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Merged Cognitive Theory, ongoing progress


Master Poster
Jul 8, 2013
In the community thread no one seemed to be interested in discussion. So, I guess I'll just post the status. People also seemed very confused about what I was working on. So, maybe a little background.

Markram was involved with the Blue Brain Project back in 2005. He then gave a TED talk in 2009 where he described a large scale brain research project and stated that within 10 years, they could have a working brain simulation. Markram did generate interest and The Human Brain Project started in the EU in October 2013. One of the subprojects was:

  • SP3 Systems and Cognitive Neuroscience: Understanding how the brain performs its systems-level and cognitive functional activities

However, the governing committee voted to end work on SP3 in early 2014. This caused a revolt among hundreds of scientists who were involved. An open letter was submitted with signature between July and September 2014. The result was that the governing committee of three was disbanded in February 2015 and it was decided that the new committee of 22 would not contain any members who were in charge of projects within the HBP because of conflict of interest. The current HBP goals include:

  • Simulate the brain
  • Build multi-scale scaffold theory and models for the brain
  • Develop brain-inspired computing, data analytics and robotics
The HBP concept is based on the idea of somehow simulating the brain using neural networks. Then analyzing these neural networks to figure out what is happening and develop models or scaffolding. Then apply these models to computing.

My work started one month after the HBP in November 2013. I made a breakthrough in August 2015 and have made progress since then. My work involves analyzing behavior and cognitive ability in organisms and developing a model of evolutionary development based on knowledge theory. Recently, I was able to set a ceiling for the complexity of the remainder of the theory which involves consciousness. I know that what is left is no more than 20% of the total complexity.

It should be understood that the HBP method is bottom up. So, whatever progress is made is functional or operational. However, my method is top down so 80% complete is still non-functional. In other words, even though progress with HBP is at a snail's pace, it is verified since each piece is functional. My work can't be verified until the theory is complete since it isn't functional until it's complete. All I can say right now is that the theory is consistent with evidence. Consistent is not the same as confirmed.
When you say "evolutionary development" do you mean how a species changes over successive generations, or how a single organism changes over its lifetime?

Also, what is the "knowledge theory" you are applying in your work? Is it part your work, or an independent body of work that informs your efforts? If independent, can you provide some citations or references?
When you say "evolutionary development" do you mean how a species changes over successive generations
The evolutionary record runs from round worm to fish to amphibians to reptiles to mammal-like reptiles to mammals to primates to monkeys to apes to great apes to humans. Somewhere along that path we went from non-intelligent to generally intelligent. My research involves the evolutionary steps in brain, intelligence, and cognitive development to get from round worms to humans.

This is an addition to evolutionary theory but involving cognitive development. This hasn't been researched much because the fossil record doesn't show cognition, only brain size and shape. And, even recent advances in genetic evolutionary theory aren't understood well enough to detail cognitive development.

Also, what is the "knowledge theory" you are applying in your work? Is it part your work
When I made the first breakthrough over two years ago, it wasn't long before I realized that I had no foundational basis for the theory. You couldn't relate it to other theories or work out formal definitions or equations. So, I began looking in information & decision theory and philosophy. I realized that there was a big gap. I eventually developed knowledge theory.

With knowledge theory you can explain where abstractions come from and how they acquire value. You need it to explain things like the ability to understand. It's part of the basis for learning and overcoming the frame problem.
Are you talking about cites of the unpublished theory or cites of published research used to develop the theory?

Well, proof that what seems to be your own personal idea has any legitimacy.
Well, proof that what seems to be your own personal idea has any legitimacy.
I mentioned this in the very first post. I'm not quite sure how you managed to miss it.

barehl said:
All I can say right now is that the theory is consistent with evidence. Consistent is not the same as confirmed.

I assume that by legitimate you mean confirmed.
I mentioned this in the very first post. I'm not quite sure how you managed to miss it.
To be honest the first post kind of rambles a bit. The first half isn't even about your work.

I assume that by legitimate you mean confirmed.
I'd settle for "consistent with evidence". You would start by explaining your theory in enough detail to make predictions from it. And then point out which observed evidence is consistent with the predictions of your theory. Anyone can claim to have a new theory that matches observations and is 80% on its way to totality. If you don't show your work, what's the point?
The first half isn't even about your work.
Yes, that's probably why I said:
barehl said:
So, maybe a little background.
I guess you missed that too.

I'd settle for "consistent with evidence".
You mean you wouldn't settle for this. You'll now start explaining what you actually think you are somehow entitled to.

You would start by explaining your theory in enough detail to make predictions from it.
Yes, I will when it is published. It won't be published until it is finished and there is a suitable environment. This would be 2021 at the earliest.

And then point out which observed evidence is consistent with the predictions of your theory.
This doesn't make any sense. I can't very well point out what experimental evidence might be consistent before those experiments are performed.

