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Clothes for beautiful people only


Skeptical Carioca
Aug 5, 2001
Rio de Janeiro - RJ
I've just arrived from lunch and I'm still incensed with what has just happened.

Somebody (ok, a woman) told me there was many good sales in a nearby shopping mall, located in the first floors of a business building. Being somewhat stressed out, I decided to take a stroll there after having lunch, if only to cool off a bit.

I saw a shop that looked expensive and trendy, the kind that has overtly gay people as attendants. So I entered, only because there was a skirt that seemed beautiful and with the right price.

Then I noticed that the shop was divided in two sessions: size 36 and size 38. I don't know about those international conversions, so to make it easy, let's say that 36 is the minimum size for adult women, and 38 is the next in line. I wear 38 but I prefer 40 most of the time, because I don't like clothes too tight around the hips.

Now I was stumped. I asked for help and the gay guy with 1,000 piercings came, and he was thrilled to see I was holding that skirt because it's oooh so elegant! I thought I was missing something, maybe there was another section I couldn't see, so I asked: 36 and 38, only? And he answered:

"oh yeah, our clothes are only for veeery beautiful people, honey! And that skirt is going to look awesome on you! Now let me show you the perfect shirt to go..."

While he rumaged throught the stands, I stood in the middle of the shop, flabbergasted. WHAT? What did he say? I think that the whole stress of the poured forth when he offered me a shirt and I calmly said, not censoring my words.

"this shirt is horrible, I wouldn't want that for free".

I raised my eyes to look at his, and I thought that he was expecting the end of the joke. What a moron. Now I was angry:

"and you know what? You are very ugly. That girl back there is... horrid! What a freak show this shop is! I'd be able to pay so as not to have to wear anything from here!"

Now that I read it, it sounds incredily funny. :) Maybe it was. But I was serious. It's their right to sell any sized they want, it's also my right to disdain them for that. What next, should I feel honored to be considered fit for being their client? :rolleyes: Not to mention that up to size 38 is totally ridiculous, you can actually wear 40 and still be thin. But even if you're not 40... :mad: Guess I'm getting mad again.

Sorry for the rant!
Yeah, I would find that very offensive.

Try being 6'5 1/2" and 220 pounds and finding clothes anywhere.

I live in a city that is 75% Hispanic. Naturally the stores cater to the population. The result is that if you are of even moderate height you won't find anything to fit you. Plus, they seem to assume that if you're tall, you're fat.
(eyes Luciana carefully, from a safe distance....:eek: )

It's OK....calm down....:rub:
Sundog said:
Try being 6'5 1/2" and 220 pounds and finding clothes anywhere.

I live in a city that is 75% Hispanic. Naturally the stores cater to the population. The result is that if you are of even moderate height you won't find anything to fit you. Plus, they seem to assume that if you're tall, you're fat.
Amen, brother.

I'm a big guy (6'3" or 190 cm), and I have always had trouble finding clothes that fit well. Men's shirts are especially difficult, because a shirt needs to fit in three places: (1) it has to fit well around the neck; (2) it has to fit well around the middle; (3) it has to be long enough in the arms. In the last ten years, I have been unable to find shirts that consistently satisfy all three criteria. The shirt makers all think that if you're tall, you must be rail-thin, and if you're big, your neck must be huge while your arms (and the rest of your body) must be short.

Add to that the fact that traditional stores often don't carry your size, that selection in the large size stores is terrible, and that large size clothes tend to be priced significantly higher.
What a bunch of creeps.

I'll bet it is a very effective marketing tool, however. People love to feel that they are part of a select group.

As if you can't be thin and still be uglier than Uncle Pete's dog.

That store needs to be picketed by homely people.

My friends and I are available for a small fee.
Thanks, Claus. :)

Sundog: here it's quite the contrary. Imported clothes are too big, the legs too long and, in the women clothes' section, there is a kind of "big boob storage" that comes from the back (!) and that's very weird-looking. Brazilian women don't need that.

Btw, exactly how many people have "standard" bodies? Mine, apparently, is not. If it fits on the hips, it's too wide on the waist. If it fits on the waist, it's too wide on the hips. :rolleyes: I remember how a top model, not rail thin, but the voluptuous kind, was complaining about clothes being too inadequate for her. And her body is nothing short of perfect.

Not department stores, but most clothes' shop adapt the items to your body for no fee. Basically, if a shop doesn't offer this service, I don't even bother trying on clothes. It's very, very rare for me to try on something and buy it as is. Consequently, I never carry home the clothes I just bought, I have to pick them up later. At least it makes me think twice about buying them in the first place. :)

I'm thinking of writing a letter of complaint for the newspapers.
Excuse me, Luciana....but did you say you lived in Brazil?

