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College student suspended for calling blacks ugly....

I'm confused: what did he do wrong? Since when is stating an aesthetic preference grounds for discipline? I think all Jackson Pollack paintings are ugly. Would that get me suspended at a modern art college? I think skinny fashion models aren't "hot". Am I not allowed to say that?

He was in the wrong place wrong time. Its all about context.
The app isn't supposed to work in schools etc. They are deemed safe areas, or something, and the phone's GPS will recognise this fact based on a database of these safe zones.

Wrong, but right. By "schools" you have to clarify that it's blocked at middle schools and high schools,... by the provider. Evidently, they recognize that it can be used for bullying. Different articles claim different things. Some state that it's blocked at every H.S. and M.S. in the US, others name certain percentages.

A few colleges have banned it. But that's from the college side, not the provider.
I'm confused: what did he do wrong? Since when is stating an aesthetic preference grounds for discipline? I think all Jackson Pollack paintings are ugly. Would that get me suspended at a modern art college? I think skinny fashion models aren't "hot". Am I not allowed to say that?

There's a lot missing from the story and the cops (university admins) aren't talking.

> How did he get outed as the source. It's an anonymous app and Yik Yak has confirmed that they have not been contacted by the college. Someone dropped a dime on the kid.
> His denials of being the source of other, more blatantly racist posts have me tending to think he was accused (by someone) of those but only agrees on the "not hot" post.

Sounds like the admins are going with an "Al Capone Prosecution"... getting him on the minor rap and maximizing the sentence because they think he's a bad guy, but they don't have sufficient proof.
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