Anyone can claim to have a new theory that matches observations and is 80% on its way to totality.
Yes, I suppose that's true. If you believe that I just made up a claim then why did you start posting in this thread? And why don't you stop? Let me be more clear. I'm not going to play games with you. I got enough of that in the community thread.
When I made the first breakthrough over two years ago, it wasn't long before I realized that I had no foundational basis for the theory. You couldn't relate it to other theories or work out formal definitions or equations. So, I began looking in information & decision theory and philosophy. I realized that there was a big gap. I eventually developed knowledge theory.

With knowledge theory you can explain where abstractions come from and how they acquire value. You need it to explain things like the ability to understand. It's part of the basis for learning and overcoming the frame problem.

Can you explain this knowledge theory, and how it enables you to do this?
"I have an idea."
"What is your idea?"
"Fie on you, sir! I'll not play these games!"
Would simulating the human brain in order to perform experiments on it be ethical? I'm not sure I see the distinction between that and performing experiments on a non-simulated human brain.
Yes, I will when it is published. It won't be published until it is finished and there is a suitable environment. This would be 2021 at the earliest.

All you are doing is attacking anyone who responds. If you won't discuss your theory then why start a thread about it now instead of waiting until it is ready in 2021?
All you are doing is attacking anyone who responds. If you won't discuss your theory then why start a thread about it now instead of waiting until it is ready in 2021?

I'll be really disappointed if I wait four years only to be told that it is "consciousness is thin at one end, much, much thicker in the middle, and then thin again at the other end."
All you are doing is attacking anyone who responds. If you won't discuss your theory then why start a thread about it now instead of waiting until it is ready in 2021?
Because he's already started describing himself as an unappreciated genius for it. Specifically, comparing himself favorably to Elon Musk in the latest Mars thread. But you can't be a martyr until you get martyred, so this is his three days in the underworld.

Would simulating the human brain in order to perform experiments on it be ethical? I'm not sure I see the distinction between that and performing experiments on a non-simulated human brain.
I think performing those experiments will be required to determine their ethicality. Otherwise how could you argue that the brain you've simulated is accurate enough to deserve an ethical standing?
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So you created a thread in the community subforum complaining that everyone's overlooking how groundbreaking your new theory is going to be. When asked what your theory entails, you said you couldn't give any details until you had published it.

You abandoned that thread and started this one, where you announce that you are doing groundbreaking work that will revolutionize science.

And again, when people ask you to say something about your work, you not only decline, but you get salty.

Now, I'm no world class developer of my own knowledge theory and revolutionary model of consciousness, but if you don't really want to talk about your theory, then why start these threads? Attention? Looking for some persecution so you get to play Galileo? Attention?

Wish I knew.
Yes, that's probably why I said:

I guess you missed that too.
Not at all. The "background" you gave was for some other work, being done by other people, attacking the problem from a different direction. It doesn't appear to have any connection to your work.

You mean you wouldn't settle for this. You'll now start explaining what you actually think you are somehow entitled to.
You said, "All I can say right now is that the theory is consistent with evidence." I mean I will settle for exactly that: An explanation of how the theory is consistent with the evidence.

Yes, I will when it is published. It won't be published until it is finished and there is a suitable environment. This would be 2021 at the earliest.
Then why bring it up now? Without the theory, and without the evidence, what do you imagine can be discussed here?

This doesn't make any sense. I can't very well point out what experimental evidence might be consistent before those experiments are performed.
When you said that the theory is consistent with the evidene, I took this to mean there is already existing evidence to discuss--experiments or observations that have already taken place. Is that not true?

Yes, I suppose that's true. If you believe that I just made up a claim then why did you start posting in this thread? And why don't you stop? Let me be more clear. I'm not going to play games with you. I got enough of that in the community thread.
I started posting in this thread to better understand your idea. Your style of presentation is problematic, but I think the problems can be easily resolved.
All you are doing is attacking anyone who responds.
That isn't the case and you know it, or at least you should know it. If you were genuine in your response you could have asked me if the theory had any predictions where experiments have already been done.

If you won't discuss your theory then why start a thread about it now instead of waiting until it is ready in 2021?
Okay, we're back to that again; it's a waste of time. Once the theory is published there won't be any discussion here. So, by saying that you want to wait until it is published you are actually saying that you don't want to ever discuss it. Why not be honest and just say that instead?
I'll be really disappointed if I wait four years only to be told that it is "consciousness is thin at one end, much, much thicker in the middle, and then thin again at the other end."

If had spent four years working on a theory like that I would be much more disappointed than you. In fact, I don't see how I could do that unless I was mentally unbalanced.
I've got a cognitive theory of my own. It's that there is a simulation that posts on the net. Said sim is only about 80%, the lacking 20% gives it Asperger's. At 40% it had Autism.