What's wrong with Brazilian women? They look just great to me. :)

Those women are ugly too! :p

Really, that photo gallery is just about scary. But you see, they want friends, pen pals, husbands. Most likely they're poor women living the dream of being rescued by a rich foreigner. Perhaps only very few are prostitutes.

(and enough hijacking! :) )
Luciana Nery said:
Those women are ugly too! :p

Yes, compared to you, dummy. Don't state the bleedin' obvious! ;)

Luciana Nery said:
Really, that photo gallery is just about scary. But you see, they want friends, pen pals, husbands. Most likely they're poor women living the dream of being rescued by a rich foreigner. Perhaps only very few are prostitutes.

So? They look nice to me.

Luciana Nery said:
(and enough hijacking! :) )

OK, enough hijacking. Let's get back to you throwing a tantrum... :D

Snob appeal's an effective marketing technique with a lot of things, isn't it?

Your post makes me curious about the sizes in Brazil. You've been here, so maybe you know how funny the idea of a "small" size 36, 38, and 40's would sound to an American.

Here, let's say, for comparison, that an adult woman who could wear a size 3 or a 5 might also be able to wear clothes in the adolescent section. (I think Nancy Reagan is a size 3, so its a perfectly normal size for an adult woman, just very petite).

I'm tall, so I may have a bit of this wrong, but I'd say adult sizes might start at size 6 and go 8...10. with 12 formerly not being "heavy" (Lucy in "I Love Lucy" wore a 12), but now really is considered the upper range.

Above 12 I think would generally be considered a pretty "large size". I think even for quite large women, though, the sizing pretty much stops somewhere in the 20's.

So you can see what "38" would sound like here (kind of not in the spirit of the store you're talking about, :) ).

I'm just curious...do know if a Brazilian "38" might be like, maybe, our equivalent of a "6" or an "8"?
Clancie said:
I'm just curious...do know if a Brazilian "38" might be like, maybe, our equivalent of a "6" or an "8"?

I've just checked the conversion tables for women clothing.

USA - Brazil

2 - 36
4 - 38
6 - 40
8 - 42
10 - 44
12 - 46

Always remembering that in Brazil people are shorter and thinner, in general. So, in the US, it would mean that they only carry sizes 2 and 4, which even considering our heights, it's entirely ridiculous. Sometimes I wear 6 and I don't think I'm fat! But I probably am, by their standards.
In the US, it would mean that they only carry sizes 2 and 4, which even considering our heights, it's entirely ridiculous.

So 36 and 38 is really a shop for size 2's and 4's and everything else is "too big"? lol. This is so silly, that it's funny.

Many times sizing is about proportions, not weight, anyway. My friend who wears a "2" sometimes buys clothes in the children's department. She's very attractive, but anyone whose definition of "beauty" can be summed up as "someone who wears a size 2 or 4" is just laughable!

And what about the parts of the world where most women routinely wear those sizes? I guess, young or old, they're all gorgeous! Wish they knew! lol :rolleyes:
No one knows how pathetic I feel now. I'm too cheap to go to one of those fancy places. I am a Walmart Shopper (unless I shop with my wife and inlaws). My clothes get no more fancy than a custom tailored suit at a Men's Warehouse.

Only 2 sizes in a store. [sarcasm]Because everyone knows that beautiful people only wear clothes in a size 36 or 38.[/sarcasm] Its good to know that you very sarcastic and cynical (I prefer the term "honest") to the people in that store. SUPER COOL! :D
Luciana Nery said:

"oh yeah, our clothes are only for veeery beautiful people, honey! And that skirt is going to look awesome on you! Now let me show you the perfect shirt to go..."

While he rumaged throught the stands, I stood in the middle of the shop, flabbergasted. WHAT? What did he say? I think that the whole stress of the poured forth when he offered me a shirt and I calmly said, not censoring my words.

"this shirt is horrible, I wouldn't want that for free".

I raised my eyes to look at his, and I thought that he was expecting the end of the joke. What a moron. Now I was angry:

"and you know what? You are very ugly. That girl back there is... horrid! What a freak show this shop is! I'd be able to pay so as not to have to wear anything from here!"

Whoo!! You go girl! :clap: :clap: :clap: :D :D
Yep, Luciana, you were right to just tell him what he can wipe with his shirt.

Off you go to the shops that have the clothes YOU like in the sizes that fit YOU! And sod the rest of them! Brasil makes lots more beautiful clothes than these guys will ever see.

As for how "beautiful" a woman is, that's an eternal question that will never be solved - all I know is that every woman will be beautiful to SOMEONE, somewhere, some day.

I met two girls the other day. An old friend drove through town and looked us up for a surprise visit. He brought his wife and her best friend. They were gorgeous! Perfect bodies, well porportioned.

