the UK of itself is not especially convincing. While the timing of the tiktok video means no obvious contradiction of the article there is also nothing convincing favouring nurses being "blindsided" either and I further posted a BBC video which clearly looks like a drill and which commenters on the article including the video state themselves. I can provide further evidence of unconvincing hospital footage but I don't want to go there at this stage. I'm simply trying to establish that the grounds given for suspicion of a "novel" virus are unscientific. My goodness, what a Herculean endeavour.
for all the the following links
RESPONSE: Strawman: nothing to do with grounds for suspicion for "novel" virus
I assert again that my claim has not been debunked. As I request, please ONLY refer to my claim, nothing beyond it and ensure that if you refer to debunking of my claim, it is the last word on the matter.