There is a competition going on. Last Sim went by the name Prof. Sukor Lugar or some such. One made up name is as good as another to an Aspy.

I'm going to publish my theory some day. Maybe after I have brain surgery. Or minimum, shock treatments.

But I've said enough, you can go look up my theory on the net.
Because he's already started describing himself as an unappreciated genius for it.
I've been treated differently since I was six years old. I was treated differently all through grade school, high school, and even in college. I've gotten this from family, friends, co-workers, employers, acquaintances, and mental health professionals. This has gone on for a number of decades. So, how many possibilities are there?

1.) We have a case of mass delusion where people who come into contact with me mistakenly think I'm smart when I'm actually not. Since this involves people who have never met it would have to include some kind of telepathy.
2.) At the age of six I learned to fool people into thinking I was smart. And apparently got good enough at it to fool people who actually were smart and knowledgeable.
3.) The conclusions by others about me have been consistent because they were based on observations.

I'm not sure what you meant about appreciation. As far as I'm aware I haven't done anything to be appreciated for.

Specifically, comparing himself favorably to Elon Musk in the latest Mars thread.
Okay, this claim made me laugh. Musk is an entrepreneur who has made millions. I'm not a millionaire nor even a businessman. I can assure you that I've never started an online business or started an electric car company or started a rocket company. The only real overlap I have with Musk is in disagreeing with his ideas about self-driving cars and his somewhat outlandish ideas about general machine intelligence. To put this simply, Musk doesn't know what he's talking about on these topics.

But you can't be a martyr until you get martyred, so this is his three days in the underworld.
I seek to be a martyr? In what way? Also, wouldn't being a martyr be a lot easier than spending years doing research?

I think performing those experiments will be required to determine their ethicality. Otherwise how could you argue that the brain you've simulated is accurate enough to deserve an ethical standing?
If someone manages to accurately simulate a brain then that would completely refute my theory. Cross your fingers.
Okay, we're back to that again; it's a waste of time. Once the theory is published there won't be any discussion here. So, by saying that you want to wait until it is published you are actually saying that you don't want to ever discuss it. Why not be honest and just say that instead?

Why the hell not? Are you saying that once it is published, it'll become undisputed scientific consensus so quickly that it won't even be discussed on an internet forum like this one, where even the theories of evolution and of gravity are frequently called into question?

You won't tell us about your theory, you won't tell us about your evidence, you won't talk about your method...
What exactly are you expecting us to discuss?
When asked what your theory entails, you said you couldn't give any details the large volume of information needed to describe the theory in detail until you had published it.
Now it's correct.

but if you don't really want to talk about your theory, then why start these threads? Attention? Looking for some persecution so you get to play Galileo? Attention?
I already explained that.

Let's get something straight. I don't appreciate the bait and switch terminology. You and others imply one thing which might be quite reasonable and then change the definition to something that isn't.

If you honestly think I'm being salty then give some straight answers to these questions:

1. Why would I post details of an unfinished theory on an open forum? No one here has been able to explain why this would be reasonable.

2. Even if I had the theory completed and was willing to type, say, 500 pages of text into the this forum what proof would there be that it was correct? So, based on rationalizations people here have given it still wouldn't be discussed even if the volume wasn't prohibitive.

3. To get past the volume issue it would need to be published and publicly available. At that point it either be proved or disproved by experiments. So, I wouldn't be discussing it here.

I guess the thing I really can't get through my head though is why someone openly insults me without even trying to be subtle and then accuses me of being insulting. If you just feel like insulting me for whatever reason you've come up with then just be honest about it.
Okay, we're back to that again; it's a waste of time. Once the theory is published there won't be any discussion here. So, by saying that you want to wait until it is published you are actually saying that you don't want to ever discuss it. Why not be honest and just say that instead?

How do you expect anyone to discuss your theory while you refuse to tell them what it is? As long as you refuse to provide information about your theory, you are preventing any discussion of it. Why not be honest and just say that you don't want to discuss it?
It does seem odd to post a thread just to tell people that you're not going to discuss the subject of the thread.
1. Why would I post details of an unfinished theory on an open forum? No one here has been able to explain why this would be reasonable.

You started this thread to discuss your theory! If you don't want to provide details how about an overview?

Are you willing to post anything about it at all?

2. Even if I had the theory completed and was willing to type, say, 500 pages of text into the this forum what proof would there be that it was correct? So, based on rationalizations people here have given it still wouldn't be discussed even if the volume wasn't prohibitive.

So it will take hundreds of pages to explain your theory. Do you plan on publishing a book?

Posting it to a website?

Having it published in a prestigious journal?

3. To get past the volume issue it would need to be published and publicly available. At that point it either be proved or disproved by experiments. So, I wouldn't be discussing it here.