Both girls were 6'1 and weighed 175 pounds.

Darn it. I missed my 1000th post 10 posts ago!

I bet I catch the 1111th post!

Good for you! I am really suprised that no one has yet to complain to the newspaper or boycott the store. I do hope you follow through and write a letter.

I wear a size 2 to 4, and I hardly think of it as a "beautiful people" size. Just on the small side. Actually I am often stuck in the adolescent department with juvenile styles. With the exception of stores like the one you described, it sounds as if I may like clothes shopping in Brazil!
Julia said:

Good for you! I am really suprised that no one has yet to complain to the newspaper or boycott the store. I do hope you follow through and write a letter.
What, it's the free market! Every one who is not a size 36 or 38 already boycotts the store.
Thanks, folks. :D I really don't know what happens to me in moments like that.

And to be very sincere, when I said that they were all very ugly... I was being entirely honest. :) Because they had brought beauty to the conversation and set that as a standard, I felt 100% entitled to give my opinion. They were affected, shallow and, really, physically ugly, sizes 2 or 4 aside. So it was actually very easy to say it out loud. I was angry, otherwise I'd have stayed to see the expression on their faces, but unfortunately I left the shop in a hurry.
At my best I wore a size 9 at 5'6" and 134lbs, because I'm out of proportion. What really bothers me, is with jeans/pants that as your waist size goes up, the legs get shorter. This means I'm wearing pants that are somewhere above my ankle and they aren't capris. Needless to say, for slacks, I buy mens where I can get a 35" inseam. I can't buy a fitted shirt because I'm a bit to busty for them, the buttons like to strain.

And at my current size, the fashion industry in the States expects that I like to wear polyester, elastic waist bands, cutesy embroidered flowers on my shirts, and generally disgusting baggy clothing.
Sounds like a store based only on vanity.

There is no point in having a store for good looking people. Good looking people in warm climates don’t need clothes. Average looking or worse need the clothes. The more the better.

I would have taken an arm full of merchandise into the dressing room and forced myself into it until I split the seams.
Luciana Nery said:
USA - Brazil

2 - 36
4 - 38
6 - 40
8 - 42
10 - 44
12 - 46

This got me thinking:
I believe an old girlfriend of mine used to wear a size 0, but my memory is hazy. Does that size exist? Maybe it was 1, but I think it was 0 (yes, she was small and thin, but not ridiculously so...).
Luciana Nery said:

Because they had brought beauty to the conversation and set that as a standard, I felt 100% entitled to give my opinion.

There are few things that annoy me more than the notion that a woman has to be thin to be beautiful. I have a couple of female friends who have truly marvelous bodies but who are constantly on a diet trying to remove a kg or few and having a stress about it. I've actually said to them that their bodies are very beautiful as they are, but they don't believe me.

Also. a woman may be too thin. Many of the models in advertisements are, to use an old Finnish expression, "food for tuberculosis". A woman's body should have curves in right places.
Luciana, I saw you at TAM and you are so thin and pretty.

Also, natural looking! You aren't pretty because of make up and a boob job.

Me, hey, I'm a big girl and seriously I pop out two kids and where did these breasts come from (I'm obviously peasant stock somewhere)...

I was wearing very loose clothing and trying to hide everything. Then I started lifting a few weights to tone up and said forget waiting for a size 8 to happen. I started to wear what I like, and I've been very happy (so is Pool Boy).

There is a hair salon in NY City that won't cut the hair of anyone over 40. The owner doesn't want his creations on "older ugly " women. Well, they showed his signature cut, it's super short and spikey and so UGLY!!! No one would want his haircut!
kittynh said:
Luciana, I saw you at TAM and you are so thin and pretty.

Also, natural looking! You aren't pretty because of make up and a boob job.

Thank you for saying this, Kitty. I have defended plastic surgery so much in the past, that I'm sure some people think I'm totally artificial myself. :) Or that I defend the existance of cyborgwomen. I don't even dye my hair! But I do think that plastic surgery can enhance the quality of someone's life. I see no contradiction here. :)
aerosolben said:

This got me thinking:
I believe an old girlfriend of mine used to wear a size 0, but my memory is hazy. Does that size exist? Maybe it was 1, but I think it was 0 (yes, she was small and thin, but not ridiculously so...).
Yes, a size 0 exists. My question is, does it get any smaller than that...
Yahweh said:

Yes, a size 0 exists. My question is, does it get any smaller than that...

Thank you. I wonder as well...perhaps they have to wear children's clothes?
UnrepentantSinner said:
If you look sloppy in skin tight Capris and a tank top.. don't wear them...
The way you say that makes me believe you have personal experience with that issue...
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