How do you see experimental confirmation coming about?

Do you plan to do your own research or to fund research being done by others?

Do you expect others to be so taken by your theory that they take it upon themselves to perform these experiments?

(So far I see no reason for this thread to be in Science, Mathematics, Medicine, and Technology. The only mention of science so far was in the first post where it was called out as being different from the undisclosed theory that is the topic of this thread.)
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Let's get something straight. I don't appreciate the bait and switch terminology. You and others imply one thing which might be quite reasonable and then change the definition to something that isn't.

If you honestly think I'm being salty then give some straight answers to these questions:

1. Why would I post details of an unfinished theory on an open forum? No one here has been able to explain why this would be reasonable.

2. Even if I had the theory completed and was willing to type, say, 500 pages of text into the this forum what proof would there be that it was correct? So, based on rationalizations people here have given it still wouldn't be discussed even if the volume wasn't prohibitive.

3. To get past the volume issue it would need to be published and publicly available. At that point it either be proved or disproved by experiments. So, I wouldn't be discussing it here.

I guess the thing I really can't get through my head though is why someone openly insults me without even trying to be subtle and then accuses me of being insulting. If you just feel like insulting me for whatever reason you've come up with then just be honest about it.

No, because you haven't answered mine.
What do you want to discuss in this thread, if not your theory?
I'm totally scoobied as to what barehl wants to actually discuss in this thread.
It's very strange. He seems to be complaining that we're not discussing his theory, whilst refusing to tell us anything about it to discuss. The insistence that once it's published there will be nothing to discuss is even stranger. If it's borne out by experiment there will almost certainly be lots of implications to discuss, and even if it's disproved it might well provide insights and new possibilities to explore.

It's all very odd.
It's very strange. He seems to be complaining that we're not discussing his theory, whilst refusing to tell us anything about it to discuss. The insistence that once it's published there will be nothing to discuss is even stranger. If it's borne out by experiment there will almost certainly be lots of implications to discuss, and even if it's disproved it might well provide insights and new possibilities to explore.

It's all very odd.

It's not just that: he also claims to have developed "knowledge theory", and used it to develop his other theory. So that's two theories, one of which is complete enough for him to use to develop the other.
Once the theory is published there won't be any discussion here.
This is the Science, Mathematics, Medicine, and Technology section of the forum. If you publish any science, mathematics, medicine or technology then we will be willing to discuss it here.

The issue is that you cannot or will not give any actual progress report on your theory. That would start with an understandable description of the theory. So far all we have is a vague "something to do with evolution" and off-topic posts.

How about a link to where "People also seemed very confused about what I was working on" that should have contained an understandable description that people got confused about?
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If had spent four years working on a theory like that I would be much more disappointed than you. In fact, I don't see how I could do that unless I was mentally unbalanced.

It sounds like you're working on something cool, but honestly, even if you wanted to give most of the details, I bet most of us here would not understand it.
It sounds like you're working on something cool, but honestly, even if you wanted to give most of the details, I bet most of us here would not understand it.
This isn't a Youtube comments section. There are mathematicians and neurobiologists here. I'm confident we'll be able to collectively grok whatever barehl presents. Which may explain his reluctance.
How about throwing us some small titbits?
As an example, relativity can be discussed, starting off from the simple premise that the speed of light is constant for all observers. Lots of concepts and implications relating to time, space, length etc. can be discussed starting off with just that. No need to get into any maths or the stuff Einstein actually published.
Don't you have concepts/conclusions that can be discussed without getting into all the nitty gritty difficult details that take years to prove and sort out?
What you have posted so far seems very interesting and you seem very sure about some things that don't necessarily seem so clear cut to me. I would like to know more.
How do you expect anyone to discuss your theory while you refuse to tell them what it is?
Please stop shifting the definitions. Do you actually believe that I expect someone here to discuss minute details about a topic when those minute details are not available? That isn't a rational suggestion and it doesn't relate to anything I've posted on this forum. Are you familiar with the logical fallacy of argumentum absurdum?

As long as you refuse to provide information about your theory, you are preventing any discussion of it.
Again, that sliding definition. Please stop pretending that any mention of ideas is the same as providing detailed arguments and evidence.

I know that there is a bridge in San Francisco called The Golden Gate Bridge. I know that it has been there for many decades. I don't know who designed it or how many workers it took to build or how long it took to build. I don't know how many tons of steel it used or how many miles of cable. I don't know its exact length, height, width or cost. But, according to you I can't say anything about that bridge unless I include all of the engineering, social, political, and economic information in fine detail. That isn't how people talk and you (and others here) know it. Why are you so dishonest when it comes to me?

Why not be honest and just say that you don't want to discuss it?
I will not discuss important details of my theory until it is completed and set for publication which is the same standard that every practicing scientist in the country uses today. You already know this.
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